  • 期刊


Legal Risk Management in Nursing Practice: The Importance of Duty of Care




The steady and continued rise in medical-related disputes and lawsuits is one indicator of the myriad risks and challenges faced in today's nursing practice. When nurses become defendants, the lengthy litigation process and pressures that ensue greatly impact their professional and personal lives. Nursing practice dispute categories marked by particularly high severity and frequency over the past ten years include: (1) Failure to operate according to standard procedures, (2) Insufficient nursing sensitivity and negligent care, (3) Failure to communicate and deal with issues promptly and appropriately, (4) Beyond the scope of nursing practice, and (5) Falsification or alteration of nursing records. In this paper, the important duties of care in four major nursing practices are first summarized based on the relevant legal risks. Next, based on this, risk management procedures are prioritized, evidence-oriented nursing routine standards are set, and systematic analysis and management are conducted. In addition, to strengthen the legal awareness of nurses, nursing staffs, supervisors, and institutions must all understand clearly the three types of civil and criminal legal liabilities and their respective administrative responsibilities. Nurses should proactively work to handle the related legal risks and avoid the unpleasant consequences of civil liability in the realms of compensation, criminal punishment for negligent injury and homicide, and administrative disciplinary action.


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