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Additional file 6: of The initiation of puberty in Atlantic salmon brings about large changes in testicular gene expression that are modulated by the energy status

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posted on 2019-06-11, 05:00 authored by Diego Crespo, Jan Bogerd, Elisabeth Sambroni, Florence LeGac, Eva Andersson, Rolf Edvardsen, Elisabeth Bergman, Björn Björnsson, Geir Taranger, Rüdiger Schulz
Figure S2. KEGG pathways identified in the maturing salmon testis in response to the food ration. (A) Specific KEGG pathways found exclusively in maturing males exposed to the normal ration. (B) Common KEGG pathways observed in all maturing salmon independently of the feed ration. (C) Specific KEGG pathways identified exclusively in maturing males exposed to the restricted ration. Each pathway shown is represented by at least 5 DEGs (P < 0.01 at the α level of 0.05, FDR < 0.05) and has a ratio of regulated genes (up−/down-, or vice versa) higher than 5. DEGs are highlighted with red (up-) or green (down-regulated) background. (D) Complete list of pathway IDs retrieved from the 23 interacting proteins identified in Fig. 4 (P < 1.0E-16 at the α level of 0.05, FDR < 0.05). (TIF 17596 kb)


Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs
