Springer Nature
12863_2019_745_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx (36.68 kB)

Additional file 3: of The influence of vgll3 genotypes on sea age at maturity is altered in farmed mowi strain Atlantic salmon

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posted on 2019-05-06, 05:00 authored by Fernando Ayllon, Monica Solberg, Kevin Glover, Faezeh Mohammadi, Erik KjĂŚrner-Semb, Per Fjelldal, Eva Andersson, Tom Hansen, Rolf Edvardsen, Anna Wargelius
A table describing the individual fish number (Pit tag), smolt weight, smolt length, family, sex, sea age at maturity and vgll3 genotype. (XLSX 36 kb)


Norges ForskningsrĂĽd
