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Emanating confluence: The symbiotic relationship between artificial intelligence and data

journal contribution
posted on 2021-10-27, 07:53 authored by Ted GrossTed Gross

The paper seeks to explain significant constructs within artificial intelligence (AI), including but not limited to the impact of ‘information theory;’ entropy, especially in terms of ‘information entropy;’ and language theory (linguistics), dealing with all communication methods and the ‘meaning’ in that communication along with the challenging problems of ‘bias.’ The paper discusses the progression from ‘chaos theory’ to ‘complexity theory’ to ‘emergence’ and finally, the ‘technological singularity.’ It examines such questions: How do chaos and complexity lead to emergent systems that inevitably lead to a technological singularity? How does the endless loop of AI progress as it emanates outward, comes to confluence, and emanates yet again? What does each phase entail? How does our advance towards exponential growth in data affect the progression of AI? What are the dangers of ‘bias’? What are the risks as we move towards emergence? Finally, why must we exercise extreme caution as we come closer to ‘technological singularity’?
