Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of A real-world study on characteristics, treatments and outcomes in US patients with advanced stage ovarian cancer

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posted on 2020-09-01, 04:01 authored by Daniel C. Beachler, Francois-Xavier Lamy, Leo Russo, Devon H. Taylor, Jade Dinh, Ruihua Yin, Aziza Jamal-Allial, Samuel Dychter, Stephan Lanes, Patrice Verpillat
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Example of a hypothetical patient “A” progressing from early to advanced stage ovarian cancer and definition of index date. Most patients (96.7%) in our cohort were classed as advanced stage at diagnosis. This hypothetical example would have been classified in those who “progressed from early to advanced stage ovarian cancer”, which represented 3.3% of patients in the cohort.


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