Online ISSN : 1884-7110
Print ISSN : 0021-5287
高井 修道児玉 直彦森田 茂豊島村 昭吾疋田 政博
ジャーナル フリー

1965 年 56 巻 2 号 p. 216-222


Observations on clinical statistics, diagnosis, screening tests and speciflcities of therapeutics of urogenital malformation in children were made with the following results;
1. Urogenital malformation in children, occupying 40-50 per cent of all cases, is the most important disease in pediatric urological diseases.
2. In 66 per cent of all malformations, the diagnosis was made easily by simple inspection and/orpalpation. However, in cases of questionable external genitalia in newborn infants, the determination palpation. However, in cases of questionable external genitalia in newborn infants, the detremination of sex should be done with extreme care.
3. Only 11 cases of ureterocele in infants and children have been reported in Japan. This is because the rate of frequency of endoscopic examination in children is very low. We ae the opinion that endoscopic examination should be more frequently conducted in children in order to determine the presence or absence of urogenital malformation. Intravenous pyelography in children with pyuria is imperative, because of the high incidence of malformation in the urinary tract. In addition, vaginography in ectopic ending ureter of female children and excretory cystourethrography in children with pyuria are also important.
4. Inspection and/or palpation of 50 newborn infants, urological examination of 56 children with non-urological malformation such as cleft lip and congenital heart failure, urographic examination of 124 children with pyuria and sex chromatin examination of 373 children with mental deflciency were conducted and 19 children with urogenital malformation were found.
5. Out of 83 children with urogenital malformation, non-surgical treatment and/or periodic checkups were madein 17 cases, while palstic and reconstructive operations were conducted in 53 cases and 18 extirpation operations were made. In 11 out of the 18 extirpation operation cases, plastic ooeration or conservative operation could be done, if early diagnosis was made.
From the results above mentioned it is emphasized that screening tests and early diagnosis are extremely important in urogenital malformation of children.

© 社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
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