ISBN: 978-80-244-6228-8 | ISBN online: 978-80-244-6229-5 | DOI: 10.5507/ff.22.24462288

Fenomenologie v psychologii a psychopatologii

Eva Jendrulková, Panajotis Cakirpaloglu

The monograph provides a comprehensive overview of selected topics in psychology and psychopathology in relation to phenomenology. The content of the book, interdisciplinary in nature, is differentiated by the authors into two basic parts, the first of which deals with the phenomenological method in philosophy and psychology, and the second part of the monograph deals with phenomenology in psychopathology with a focus on schizophrenia. The major contribution of this monograph is the compilation of a coherent comprehensive structure of the theoretical foundations of phenomenology in psychology and psychopathology. The authors map, summarize, analyze, synthesize, discuss, and relate the findings of the respective subject areas. The book is a major contribution to the wider discussion and dialogue within philosophy, psychiatry and psychology. The book presents both the essential historical aspects of the phenomenological tradition in psychology and psychopathology (in the context of schizophrenia) and some of its important recent developments in the field of science. Through its findings, the monograph highlights the fact that the phenomenological approach undoubtedly has an irreplaceable place in psychology and psychopathology in terms of the rigorous study of the subjective experience of persons, and the application of this approach has contributed greatly to the development of these disciplines.

1. edition, Published: 2022, online: 2022, publisher: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Křížkovského 8, 771 47 Olomouc


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