
Group-based reflective practice in sport psychology: Experiences of two trainee sport and exercise scientists

Huntley, Emma
Kentzer, Nichola
cover of Sport & Exercise Psychology Review
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Reflective practice is becoming increasingly recognised as a tool used to enhance the development and effectiveness of sport psychology practitioners. It has recently become an established feature within UK-based training and accreditation programmes for sport psychology practitioners and it was the personal benefit found by the authors of group-based reflections within their own training experiences that stimulated this reflection. This exploratory paper provides the personal accounts of two trainee sport and exercise scientists. The narratives outline the perceived importance of using group-based reflective practice to develop applied practitioner skills. These, in concert with literature from other fields, resulted in the development of a model for successful group-based reflective practice that outlines the conditions and skills that are proposed to be important for such practice as a tool for learning.