A model for Ugandan traders' use of mobile money services
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Mahdi Giozafat. (2022). A model for Ugandan traders’ use of mobile money services. Industrielle Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation Und Management, 10(4). https://doi.org/10.53384/inbe.101380943.2779.1862003510


Mobile money services give trade benefits such as bill payment, decreased transaction costs and time, expanded savings possibilities, sales, and convenience. Despite the benefits, traders in Uganda are still slow to adopt and use mobile money services. This article reflects on the findings of a study that looked at the barriers that merchants experience while utilizing and implementing mobile money services in Uganda. A self-administered questionnaire was utilized to obtain data from 394 survey respondents. A model for encouraging traders to use mobile money services is offered. The suggested model expands on the Unified Theory of Technology Acceptance and Use. According to regression study, performance expectancy, social factors, and sensitization components all have a substantial impact on the behavioral intention of mobile money service uptake for trade. On the other hand, security and effort expectation had no significant affect on traders' behavioral intention to use mobile money services. Furthermore, the data show that enabling conditions affected the utilization of mobile money services for commercial transactions. The suggested approach is adaptable and generic, and it may be used in other developing nations with comparable circumstances to Uganda.

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