Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
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Drilliola emendata Monterosato 1872


Drilliola emendata (Monterosato, 1872)

Fig. 14 n–p

Taranis emendata Monterosato, 1872 (p. 17, 34).

Homotoma emendatum Monterosato—Hidalgo, 1917 (p. 355).

Asthenotoma (Drilliola) emendata (Monterosato) — Nordsieck 1968 (p. 157, pl. 26, fig. 91.10); Di Geronimo & Panetta 1973 (p. 83, pl. 1, figs. 8–9); Di Geronimo 1975 (p. 127, pl. 1, fig. 8).

Drilliola emendata (Monterosato, 1870) — Nordsieck 1977 (p. 18, pl. 2, fig. 13).

Drilliola emendata (Monterosato) — Sabelli & Spada 1977 (p. 2, fig. 5; not fig. 6 = Drilliola loprestiana).

Drilliola emendata (Monterosato, 1872) — Bouchet & Warén 1980 (p. 32, figs. 29, 83, 207); Cossignani et al. 1992 (fig. 173); Repetto et al. 2005 (p. 205, top right fig.).

Diagnostic characters. Slender fusiform shell; obliquely oval aperture; moderately long and twisted siphonal canal; shallow C-shaped anal sinus; thin spiral keels (the most prominent placed halfway between sutures) increasing in number by intercalation during growth; dense and very sinuous superimposed collabral riblets; base with several distinct spiral cords. Protoconch: stout, low conical; slightly less than 2.5 whorls; diameter about 870 µm; height about 840 µm; surface finely granulated; spiral keel at the abapical third; adapical weaker keel high on first whorl, later reduced; faint axial ribs on the last 0.5 whorl; transition to the teleoconch ill-defined, marked by the appearance of the adult sculpture.

Occurrence. Box-corer samples BC67 (1 specimen), BC72 (3); core BC72 (1). Maximum height: 8 mm.

Distribution and habitat. Drilliola emendata is distributed across the Mediterranean; in the Atlantic it seems to be restricted to Iberian and northwestern African coasts. It is a bathyal species sporadically found at circalittoral depths (Hidalgo 1917; Di Geronimo & Panetta 1973; Bouchet & Warén 1980; Di Geronimo et al. 2001).

Fossil record. Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene of Malaga, Spain (Vera-Pelaez et al. 1999); Pliocene of Sicily (Monterosato 1872; Cipolla 1914); Pleistocene of southern Italy (Di Geronimo 1975; Di Geronimo & La Perna 1997; Di Geronimo et al. 2005).


Published as part of Negri, Mauro Pietro & Corselli, Cesare, 2016, Bathyal Mollusca from the cold-water coral biotope of Santa Maria di Leuca (Apulian margin, southern Italy), pp. 1-97 in Zootaxa 4186 (1) on pages 65-66, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4186.1.1,


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Drilliola emendata Monterosato, 1872 sec. Negri & Corselli, 2016


  • Monterosato, T. A. di (1872) Notizie intorno alle conchiglie fossili di Monte Pellegrino e Ficarazzi. Ufficio Tipografico Michele Amenta, Palermo, 44 pp. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 50743
  • Nordsieck, F. (1968) Die europaischen Meeres-Gehauseschnecken (Prosobranchia) vom Eismeer bis Kapverden und Mittelmeer. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, VIII + 273 pp.
  • Di Geronimo, I. & Panetta, P. (1973) La Malacofauna Batiale del Golfo di Taranto. Conchiglie, 9 (5 - 6), 69 - 121.
  • Di Geronimo, I. (1975) La malacofauna siciliana del Ciaramitaio (Grammichele, Catania). Conchiglie, 11 (5 - 6), 101 - 137.
  • Nordsieck, F. (1977) The Turridae of the European seas. La Piramide per La Conchiglia, Roma, 132 pp.
  • Sabelli, B. & Spada, G. (1977) Guida illustrata all'identificazione delle conchiglie del Mediterraneo. Conchiglie, 13 (3 - 4), supplement, 1 - 3.
  • Bouchet, P. & Waren, A. (1980) Revision of the Northeast Atlantic bathyal and abyssal Turridae (Mollusca, Gastropoda). The Journal of Molluscan Studies, supplement 8, 1 - 119. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1093 / mollus / 46. supplement _ 8.1
  • Cossignani, T., Cossignani, V., Di Nisio, A. & Passamonti, M. (1992) Atlante delle conchiglie del medio Adriatico. L'Informatore Piceno Editore, Ancona, 120 pp.
  • Repetto, G., Orlando, F. & Arduino, G. (2005) Conchiglie del Mediterraneo: 1770 specie illustrate con distribuzione e frequenza. Amici del Museo " Federico Eusebio ", Alba, 392 pp.
  • Hidalgo, J. G. (1917) Fauna Malacologica de Espana, Portugal y las Baleares. Trabajos del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Zoologia, 30, 1 - 752.
  • Di Geronimo, I., Rosso, A., La Perna, R. & Sanfilippo, R. (2001) Deep-sea (250 - 1,550 m) Benthic Thanatocoenoses from Southern Thyrrenian Sea. In: Faranda, F. M., Guglielmo, L., Spezie, G. (Eds), Mediterranean Ecosystems - Structures and Processes, Springer, Milano, pp. 277 - 288. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / 978 - 88 - 470 - 2105 - 1 _ 36
  • Vera-Pelaez, J. L., Martinell, J. & Lozano-Francisco, M. C. (1999) Turridae (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) del Plioceno inferior de Malaga (Espana). Iberus, 17 (1), 1 - 19.
  • Cipolla, F. (1914) Le Pleurotomidi del Pliocene di Altavilla (Palermo). Paleontographia italica, 20, 105 - 182.
  • Di Geronimo, I., Messina, C., Rosso, A., Sanfilippo, R., Sciuto, F. & Vertino, A. (2005) Enhanced biodiversity in the deep: Early Pleistocene coral communities from Southern Italy. In: Freiwald, A. & Murray Roberts, J. (Eds), Cold-water Corals and Ecosystems, Springer, Berlin, pp. 61 - 86. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / 3 - 540 - 27673 - 4 _ 4