Published December 31, 2009 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Adalaria Bergh 1879


Genus Adalaria Bergh, 1879

Adalaria: Bergh, 1879: 360

Synonyms: Arctadalaria Roginskaya, 1971

Type species: Doris loveni Alder & Hancock, 1862, by monotypy

Diagnosis. The notum is covered with well-defined spiculose tubercles of variable shape. The integument contains a dense network of spicules. The rhinophores are lamellate. The rhinophoral pockets have poorly defined, contractile smooth sheaths adjoined by several tubercles. The contractile gills are bi-tri to unipinnate, arranged separately in an almost complete circle around the anus. A common gill cavity or separated gill pits are completely absent. The oral veil is well defined, semi-circular, in one species distinctly trilobed. The foot is broad, not bilobed anteriorly, slightly narrowed posteriorly. The labial cuticle contains weakly defined polygonal elements. The buccal pump is large, prominent, sessile or on a short broad stalk, fully banded medially by a broad peripheral muscle. The salivary glands are short. The radula formula is 3––3. The central teeth are small and rectangular; present in most species. The first lateral tooth is large, beakshaped, in most species bearing well defined denticles. Further lateral teeth are small elongate and characteristically excavated. The stomach is relatively small, a stomach caecum is absent. The male part of the reproductive system is comprised of a looped, moderately narrow prostate, and a long musculary sheathened ejaculatory duct. The penis is not armed. The post-ampullar gonoduct bifurcates into a vas deferens and a proximal oviduct that connects to the vagina. The combined distal oviduct / uterine duct starts separately from the vaginal duct, close to the external genital opening. The bursa copulatrix is small and rounded. The seminal receptacle is distinct but always buried within nidamental glands near bursa base. The 7 valid species (including 2 described in the present paper) are listed in Table 2. The North Pacific is the center of the genus diversity.


Published as part of Martynov, Alexander, Korshunova, Tatiana, Sanamyan, Nadezhda & Sanamyan, Karen, 2009, Description of the first cryptobranch onchidoridid Onchimira cavifera gen. et sp. nov., and of three new species of the genera Adalaria Bergh, 1879 and Onchidoris Blainville, 1816 (Nudibranchia: Onchidorididae) from Kamchatka waters, pp. 1-43 in Zootaxa 2159 on page 25, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.188931


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Adalaria Bergh, 1879 sec. Martynov, Korshunova, Sanamyan & Sanamyan, 2009


  • Bergh, R. (1879) Gattungen nordischer Doriden. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte 45, 340 - 369.
  • Roginskaya, I. S. (1971) Arctadalaria septemtrionalis gen. n., sp. n. (Onchidorididae) a new nudibranchiate mollusc from the Laptev sea. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 50, 1154 - 1157.
  • Alder, J. & Hancock, A. (1862) Description of a new genus and some new species of naked Mollusca. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 3, 10, 102 - 105.