Published October 15, 2021 | Version v1
Presentation Open

On the Potential of the Reynolds Stress Approach to Model Convective Overshooting in Grids of Stellar Evolution Models

  • 1. UAS Technikum Wien, Wolfgang-Pauli-Institut Wien


Convection is one of the main physical processes probed by means of asteroseismology these days and it is a key topic of several workpackages within the PLATO mission. A lot of attention in this field is currently given to the parameter calibration of fairly simple models by means of 3D RHD numerical simulations or the direct use of the latter in asteroseismological analyses. However, this approach is not available to all situations of interest where convection plays a role in stellar mixing and in the evolution of the thermal structure of a star, particularly not for overshooting and mixing when they take place deeply inside a star. For such cases Reynolds stress models provide an interesting alternative. In this talk I will report on the potential of this method, also for future calculations of model grids for asteroseismology, and summarize earlier results and recent progress made with this approach.



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Numerical simulation of A-type and white dwarf stars P 33140
FWF Austrian Science Fund