Published December 30, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Identidade e aprendizagem no crioulo haitiano

  • 1. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


This article aims to discuss and rethink the linguistic identity of Haitian Creole speakers inserted in the situation of conflict and contact with French. Therefore, we start from the concept of subject debated in postmodern linguistics (Geraldi 2010), bringing to the core of the discussions the notion of responsible subject, conscious subject, respondent subject, incomplete subject, inconclusive, insoluble and historical subject. In this sense, the research focuses on how the essence of the Haitian speaker is lost in the imposition of another language, and especially because the educational system implemented in the country does not meet the expectations of emancipatory language education. The concreteness of the work is explained by the theoretical intersection between the theories of Applied Linguistics and Creole Studies, inherent to Contact Linguistics. In the light of Rajagopalan (2003), Lyotard (2018), Holm (2004), DeGraff (2019), etc. It is understood that there is the gradual erasure of the subject of postmodernity in the linguistic context of Haiti. 



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