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Research Article

Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients

[version 2; peer review: 2 approved]
* Equal contributors
PUBLISHED 14 Oct 2021
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This article is included in the Emerging Diseases and Outbreaks gateway.

This article is included in the Cell & Molecular Biology gateway.

This article is included in the Coronavirus collection.


Background: SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 disease and led to the pandemic currently affecting the world has been broadly investigated. Different studies have been performed to understand the infection mechanism, and the involved human genes, transcripts and proteins. In parallel, numerous clinical extra-pulmonary manifestations co-occurring with COVID-19 disease have been reported and evidence of their severity and persistence is increasing. Whether these manifestations are linked to other disorders co-occurring with SARS-CoV-2 infection, is under discussion. In this work, we report the identification of toxin-like peptides in COVID-19 patients by application of the Liquid Chromatography Surface-Activated Chemical Ionization – Cloud Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry.  
Methods: Plasma, urine and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients and control individuals were analysed to study peptidomic toxins’ profiles. Protein precipitation preparation procedure was used for plasma, to remove high molecular weight proteins and efficiently solubilize the peptide fraction; in the case of faeces and urine, direct peptide solubilization was employed.  
Results: Toxin-like peptides, almost identical to toxic components of venoms from animals, like conotoxins, phospholipases, phosphodiesterases, zinc metal proteinases, and bradykinins, were identified in samples from COVID-19 patients, but not in control samples. 
Conclusions: The presence of toxin-like peptides could potentially be connected to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Their presence suggests a possible association between COVID-19 disease and the release in the body of (oligo-)peptides almost identical to toxic components of venoms from animals. Their involvement in a large set of heterogeneous extra-pulmonary COVID-19 clinical manifestations, like neurological ones, cannot be excluded. Although the presence of each individual symptom is not selective of the disease, their combination might be related to COVID-19 by the coexistence of the panel of the here detected toxin-like peptides. The presence of these peptides opens new scenarios on the aetiology of the COVID-19 clinical symptoms observed up to now, including neurological manifestations.


SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, toxin-like peptides

Revised Amendments from Version 1

This version contains text additions within the "Discussion" section following the comments and the suggestions made by Dr. Grumati and Dr. Arditi in the referee report on version.
Regarding the manuscript changes, please note that we added three references after reference N.20. 
No changes to figures or tables.

See the authors' detailed response to the review by Paolo Grumati
See the authors' detailed response to the review by Moshe Arditi


Numerous clinical extra-pulmonary manifestations co-occurring with COVID-19 disease have been reported (e.g. neurological, haemorrhagic, and thrombotic) and evidence of their severity and persistence is increasing. Gupta et al. reviewed the extrapulmonary organ-specific pathophysiology of patients with COVID-19, 'to aid clinicians and scientists in recognizing and monitoring the spectrum of manifestations, and in developing research priorities and therapeutic strategies for all organ systems involved'1. Liotta et al. characterized the incidence of neurological manifestations in a cohort of hospitalised patients with confirmed COVID-19: the most frequent were myalgia, headache, encephalopathy, dizziness, dysgeusia, and anosmia; encephalopathy was found to be 'associated with increased morbidity and mortality, independent of respiratory disease severity'2. Whether these manifestations are linked to disorders co-occurring with SARS-CoV-2 infection is under discussion, including their concomitant occurrence, which could be strongly related COVID-19 disease. Frontera et al., by conducting a prospective, multi-centre, observational study of hospitalised adults with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, concluded that 'neurologic disorders were detected in 13.5% of COVID-19 patients during the study timeframe. Many of these neurologic disorders occur commonly among patients with critical illness. Encephalitis, meningitis or myelitis referable to SARS-CoV-2 infection did not occur, though post-infectious Guillain-Barre syndrome was identified. Overall, neurologic disorders in the context of SARS-CoV-2 infection confer a higher risk of in-hospital mortality and reduced likelihood of discharge home'3.

Studies on the use of mass spectrometry in COVID-19 context focus on the search for augmented human inflammatory molecules to be used as biomarkers to assess the severity status of COVID-19 (see for example the work4 of Messner and colleagues). Different studies report the use of proteomic approaches to characterise SARS-CoV-2 proteins57. Other studies highlight challenges in their use due to the need of enriching the protein fraction to be analysed for maximizing the technology sensitivity8.

Liquid Chromatography Surface-Activated Chemical Ionization – Cloud Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry (LC-SACI-CIMS) is reported as a high sensitivity mass spectrometry technique able to maximize the peptide signal intensity912. We used LC-SACI-CIMS to reveal the presence of metabolites that could explain the clinical descriptions of neurological, coagulation and inflammatory symptoms, and here we present the results of our analyses. We found toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine, and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients, but not in control samples. As our findings do not correspond with current thinking of the aetiology related to the observed clinical manifestations in COVID-19 patients, we feel their immediate sharing with the scientific community is critical.



Liquid Chromatography-Surface Activated Chemical Ionization – Cloud Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry (LC-SACI-CIMS) exhibits a high selectivity in peptide detection thanks to its ability to selectively isolate peptide ions through an in-source ion mobility (IM) effect. In fact, it allows a selective regulation of the potential difference between the low voltage of the SACI surface (47 V) and the entrance lens (-50 / -600 V), and a selective focalization on solvent ion cloud containing species at low or high m/z ratio. By switching the entrance voltage lens between -50 and -600 V during the analysis, it is possible to separate the low m/z from the high m/z potential signal, to avoid ion trap saturation, and to maximize the number of detected compounds. The mass spectra chemical noise is also strongly reduced due to the lower amounts of solvent cluster ions that are produced in low voltage ionization conditions. Thus, the peptide detection efficiency is strongly increased by the IM selectivity and lower chemical noise with respect to the classical high voltage ionization approaches. Thanks to the specificity of the SACI-CIMS technology in focalizing the solvent ion clouds containing the high m/z (oligo-)peptide species, it was possible to increase the detection efficiency.

In the use of LC-SACI-CIMS, the following strategies have been adopted:

  • To reduce the presence of contamination as much as possible and to avoid the formation of acetonitrile polymers occurring in acid conditions (as reported by Eizo et al.13), formic acid was not added to the CH3CN chromatographic phase.

  • To separate low from high m/z solvent ion clusters by reducing the ion trap saturation, the space/charge effect, and by increasing the detected compounds recovery, LC-SACI–CIMS entrance lens voltage was switched between -50 and -600 V every 10 ms during the analysis.

  • To enhance the SACI ionization efficiency, NH4HCO3 was added to the samples. As reported in the literature14,15, the peptide ionization efficiency (and consequently the sensitivity) is enhanced in SACI conditions when ionic salts are present in the sample, due to peptide ion specific coordination.

  • To decrease the total run time, a shot gun chromatographic gradient was used to desalt the sample.

  • To avoid sample molecular profile alteration, and to evaluate the potential biological activities of the circulating species, no enzymatic digestion was applied to samples.

  • To normalize the m/z signal intensity, 5 µL of standard ESI tune mix (Agilent, USA) were added to each sample extract.


NH4HCO3, methanol, acetonitrile and formic acid were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Milan, Italy). Bi-distilled water was purchased from VWR (Milan, Italy).


Samples used in the present study: plasma samples collected from 20 COVID-19 patients from different cities of Italy and from 10 control individuals (i.e. negative to SARS-CoV-2 tests and not affected by cancer or autoimmune diseases); urine samples collected from two additional COVID-19 patients and from two control individuals; stool samples from three COVID-19 patients and from three control individuals. The human biological samples used in the experimentation were collected and used with the expressed free and informed written consent, of the person from whom the material was taken, according to current legislation. The study received approval from “Comitato Etico Campania Sud” (n.36/2021, request submitted on 06-05-2020). Apart from positivity to SARS-CoV-2, no additional information (i.e. age, sex, blood serotype, severity of the disease, time of the collection, fatality, etc.) was provided.

Sample preparation

Plasma. Each plasma sample was treated as follows: 5 µL of CH3CN were added to 50 µL of plasma and vortexed for one minute. The procedure was repeated 10 times. Then the sample was centrifuged at 1,500 g for 10 minutes and two 100 µL aliquots of supernatant were dried and resuspended in 70 µL of NH4HCO3 50 mmol. The solution was analysed by LC-SACI-CIMS (see Rationale).

Urine. Each urine sample was treated as follows: an equivalent volume of bi-distilled water was added, followed by centrifugation at 1,500 g for 10 minutes. 100 µL were dried and resuspended in 70 µL of NH4HCO3 50 mmol. The sample was analysed by LC-SACI-CIMS (see Rationale).

Stool. Each stool sample was treated as described by Cristoni et al.11 and analysed by LC-SACI-CIMS (see Rationale).

Liquid chromatography

The Ultimate 3000 LC (by ThermoFisher) was used to achieve separation of analytes for each sample prior to mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. A reversed phase Kinetex C-18 LC column (50 × 2.1 mm; particle size, 5 µm; pore size, 100 Å, by Phenomenex, USA) was used. The eluent flow was 0.25 mL/min and the injection volume was 15 µL. The mobile phases were:

  • A. 0.2% (v/v) formic acid (HCOOH)

  • B. acetonitrile (CH3CN)

The elution gradient was: 2% (v/v) of B between 0 and 2 min; 2 to 30% between 2 and 7 min; 30 to 80% between 7 and 9 min; 80% between 9 and 12 min; 80-2% between 12 and 12.1 min. The column was rebalanced with 2% of B between 12.1 and 17 min.

Mass spectrometry

All samples were analysed for the presence of proteins with potential toxic effect by using the LC-SACI-CIMS as already described in the literature912. Samples were analysed with an ORBITRAP mass spectrometer (Breme, Germany) coupled to a surface-activated chemical ionization (SACI) source and operated in positive ion mode.

The surface voltage was 47 V and the entrance lens was switched between -50 and -600 V each 10 ms. Auxiliary gas: 2 L / min; Nebulizer gas: 80 psi; Temperature: 40 °C. Full scan spectra were acquired in the 40–3,500 m/z range for non-targeted metabolomics/proteomics analyses to detect analytes. The same m/z range was used for both discovery and selective biomarker identification, and to standardize (primarily in terms of scan rate) the instrument. The software used for data elaboration is SANIST, a modified version of the Global Proteome Machine (GPM,, implanted as described in 912. SANIST output files are available as supplementary material16 (see section Data availability).

SANIST software here used is freely available, upon email request to CranioMed group (

Mass spectrometry on samples was performed with collision-induced dissociation using data dependent scan and helium as the collision gas. The ion trap was applied to isolate and fragment the precursor ions (windows of isolation, ± 0.3 m/z; collision energy, 30% of its maximum value, which was 5V peak to peak), and the ORBITRAP mass analyser was used to obtain fragments with an extremely accurate m/z ratio (resolution 15,000; m/z error <10 ppm).

Data elaboration

Detected high m/z peptides were used to identify toxins thanks due to the selectivity given by their long chain.

The complete UniprotKB set of manually reviewed venom proteins and toxins (UniprotKB, Animal toxin annotation project., Accessed October 4, 2020), mixed with a subset of non-venom proteins and toxins from UniprotKB database17 was used as reference protein dataset in order to give statistical significance to the results.

TBLASTN18 was run at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website19 with default options and parameters, with the exception of the following ones: max target sequences = 1,000; expect threshold = 100; word size = 3; gap cost existence = 9; gap cost extension = 1; filter of low complexity regions = No. Searches have been performed versus: Nucleotide collection (nr/nt); Reference RNA sequences (refseq_rna); RefSeq Genome Database (refseq_genomes); Whole-genome shotgun contigs (wgs) from metagenomic experiments; Sequence Read Archive (SRA) sequences from metagenomic experiments; Transcriptome Shotgun Assembly (TSA); Patent sequences (pat); Human RefSeqGene sequences (RefSeq_Gene); Betacoronavirus Genbank sequence dataset.

The information reported in Table 1 has been retrieved from the UniprotKB database and from the NCBI Taxonomy database20, after confirmation by BLAST sequence comparison analysis18.

Table 1. Overview of candidate proteins on which toxin-like peptides have been mapped.

Thirty-six candidate protein sequences on which the identified toxin-like peptides have been mapped are here reported, together with information retrieved from UniprotKB and NCBI Taxonomy databases. The table is split in three sections according to the phylum of the reported species: Chordata (green), Echinodermata (pink), Mollusca (azure).

ACIDStatusProtein nameENZYME ECOther name(s)Length (aa)IDSpeciesPhylum - FamilyOrganism's common name(s)
Q8AY46VKTHB_BUNCAreviewedKunitz-type serine protease inhibitor homolog beta-bungarotoxin B1 chainNA-8592438Bungarus CandidusChordata - Elapidae. Malayan krait
A6MEY4PA2B_BUNFAreviewedBasic phospholipase A2 BFPAEC Antimicrobial phospholipase A2
. Phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase (svPLA2)
1458613Bungarus fasciatusChordata - Elapidae. Banded krait
. Pseudoboa fasciata
F5CPF1PA235_MICATreviewedPhospholipase A2 MALT0035CEC Phospholipase A2 MALT0035C (svPLA2)142129457Micrurus altirostrisChordata - Elapidae. Uruguayan coral snake
. Elaps altirostris
A8QL59VM3_NAJATreviewedZinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like NaMPEC 3.4.24.-. Snake venom metalloproteinase (SVMP)6218656Naja atraChordata - Elapidae. Chinese cobra
Q9I900PA2AD_NAJSPreviewedAcidic phospholipase A2 DEC svPLA2
. Phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase
14633626Naja sputatrixChordata - Elapidae. Malayan spitting cobra
. Naja naja sputatrix
Q58L90FA5V_OXYMIreviewedVenom prothrombin activator omicarin-C non-catalytic subunitNA. vPA
. Venom coagulation factor Va-like protein

Cleaved into 2 chains
1460111177Oxyuranus microlepidotusChordata - Elapidae. Inland taipan
. Diemenia microlepidota
Q58L91FA5V_OXYSUreviewedVenom prothrombin activator oscutarin-C non-catalytic subunitNA. vPA
. Venom coagulation factor Va-like protein

Cleaved into 2 chains
14598668Oxyuranus scutellatusChordata - Elapidae. Coastal taipan
Q9W7J93S34_PSETEreviewedShort neurotoxin 4NA. SNTX4
. Alpha-neurotoxin 4
798673Pseudonaja textilisChordata - Elapidae. Eastern brown snake
P23028PA2AD_PSETEreviewedAcidic phospholipase A2 homolog textilotoxin D chainNA. svPLA2 homolog1528673Pseudonaja textilisChordata - Elapidae. Eastern brown snake
Q593B6FA5_PSETEreviewedCoagulation factor VNACleaved into 2 chains14598673Pseudonaja textilisChordata - Elapidae. Eastern brown snake
Q7SZN0FA5V_PSETEreviewedVenom prothrombin activator pseutarin-C non-catalytic subunitNA. PCNS
. vPA
. Venom coagulation factor Va-like protein

Cleaved into 2 chains
14608673Pseudonaja textilisChordata - Elapidae. Eastern brown snake
Q2XXQ3CRVP1_PSEPLreviewedCysteine-rich venom protein ENH1NA. CRVP
. Cysteine-rich secretory protein ENH1 (CRISP-ENH1)
239338839Pseudoferania polylepisChordata - Homalopsidae. Macleay's water snake
. Enhydris polylepis
Q9PW56BNP2_BOTJAreviewedBradykinin-potentiating and C-type natriuretic peptidesNA. Brain BPP-CNP
. Evasin-CNP

Cleaved into the 12 chains
2658724Bothrops jararacaChordata - Viperidae. Jararaca
A8YPR6SVMI_ECHOCreviewedSnake venom metalloprotease
NA. 02D01
. 02E11
. 10F07
. Svmpi-Eoc7

Cleaved into 15 chains
30899586Echis oceIIatusChordata - Viperidae. Ocellated saw-scaled viper
Q698K8VM2L4_GLOBRreviewedZinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin [Fragment]EC 3.4.24-Cleaved into 3 chains319259325Gloydius brevicaudusChordata - Viperidae. Korean slamosa snake
. Agkistrodon halys brevicaudus
Q8AWI5VM3HA_GLOHAreviewedZinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like halysaseEC 3.4.24-. Zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like halysase
. Snake venom metalloproteinase (SVMP)
. Vascular apoptosis-inducing protein (VAP)
6108714Gloydius halysChordata - Viperidae. Chinese water mocassin
. Agkistrodon halys
P826623L26_OPHHAreviewedAlpha-neurotoxinNA. Alpha-elapitoxin-Oh2b (Alpha-EPTX-Oh2b)
. Alpha-elapitoxin-Oh2b
. Long neurotoxin OH-6A/OH-6B
. OH-3
918665Ophiophagus hannahChordata - Viperidae. King cobra
. Naja hannah
Q2PG83PA2A_PROELreviewedAcidic phospholipase A2 PePLA2EC Phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase (svPLA2)13888086Protobothrops elegansChordata - Viperidae. Elegant pitviper
. Trimeresurus elegans
P06860PA2BX_PROFLreviewedBasic phospholipase A2 PL-XEC Phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase (svPLA2)12288087Protobothrops flavoviridisChordata - Viperidae. Habu
. Trimeresurus flavoviridis
P0C7P5BNP_PROFLreviewedBradykinin-potentiating and C-type natriuretic peptidesNA. BPP-CNP

Cleaved into 6 chains
19388087Protobothrops flavoviridisChordata - Viperidae. Habu
. Trimeresurus flavoviridis
Q3C2C2PA21_ACAPLreviewedPhospholipase A2 AP-PLA2TEC Phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase (svPLA2)159133434Acanthaster planciEchinodermata - Acanthasteridae. Crown-of-thorns starfish
D6C4M3CU96_CONCLreviewedConotoxin Cl9.6NA. Conotoxin CI9.6811736779Californiconus californicusMollusca - Conidae. California cone - Conus californicus
D2Y488VKT1A_CONCLreviewedKunitz-type serine protease inhibitor conotoxin Cal9.1aNA-781736779Californiconus californicusMollusca - Conidae. California cone
. Conus californicus
D6C4J8CUE9_CONCLreviewedConotoxin Cl14.9NA-781736779Californiconus californicusMollusca - Conidae. California cone
. Conus californicus
P0DPT2CA1B_CONCTreviewedAlpha-conotoxin ClB [Fragment]NA. C1.241101291Conus catusMollusca - Conidae. Cat cone
V5V893CQG3_CONFLreviewedConotoxin Fla16dNA. Conotoxin Flal6d

Cleaved into 2 chains
76101302Conus flavidusMollusca - Conidae. Yellow Pacific cone
P58924CS8A_CONGEreviewedSigma-conotoxin GVIIIANA. Sigma-conotoxin GVIIIA886491Conus geographusMollusca - Conidae. Geography cone
. Nubecula geographus
P0DM19NF2_CONMRreviewedConotoxin Mr15.2NA. Conotoxin Mr15.2 (Mr094)9242752Conus marmoreusMollusca - Conidae. Marble cone
P0C1N5M3G_CONMRreviewedConotoxin mr3gNA. Conotoxin mr3g (Mr3.6)6842752Conus marmoreusMollusca - Conidae. Marble cone
D2DGD8I361_CONPLreviewedConotoxin Pu6.1NA-8393154Conus pulicariusMollusca - Conidae. Flea-bite cone
P0C8U9CA15_CONPLreviewedAlpha-conotoxin-like Pu1.5NA-8193154Conus pulicariusMollusca - Conidae. Flea-bite cone
A1X8B8CAl_CONQUreviewedPutative alpha-conotoxin Qc alphaL-1NA. QcaL-168101313Conus quercinusMollusca - Conidae. Oak cone
P58786COW_CONRAreviewedContryphan-RNA. Bromocontryphan

Cleaved into 2chains
6361198Conus radiatusMollusca - Conidae. Rayed cone
P58811CA1A_CONTUreviewedRho-conotoxin TIANA. Rho-TIA586495Conus tulipaMollusca - Conidae. Fish-hunting cone snail
. Tulip cone
Q5K0C5016A_CONVRreviewedConotoxin 10NA-7989427Conus virgoMollusca - Conidae. Virgin cone
B3FIA5CVFA_CONVRreviewedConotoxin Vi15aNA. Conotoxin Vi15.l748765Conus virgoMollusca - Conidae. Virgin cone

SANIST was set to perform the database search considering all potential protein points and post-translational modifications, and to consider proton rearrangements. No enzyme cutting rules were specified, but all the protein subsequence combinations were considered. Database search calculation was performed by means of General Processing Graphic Processing Units (GPGPU).

The MS data are available on the ZENODO platform16 (see section Data availability).

Results and discussion

The presence of (oligo-)peptides characterised as toxic components of animal venoms was observed in plasma and urine samples from SARS-CoV-2 infected patients and never in plasma, urine and faecal samples from control individuals. Examples of SACI-CIMS chromatograms are reported in Figure 1 and Figure 2 (panels a and b), showing the spectra acquired by means of the LC-SACI-CIMS technology. Figure 2c and d show the spectra obtained using ESI extracted at the same retention time. SACI-CIMS give rise to higher signal intensities probably due to the low ion trap saturation.


Figure 1.

(a) Base peak LC Full Scan (MS), tandem mass (MS/MS) chromatogram of an extracted plasma sample of a patient and a control subject and (b) a blow-up of a specific chromatogram region (5.713–5.719 min). The blow-up shows the four regions of data acquisition: 1) Full scan mass spectrum originated by the cloud containing low m/z ratio molecular species; 2) Tandem mass spectra (MS/MS) mass spectrum originated by the cloud containing low m/z ratio molecular species; 3) Full scan mass spectrum originated by the cloud containing medium-high (MedHigh) m/z ratio molecular species; 4) Tandem mass spectra (MS/MS) mass spectrum originated by the cloud containing medium-high (MedHigh) m/z ratio molecular species.


Figure 2.

Examples of full scan mass spectra, obtained by analysing a COVID-19 positive urine sample and acquired focalizing solvent ion cloud species containing a) low, b) high m/z species extracted in the 5.713–5.719 min chromatographic region and ESI full scan mass spectrum obtained analysing the same sample and extracting the signal at the same retention time extracting c) low and d) high m/z ratio.

Several (oligo-)peptides (between 70 and 115, depending on the analysed sample) matched to different animal venom proteins and toxins like conotoxins, phospholipases A2, metalloproteinases (86% of assignments have a -log(e) higher than 25). An overview of 36 proteins covered by the toxin-like peptides found is reported in Table 1; details of -log(e) and false discovery rates are reported in Table 2. Examples of mass spectra peptide characterization together with the peptide ion fragmentation pathways are shown in Figure 3a. All the MS/MS signal were assigned to the different N-terminal y,z (blue and purple colour) and c-terminal b,c (red and yellow colour) fragmentation series (see Figure 3b for fragmentation series details). In the defined SACI-CIMS conditions, doubly charged m/z ion of medium-high molecular weight peptide species are produced, allowing high identification accuracy, in line with what is already described in the literature that high identification statistical rates are achieved analysing peptide doubly charged species with medium high molecular weight. Different fragmentation anomalies with proton rearrangements have also been detected and considered in phase of data elaboration. Only mass spectra exhibiting a statistical -log(e) score higher that 10 and a false discovery rate lower than 0.05 were considered for the identification (see Figure 3c). False discovery rate and statistical score were estimated by means of reverse sequence approach.

Table 2. List of proteins and the related -log(e) and false discovery ratio (FDR) expressed as p value.

ProteinIDDatabase-log(e)FDR p value
Conotoxin Pu6.1D2DGD8Uniprot750.001
Conotoxin Vi15aB3FIA5Uniprot890.005
Putative alpha-conotoxin Qc alphaL-1A1X8B8Uniprot760.005
Conotoxin 10Q5K0C5Uniprot760.001
Rho-conotoxin TIAP58811Uniprot540.001
Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor conotoxin Cal9.1aD2Y488Uniprot670.001
Alpha-conotoxin Pu1.5P0C8U9Uniprot570.002
Conotoxin Fla16dV5V893Uniprot670.003
Phospholipase A2 MALT0035CF5CPF1Uniprot870.003
Phospholipase A2 AP-PLA2-IQ3C2C2Uniprot810.004
Acidic phospholipase A2 PePLA2Q2PG83Uniprot660.001
Basic phospholipase A2 BFPAA6MEY4Uniprot690.001
Basic phospholipase A2 PL-XP06860Uniprot700.001
Complement factor B Ba fragmentQ91900Uniprot740.001
Acidic phospholipase A2 homolog textilotoxin D chainP23028-1Uniprot730.002
Acidic phospholipase A2 homolog textilotoxin D chainP23028-2Uniprot650.002
Venom prothrombin activator pseutarin-C non-catalytic subunitQ7SZN0Uniprot600.002
Coagulation factor VQ593B6Uniprot61
Venom prothrombin activator oscutarin-C non-catalytic subunitQ58L91Uniprot870.001
Short neurotoxin 4Q9W7J9Uniprot690.001
Conotoxin Cl9.6D6C4M3Uniprot580.002
Zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like halysaseQ8AWI5Uniprot570.003
Sigma-conotoxin GVIIIAP58924Uniprot430.002
Conotoxin Mr15.2P0DM19Uniprot470.001
Conotoxin mr3gP0C1N5Uniprot740.001
Snake venom metalloprotease inhibitor 02D01A8YPR6Uniprot430.002
Bradykinin-potentiating and C-type natriuretic peptidesP0C7P5Uniprot510.003
Bradykinin-potentiating and C-type natriuretic peptidesQ9PW56Uniprot510.003
Zinc metalloproteinase/ disintegrinQ698K8Uniprot490.004

Figure 3. Examples of mass spectra peptide characterization together with the peptide ion fragmentation pathways.

Example of how MS/MS signal were assigned to the different N-terminal y,z (blue and purple colour in panel a) and c-terminal b,c (red and yellow colour) fragmentation series (detailed in panel b). Only mass spectra exhibiting a statistical -log(e) score higher that 10 and a false discovery rate lower than 0.05 were considered for the identification (reported in panel c). False discovery rate and statistical score were estimated by means of reverse sequence approach.

Some of the toxin-like peptides found mapped on the same reference protein (UniprotKB: D2DGD8), are reported in Figure 4: these peptides were found in the five plasma samples and in the three faecal samples.


Figure 4. Alignment of toxin-like peptides to Conotoxin Pu6.1 precursor.

Conotoxin Pu6.1 precursor from Conus pulicarius (UniprotKB:D2DGD8) is aligned with the toxin-like peptides identified in four out of five plasma samples. Being the protein secreted and cleaved, leader-region pro-peptide and mature cysteine rich domains are highlighted in green, yellow and red, respectively. The shown peptides correspond to the longest observed peptides, as we did not make any specific selection for secreted proteins, precursors are expected to be present in our samples. Each identified toxin-like peptide is named according to the sample of origin and its uniqueness. For each of them, the number reported in square brackets indicates the number of identical toxin-like peptides identified in the same sample.

The types of toxic-like peptides found resemble known conotoxins, phospholipases A2, metalloproteinases, prothrombin activators, coagulation factors, usually present in animal venoms, which are known to have high specificity and affinity towards human ion channels, receptors, and transporters of the nervous system, like the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Cheng et al.21 reported the discovery of a superantigen-like motif in the S1 Spike protein, as well as two other neurotoxin-like motifs that have peptide similarities to neurotoxins from Ophiophagus (cobra) and Bungarus genera. They conclude that neurotoxin-like motifs are present in SARS-CoV-2 protein products, acting as neurotoxin-like peptides. We checked in the full set of peptides we got (here we report only 36 examples), and we identified, in plasma and faecal samples, toxin-like peptides mapping on kappa 1a-bungarotoxin, Kappa 1b-bungarotoxin from Malayan krait, kappa-2-bungarotoxin and alpha-bungarotoxin from many-banded krait (Uniprot Accession Numbers Q8AY56, Q8AY55, P15816, and P60615, respectively), which were reported by Cheng and colleagues. Furthermore, we looked at the amino acid changes currently reported in GISAID data22, analysed by CoV-GLUE-Viz (update 15/09/2021)23, and occurring in the Y674QTQTNSPRRAR685 motif identified by these authors as homologous to neurotoxin motifs of animal venom proteins. We observed the existence of amino acid variations which makes this motif even more similar to the neurotoxin motifs of animal venom proteins (like variations Q677S and T676A observed in sequences assigned to PANGO Lineage B.1.596). Experiments to assess neurotoxicity of these peptides and of spike protein on 3D neuronal/glial model (“neurospheres”) obtained from human induced Pluripotent Stem Derived Neural Stem Cells (iPS-NSCs) are currently ongoing.

What follows is our attempt to elaborate a potential relation between their presence and extra-pulmonary COVID-19 symptomatology.


Conotoxins are neurotoxic peptides isolated from the venom of marine (genus Conus) cone snails. In their mature form, they consist of 10 to 30 amino acid residues, with often one or more disulphide bonds, which are used to classify them in structural classes (μ-conotoxins, ω-conotoxins, and α-conotoxins are the major classes). The mechanism of action of conotoxins is not yet fully understood24. Studies have found that they are able to modulate the activity of several receptors, including ion channels, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and acetylcholine-degrading enzymes (acetylcholinesterases), thus resulting in the alteration of acetylcholine levels and of cholinergic transmission2527. Regarding cholinesterases, a potential association between cholinesterase levels and severity of pneumonia in COVID-19 patients has been proposed28.

The presence of conotoxin peptides might explain the occurrence of many symptoms (like hyposmia, hypogeusia and the signs typical of Guillain-Barre syndrome) observed in some COVID-19 patients. Their presence can alter normal functioning of ion channels, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and of acetylcholine levels.

Phospholipases A2

Phospholipases A2 (PLA2, E.C. hydrolyse phospholipids and lead to release of lysophosphatidic acid and arachidonic acid29. Arachidonic acid is a major precursor of many pro-inflammatory mediators like leukotriene, thromboxane and prostaglandin; as a consequence, abnormal presence of active PLA2 can induce severe inflammation30. In animal venoms, PLA2 act as neurotoxic proteins: they hydrolyse membrane phospholipids of the motor nerve terminal, and the plasma membrane of skeletal muscle, thus triggering a severe inflammatory degenerative response, which in turn leads to degeneration of the nerve terminal and skeletal muscle29. The drug dexamethasone can inhibit prostaglandins synthesis and leukotriene formation31. As dexamethasone is still the only therapeutic shown to be effective against the novel coronavirus in patients32 with severe symptoms, it can be that the positive effect of this drug on COVID-19 patients is also due to the reduction of the here identified PLA2-like peptides.


The last example of identified toxin-like peptides is those recognised as metalloproteinases present in animal venoms, zinc-dependent enzymes of varying molecular weight having multidomain organization. These toxic enzymes cause haemorrhage, local myonecrosis, skin damage, and inflammatory reaction33. It has been reported that symptomatic COVID-19 patients have significantly lower zinc levels in comparison to controls and that zinc deficient patients develop more complications34. The presence of this specific group of toxin-like peptides, which capture zinc, can be one of the reasons for such significantly low zinc levels in symptomatic COVID-19 patients.

Similarity searches by TBLASTN14 with relaxed parameters at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website (see Methods) revealed (in addition to mRNA sequences from the animal species reported in Table 1) almost identical short stretches (up to 10 amino acids) of these peptides in potential coding regions of many bacterial and viral sequences, but no long potential coding frame entirely covering any of them was found. Consequently, at the time of writing we have not yet identified the "genetic source" of these peptides, which could be:

  • The SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome with its protein reading set, as proposed by Brogna35, who reported the identification in SARS-CoV-2 RNA of many regions encoding for oligopeptides (four–five amino acids long) identical to neurotoxin peptides typical of animal venoms.

  • The SARS-CoV-2 genome directly read by bacteria, assuming that the SARS-CoV-2 genome, or parts thereof, is capable of replicating with a possible ‘bacteriophage-like’ mode of action, as previously described36.

  • Genomes of bacteria, which, as a reaction to the presence of the virus, secrete these peptides. This could happen by using still not well known and debated mechanisms, like alternative reading due to rRNA sequence heterogeneity (as described in 37,38), or the involvement of small bacterial ncRNA (sRNAs), known to be key players of gene regulation under conditions like stress response, quorum sensing, or virulence (in this context, in 1984 Coleman et al. reported the micF non-coding RNA as a functional bacterial sRNA39).

  • A combination of the above e.g. the ‘toxin’ genetic code is present in the bacteria and expression may be triggered by SARS-CoV-2, acting like temperate bacteriophages, which are known to interact with bacteria so that they express (or not) certain genes, as described by Carey et al.40.

A detailed 3D structural similarity analysis between the toxin-like peptides found and reference proteins has not yet been conducted. Accordingly, at the time of writing, we can only speculate that these toxin-like peptides are involved in the clinical extra-pulmonary manifestations in symptomatic COVID-19 patients. According to our knowledge, these toxin-like peptides have never been searched in animals considered reservoirs of SARS-CoVs.


The presence of (oligo-)peptides almost identical to toxic components of venoms from animals has been observed. Data and results reported here suggest an association between COVID-19 disease and the release in the body of these, and raise a series of questions:

  • Are these findings in line with what was proposed by Tizabi et al.41, i.e. a potential therapeutic role for nicotine, nicotinic agonists, or positive allosteric modulators of nicotinic cholinergic receptors in COVID-19?

  • If induced by SARS-CoV-2, can the production of toxin-like peptides be involved in the neurological disorders and injuries observed in hospitalized COVID-19 patients?

  • If induced by SARS-CoV-2, can the production of toxin-like peptides influence complex diseases apparently triggered or enhanced by COVID-19, like e.g. Guillain-Barré Syndrome42 or Parkinson's disease43?

  • Are toxin-like peptides associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection or to other viral infections or, more in general, is their presence related to sickness condition?

  • Are our findings supporting the suggestion made by the iVAMP Consortium44 on the relationships between animal venom glands and microorganisms' microenvironments?

We consider that the immediate sharing of these results can contribute to the untangling of the multifaceted set of clinical manifestations in symptomatic COVID-19 patients, and to the further understanding of the mechanisms involved.

Data availability

Underlying data

Uniprot: Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor homolog beta-bungarotoxin B1 chain [Bungarus candidus (Malayan krait)]. Accession number Q8AY46,

Uniprot: Basic phospholipase A2 BFPA, svPLA2, EC (Antimicrobial phospholipase A2) (Phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase) [Bungarus fasciatus (Banded krait) (Pseudoboa fasciata)]. Accession number A6MEY4,

Uniprot: Phospholipase A2 MALT0035C, svPLA2, EC [Micrurus altirostris (Uruguayan coral snake) (Elaps altirostris)]. Accession number F5CPF1,

Uniprot: Zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like NaMP, EC 3.4.24.- (Snake venom metalloproteinase, SVMP) [Naja atra (Chinese cobra)]. Accession number A8QL59,

Uniprot: Acidic phospholipase A2 D, svPLA2, EC (APLA) (Phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase) [Naja sputatrix (Malayan spitting cobra) (Naja naja sputatrix)]. Accession number Q9I900,

Uniprot: Venom prothrombin activator omicarin-C non-catalytic subunit, vPA (Venom coagulation factor Va-like protein) [Cleaved into: Omicarin-C non-catalytic subunit heavy chain; Omicarin-C non-catalytic subunit light chain] [Oxyuranus microlepidotus (Inland taipan) (Diemenia microlepidota)]. Accession number A58L90,

Uniprot: Venom prothrombin activator oscutarin-C non-catalytic subunit, vPA (Venom coagulation factor Va-like protein) [Cleaved into: Oscutarin-C non-catalytic subunit heavy chain; Oscutarin-C non-catalytic subunit light chain] [Oxyuranus scutellatus (Coastal taipan)]. Accession number Q58L91,

Uniprot: Short neurotoxin 4, SNTX4 (Alpha-neurotoxin 4) [Pseudonaja textilis (Eastern brown snake)]. Accession number Q9W7J9,

Uniprot: Acidic phospholipase A2 homolog textilotoxin D chain, svPLA2 homolog [Pseudonaja textilis (Eastern brown snake)]. Accession number P23028,

Uniprot: Coagulation factor V [Cleaved into: Coagulation factor V heavy chain; Coagulation factor V light chain] [Pseudonaja textilis (Eastern brown snake)]. Accession number Q593B6,

Uniprot: Venom prothrombin activator pseutarin-C non-catalytic subunit, PCNS, vPA (Venom coagulation factor Va-like protein) [Cleaved into: Pseutarin-C non-catalytic subunit heavy chain; Pseutarin-C non-catalytic subunit light chain] [Pseudonaja textilis (Eastern brown snake)]. Accession number Q7SZN0,

Uniprot: Cysteine-rich venom protein ENH1, CRVP (Cysteine-rich secretory protein ENH1, CRISP-ENH1) [Pseudoferania polylepis (Macleay's water snake) (Enhydris polylepis)]. Accession number Q2XXQ3,

Uniprot: Bradykinin-potentiating and C-type natriuretic peptides (Brain BPP-CNP, bBPP-CNP) (Evasin-CNP) [Cleaved into 12 chains] [Bothrops jararaca (Jararaca)]. Accession number Q9PW56,

Uniprot: Snake venom metalloprotease inhibitor 02D01 (02E11) (10F07) (Svmpi-Eoc7) [Cleaved into 15 chains] [Echis ocellatus (Ocellated saw-scaled viper)]. Accession number A8YPR6,

Uniprot: Zinc metalloproteinase/disintegrin [Cleaved into: Snake venom metalloproteinase brevilysin L4, SVMP (Snake venom metalloproteinase hxl-1, EC 3.4.24.-) ; Disintegrin brevicaudin-1a; Disintegrin brevicaudin-1b (Disintegrin adinbitor) (Disintegrin halystatin)] [Gloydius brevicaudus (Korean slamosa snake) (Agkistrodon halys brevicaudus)]. Accession number Q698K8,

Uniprot: Zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like halysase, EC 3.4.24.- (Snake venom metalloproteinase, SVMP) (Vascular apoptosis-inducing protein, VAP) [Gloydius halys (Chinese water mocassin) (Agkistrodon halys)]. Accession number Q8AWI5,

Uniprot: Alpha-elapitoxin-Oh2b, Alpha-EPTX-Oh2b (Alpha-neurotoxin) (LNTX3) (Long neurotoxin OH-6A/OH-6B) (OH-3) [Ophiophagus hannah (King cobra) (Naja hannah)]. Accession number P82662,

Uniprot: Acidic phospholipase A2 PePLA2, svPLA2, EC (Phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase) [Protobothrops elegans (Elegant pitviper) (Trimeresurus elegans)]. Accession number Q2PG83,

Uniprot: Basic phospholipase A2 PL-X, svPLA2, EC (Phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase) [Protobothrops elegans (Elegant pitviper) (Trimeresurus elegans)]. Accession number P06860,

Uniprot: Bradykinin-potentiating and C-type natriuretic peptides (BPP-CNP) [Cleaved into six chains] [Protobothrops flavoviridis (Habu) (Trimeresurus flavoviridis)]. Accession number P0C7P5,

Uniprot: Phospholipase A2 AP-PLA2-I, PLA2, EC (Phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase 2) [Acanthaster planci (Crown-of-thorns starfish)]. Accession number Q2C2C2,

Uniprot: Conotoxin Cl9.6 [Californiconus californicus (California cone) (Conus californicus)]. Accession number D6C4M3,

Uniprot: Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor conotoxin Cal9.1a [Californiconus californicus (California cone) (Conus californicus)]. Accession number D2Y488,

Uniprot: Conotoxin Cl14.9 [Californiconus californicus (California cone) (Conus californicus)]. Accession number D6C4J8,

Uniprot: Alpha-conotoxin CIB (C1.2) [Conus catus (Cat cone)]. Accession number P0DPT2,

Uniprot: Conotoxin Fla16d (Conotoxin Fla16.1) [Cleaved into: Conotoxin fla16a; Conotoxin fla16b; Conotoxin fla16c] [Conus flavidus (Yellow Pacific cone)], Accession number V5V893,

Uniprot: Sigma-conotoxin GVIIIA [Conus geographus (Geography cone) (Nubecula geographus)]. Accession number P58924,

Uniprot: Conotoxin Mr15.2 (Mr094) [Conus marmoreus (Marble cone)]. Accession number P0DM19,

Uniprot: Conotoxin mr3g (Mr3.6) [Conus marmoreus (Marble cone)]. Accession number P0C1N5, P0C1N5

Uniprot: Conotoxin Pu6.1 [Conus pulicarius (Flea-bitten cone)]. Accession number D2DGD8,

Uniprot: Alpha-conotoxin-like Pu1.5 [Conus pulicarius (Flea-bitten cone)]. Accession number P0C8U9,

Uniprot: Putative alpha-conotoxin Qc alphaL-1, QcaL-1 [Conus quercinus (Oak cone)]. Accession number A1X8B8,

Uniprot: Contryphan-R (Bromocontryphan) [Cleaved into: [Des-Gly1]-contryphan-R] [Conus radiatus (Rayed cone)]. Accession number P58786,

Uniprot: Rho-conotoxin TIA, Rho-TIA [Conus tulipa (Fish-hunting cone snail) (Tulip cone)]. Accession number P58811,

Uniprot: Conotoxin 10 [Conus virgo (Virgin cone)]. Accession number Q5K0C5,

Uniprot: Conotoxin Vi15a (Vi15.1) [Conus virgo (Virgin cone)]. Accession number B3FIA5,

Zenodo: Underlying data for ‘Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients’,

This project contains the following underlying data:

  • Data file 1: Toxins.fasta

  • Data file 2: Toxins.mgf

Data are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC-BY4.0)


The human biological samples used in the experimentation were collected and used with the expressed free and informed written consent of the person from whom the material was taken, according to current legislation.

Comments on this article Comments (2)

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  • Author Response 26 Jul 2021
    Mauro Petrillo, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, 21027, Italy
    26 Jul 2021
    Author Response
    Dear Dr. de Bernardis,

    Thanks a lot for your valuable comment.

    You are perfectly right: it can't be excluded that the findings aren't specific to COVID and that might be ... Continue reading
  • Reader Comment 20 Jul 2021
    Ernesto de Bernardis, ASP SR, Italy
    20 Jul 2021
    Reader Comment
    I don't understand why the Authors' hypotheses about the origin of these peptides don't include the host response during severe inflammation or ARDS, or during a pharmacological therapy similar to ... Continue reading
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Brogna C, Cristoni S, Petrillo M et al. Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients [version 2; peer review: 2 approved] F1000Research 2021, 10:550 (
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ApprovedThe paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approvedFundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
Version 2
PUBLISHED 14 Oct 2021
Reviewer Report 29 Oct 2021
Moshe Arditi, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA 
I approve the paper as it is ... Continue reading
Arditi M. Reviewer Report For: Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research 2021, 10:550 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
Reviewer Report 18 Oct 2021
Paolo Grumati, Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM), Pozzuoli, Italy 
Author addressed ... Continue reading
Grumati P. Reviewer Report For: Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research 2021, 10:550 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
Version 1
PUBLISHED 08 Jul 2021
Reviewer Report 05 Oct 2021
Moshe Arditi, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA 
Approved with Reservations
The investigators report the identification of toxin-like peptides in COVID-19 patients samples (Plasma, urine and stool samples) by using Liquid Chromatography Surface-Activated Chemical Ionization-Cloud Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry. The investigators used a study cohort (for plasma) of 15 COVID 19 ... Continue reading
Arditi M. Reviewer Report For: Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research 2021, 10:550 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 20 Jan 2022
    Mauro Petrillo, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, 21027, Italy
    20 Jan 2022
    Author Response
    Dear Dr Arditi,

    thanks a lot for the valuable comments and suggestions that you have provided in the report.
    We will address all of them in order to provide ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 20 Jan 2022
    Mauro Petrillo, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, 21027, Italy
    20 Jan 2022
    Author Response
    Dear Dr Arditi,
    Thanks a lot for your valuable comments and suggestions that you have provided in the report. As anticipated, we have addressed all your points, and provided a ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 20 Jan 2022
    Mauro Petrillo, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, 21027, Italy
    20 Jan 2022
    Author Response
    Dear Dr Arditi,

    thanks a lot for the valuable comments and suggestions that you have provided in the report.
    We will address all of them in order to provide ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 20 Jan 2022
    Mauro Petrillo, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, 21027, Italy
    20 Jan 2022
    Author Response
    Dear Dr Arditi,
    Thanks a lot for your valuable comments and suggestions that you have provided in the report. As anticipated, we have addressed all your points, and provided a ... Continue reading
Reviewer Report 09 Aug 2021
Paolo Grumati, Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM), Pozzuoli, Italy 
Approved with Reservations
12th August 2021: This peer review report was originally published with a Not Approved status, but the reviewer has since notified the Editorial team that this was not intended and it should be an Approved with Reservations. The report approval ... Continue reading
Grumati P. Reviewer Report For: Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research 2021, 10:550 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 13 Aug 2021
    Mauro Petrillo, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, 21027, Italy
    13 Aug 2021
    Author Response
    Dear Dr Grumati,

    Thanks a lot for your valuable comments and suggestions that you have provided in the report.

    We will address all of them, and wait for ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 12 Jan 2022
    Mauro Petrillo, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, 21027, Italy
    12 Jan 2022
    Author Response
    Dear Dr Grumati,

    Thanks a lot for your valuable comments and suggestions that you have provided in the report. As anticipated, we have addressed all your points, and provided ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 13 Aug 2021
    Mauro Petrillo, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, 21027, Italy
    13 Aug 2021
    Author Response
    Dear Dr Grumati,

    Thanks a lot for your valuable comments and suggestions that you have provided in the report.

    We will address all of them, and wait for ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 12 Jan 2022
    Mauro Petrillo, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, 21027, Italy
    12 Jan 2022
    Author Response
    Dear Dr Grumati,

    Thanks a lot for your valuable comments and suggestions that you have provided in the report. As anticipated, we have addressed all your points, and provided ... Continue reading

Comments on this article Comments (2)

Version 2
Version 1
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  • Author Response 26 Jul 2021
    Mauro Petrillo, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, 21027, Italy
    26 Jul 2021
    Author Response
    Dear Dr. de Bernardis,

    Thanks a lot for your valuable comment.

    You are perfectly right: it can't be excluded that the findings aren't specific to COVID and that might be ... Continue reading
  • Reader Comment 20 Jul 2021
    Ernesto de Bernardis, ASP SR, Italy
    20 Jul 2021
    Reader Comment
    I don't understand why the Authors' hypotheses about the origin of these peptides don't include the host response during severe inflammation or ARDS, or during a pharmacological therapy similar to ... Continue reading
  • Discussion is closed on this version, please comment on the latest version above.
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Approved - the paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations - A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approved - fundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
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