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Türkiye’s Shifting Policies Toward the Cyprus Issue and the Eastern Mediterranean Dispute

Year 2023, Issue: 76, 238 - 253, 27.04.2023


A main objective of this article is to examine the underlying reasons behind the collapse of the reunification talks on Cyprus aimed at a federal model. Another aim of the article is to analyze Türkiye’s assertive policy in the Eastern Mediterranean. A major argument is that the disruption of the balance of power with respect to the Cyprus problem in favor of the Greek Cypriots after 2004 and the lack of a shared Cypriot identity were fundamental causes of the failure of the talks. The study also contends that the emergence of a siege mentality after the July 2016 coup plot in Türkiye, together with its economic and military strengthening, the rise of multi-polarity in international politics, and diminishing EU political sway in the country, incentivized Türkiye to pursue an active foreign policy agenda in the Eastern Mediterranean. This study concludes that the failure of long-standing negotiations to reach a federal settlement on the island and the comfortable position obtained by the Greek Cypriot Administration (GCA) in the negotiations vis-à-vis the Turkish side following the accession to the EU together with Türkiye’s nationalist posture after 2016 and the deepening of the identity dilemma among the Greek and Turkish Cypriots over the course of time induced Türkiye to shelve a federal solution to the Cyprus issue and return to a pre-2002 two-state solution. The article also concludes that Türkiye was further prompted to take an independent course in the Eastern Mediterranean by the combination of a number of factors: the rapprochement between the AKP Government and nationalist elements in the country after the 2016 coup plot, the militarization of its foreign policy, Türkiye’s perception that the West was in decline, the decreased credibility and thus leverage over Türkiye of EU political conditionality, Brussels’ shortcomings regarding a common security and foreign policy and the rise in Türkiye’s military and economic capabilities.


  • Altuğ, B., Öz, E. & Arslan, M. İ. (2021, 28 April). KKTC Cumhurbaşkanı Tatar Kıbrıs’ta kalıcı çözüm için altı maddeden oluşan öneri sundu. Anadolu Ajansı, Retrieved from
  • Arslan, M. İ. (2020, 22 May). KKTC Başbakanı Üstel: İmzalanan mali protokolle birlikte Türkiye’nin destek ve katkıları artarak devam edecek. Anadolu Ajansı, Retrieved from
  • Arslan, M. İ. (2022, 27 September). Avrupa Konseyi’nin Loizidou Kararı, KKTC taşınmaz mal komisyonu’nun önemine işaret etti, Anadolu Ajansı, Retrieved from
  • Aswestopoulos, W. (2022, 24 September). Signal an Erdogan: USA Kippen Waffenembargo für Zypern. heise online, Retrieved from
  • Aygın, E. (2020, 2 September). Cyprus May Never be Reunified Again. Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Retrieved from
  • Congressional Research Service (2019, 15 April). Cyprus: Reunification Proving Elusive. Retrieved from
  • Bardakçı, M. (2021). Türkiye’s New Middle East Policy: The Challenges and Ramifications of ‘Normalization.’ Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 15(3), 441-457.
  • Bardakçı, M. (2022). Turkey and the Major Powers in the Eastern Mediterranean Crisis from the 2010s to the 2020s. Comparative Southeast European Studies, 70(3), 516-539.
  • Bekdil, B. E. (2022, 8 August). Türkiye’s Defense Industry Eyes Export Expansion as Government Navigates Geopolitical Stage. Defense News, Retrieved fromürkiyes-defense-industry-eyes-export-expansion-as-government-navigates-geopolitical-stage/.
  • Casin, M. H. (2019, 14 December). Analysis – Strategic, Legal Aspects of Turkey-Libya Deal. Anadolu Ajansı, Retrieved from
  • Christofis, N. & Logotheti, A. (2023). Between Political Survival and Regional Power: The Justice and Development Party and Cyprus, 2002-2017. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 50(1), 1-18.
  • Cyprus Mail (2016, 6 February). Uproar over Turkish Cypriot Side’s ‘Virgin Birth’ Implication. Retrieved from
  • Cyprus News Agency (2008, 14 November). Cypriot FM: No Derogations from Acquis during a Solution.
  • Çelenk, A. A. (2007). The Restructuring of Turkey’s Policy towards Cyprus: The Justice and Development Party’s Struggle for Power. Turkish Studies, 8(3), 349-363.
  • Daily Sabah (2017, 16 January). TRNC Says Türkiye’s Guarantee in Cyprus is not Negotiable. Retrieved fromürkiyes-guarantee-in-cyprus-is-not-negotiable.
  • Daily Sabah (2022, 22 July). Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Pakistan Sign Istanbul Declaration. Retrieved fromürkiye-azerbaijan-pakistan-sign-istanbul-declaration.
  • Defence Türkiye (2019, May). Turkish Naval Forces Sail on Territorial Waters with Blue Homeland Drill. No. 91. Retrieved from https://www.defenceTü
  • Demirci, M. (2018, 5 April). Cyprus Talks Hit ‘Snag over Rotating Presidency Issue.’ Anadolu Ajansı, Retrieved from
  • Denizeau, A. (2021, April). Mavi Vatan, the ‘Blue Homeland’: The Origins, Influences and Limits of an Ambitious Doctrine (IFRI). Retrieved fromürkiye_2021.pdf.
  • Erciyes, Ç. (2019, 27 May). Türkiye’s Off-Shore Activities in the Eastern Mediterranean. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye, Retrieved from
  • European Union External Action (2022, 12 November). Cyprus: Statement of the Spokesperson on the Observer Status for Turkish Cypriot Secessionist Entity in Organisation of Turkic States. Retrieved from
  • Gafarlı, T. (2019, December). Against All Odds: Türkiye’s position in the eastern mediterranean (TRT World Research Centre Discussion Paper). Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/Mehmet/Downloads/Against_All_Odds_Türkiye_s_Position_in_th%20(1).pdf.
  • Güler, G. (2020, 10 December). Federasyon görünümlü otonomi/üniter devlet. Türksam, Retrieved from
  • Hadjicostis, M. (2017, 26 June). Back to Switzerland for Cyprus Peace Deal Talks. AP News, Retrieved from
  • Jabbour, J. (2021, May). France vs. Turkey in the EastMed: A geopolitical rivalry between a ‘keeper’ of the old order and a challenging emergent power (Briefings de l’Ifri). Retrieved from
  • Karabat, A. (2019, 28 January). ‘Gunboat Diplomacy will Continue’: Turkish-Cypriot Gas Battle Set to Boil in 2019. Middle East Eye, Retrieved from
  • Karbuz, S. (2019, July). Doğu Akdeniz’de ne kadar doğal gaz var (Bilkent Enerji Notları, No. 12), Retrieved from
  • Karbuz, S. (2021). Key challenges facing the eastern mediterranean: The future of regional energy development. Insight Turkey, 23(1), 115-138.
  • Kasapoğlu, C. (2020, 2 November). The Turkish Navy in Context: Military modernization and geopolitical transformation (Al Sharque Strategic Research). Retrieved from
  • Kirişçi, K. & Toygür, İ. (2019, January). Türkiye’s New Presidential System and a Changing West: Implications for Turkish Foreign Policy and Türkiye-West Relations (Brookings Türkiye Project Policy Paper, No. 15). Fromürkiye_presidential_system.pdf.
  • Kostidis, M. (2022, 20 October). Türkiye Pours Money into Defense Industry., Retrieved fromürkiye-pours-money-into-defense-industry/.
  • Köprülü, N. (2020, December). The Island of Cyprus in a Fluctuating Regional Environment: A Turkish Cypriot Perspective. Paper Presented at Antalya Diplomacy Forum, Antalya, Türkiye. Retrieved from
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye (2017, 25 October). Greek Cypriot’s Unilateral Activities in The Eastern Mediterranean. Retrieved from
  • NTV (2022, 1 July). KKTC’den Rum kesimine dört başlıkta yeni işbirliği önerisi. Retrieved from,dg4PGuk-Dka3-Ot6lRZm-w.
  • Özdemir, Ç. (2020). The United States-Backed Containment of Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean. Insight Turkey, 22(2), 111-126.
  • Özertem, H. (2021, July). Back to ‘the Tradition’: Türkiye’s Changing Position from a Federal to a Two State Solution to the Cyprus Conflict (IFRI). Retrieved from
  • Panayiotides, C. (2020, 20 September). Federation: Who supports it and why. Cyprus Mail, Retrieved from
  • Sonan, S., Küçükşener, E. & Porat, E. (2020). Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta siyaset ve toplum: Bir anket çalışması (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung). Retrieved from
  • Straw, J. (2017, 1 October). Only a Partitioned Island Will Bring the Dispute between Turkish and Greek Cypriots to An End. Independent, Retrieved from
  • Temizer, M. (2021, 16 July). East Med Energy Could be Key to Improving Turkey-Israel Relations. Anadolu Ajansı, Retrieved from
  • The World Bank. (n.d.) GDP Per Capita (Current US$) – Türkiye. Retrieved from
  • Townley, D. (2022, 22 December). ‘America is Back’: How Joe Biden Repaired US Relationships with the Rest of the World in 2002. The Conversation, Retrieved from
  • TRT WORLD (2019, 10 December). Why did Turkey Sign a Maritime Deal with Libya? Retrieved from
  • 20 Minutes (2022, 24 March). Vente D’armes : Athènes Finalise L’achat à La France de Trois Frégates et de Six Rafale. Retrieved from
  • Uzgel, İ. (2020, November). Türkiye and the Mediterranean Imbroglio: The Story of an aspiring regional power. (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung). Retrieved from
  • Yılmaz, M. E. (2005). The Cyprus conflict and the Annan Plan: Why one more failure. Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 5(1), 29-39.

Türkiye’nin Kıbrıs Meselesine ve Doğu Akdeniz Sorununa Karşı Değişen Politikaları

Year 2023, Issue: 76, 238 - 253, 27.04.2023


Bu makalenin ana amaçlarından birisi federal bir modeli hedefleyen Kıbrıs’ın yeniden birleşme müzakerelerinin çökmesinin ardındaki temel nedenleri incelemektir. Makalenin başka bir amacı Türkiye’nin Doğu Akdeniz’deki etkin politikasını analiz etmektir. Makalenin temel argümanı 2004’ten sonra Kıbrıs probleminde güç dengesinin Kıbrıslı Rumlar lehine bozulmasının ve ortak bir Kıbrıs kimliğinin eksikliğinin görüşmelerin başarısızlığının temel sebepleri olduğudur. Çalışma Temmuz 2016’da Türkiye’deki darbe girişiminden sonra ortaya çıkan kuşatma mantalitesinin, Türkiye’nin ekonomik ve askeri olarak güçlenmesinin, uluslararası politikada çok kutupluluğun ortaya çıkışının ve ülkede AB’nin siyasi etkisinin azalmasının Türkiye’yi Doğu Akdeniz’de aktif bir dış politika izlemeye teşvik ettiğini ileri sürmektedir. Bu çalışma adada federal bir çözüme ulaşmak için uzun süredir devam eden müzakerelerin başarısızlığı ve Kıbrıs Rum Yönetimi’nin AB’ye katıldıktan sonra müzakerelerde Türkiye’ye karşı rahat bir pozisyon elde etmesinin yanında 2016’dan sonra Türkiye’nin milliyetçi bir tutuma sahip olmasının ve zamanla Kıbrıs Türkleri ve Rumları arasında kimlik ikileminin derinleşmesinin Türkiye’nin Kıbrıs meselesine federal bir çözümü rafa kaldırmasına ittiği ve onu 2002 öncesi iki devletli çözüme geri döndürdüğü sonucuna varmıştır. Makale, aynı zamanda, birkaç faktörün bir araya gelmesinin Doğu Akdeniz’de Türkiye’nin bağımsız bir yola girmesine yol açtığı sonucuna varmaktadır : 2016 darbe girişiminden sonra AKP Hükümeti’yle ülkedeki milliyetçi unsurlar arasındaki yakınlaşma, dış politikanın askerileşmesi, Türkiye’nin Batı’nın inişte olduğu konusundaki algısı, AB siyasi koşulluğunun azalan inandırıcılığı ve Türkiye üzerindeki azalan manivela gücü, Brüksel’in ortak bir güvenlik ve dış politika konusundaki eksikleri ve Türkiye’nin askeri ve ekonomik yeteneklerindeki artış.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Enerji, AB, Türk dış politikası, Kıbrıs


  • Altuğ, B., Öz, E. & Arslan, M. İ. (2021, 28 April). KKTC Cumhurbaşkanı Tatar Kıbrıs’ta kalıcı çözüm için altı maddeden oluşan öneri sundu. Anadolu Ajansı, Retrieved from
  • Arslan, M. İ. (2020, 22 May). KKTC Başbakanı Üstel: İmzalanan mali protokolle birlikte Türkiye’nin destek ve katkıları artarak devam edecek. Anadolu Ajansı, Retrieved from
  • Arslan, M. İ. (2022, 27 September). Avrupa Konseyi’nin Loizidou Kararı, KKTC taşınmaz mal komisyonu’nun önemine işaret etti, Anadolu Ajansı, Retrieved from
  • Aswestopoulos, W. (2022, 24 September). Signal an Erdogan: USA Kippen Waffenembargo für Zypern. heise online, Retrieved from
  • Aygın, E. (2020, 2 September). Cyprus May Never be Reunified Again. Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Retrieved from
  • Congressional Research Service (2019, 15 April). Cyprus: Reunification Proving Elusive. Retrieved from
  • Bardakçı, M. (2021). Türkiye’s New Middle East Policy: The Challenges and Ramifications of ‘Normalization.’ Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 15(3), 441-457.
  • Bardakçı, M. (2022). Turkey and the Major Powers in the Eastern Mediterranean Crisis from the 2010s to the 2020s. Comparative Southeast European Studies, 70(3), 516-539.
  • Bekdil, B. E. (2022, 8 August). Türkiye’s Defense Industry Eyes Export Expansion as Government Navigates Geopolitical Stage. Defense News, Retrieved fromürkiyes-defense-industry-eyes-export-expansion-as-government-navigates-geopolitical-stage/.
  • Casin, M. H. (2019, 14 December). Analysis – Strategic, Legal Aspects of Turkey-Libya Deal. Anadolu Ajansı, Retrieved from
  • Christofis, N. & Logotheti, A. (2023). Between Political Survival and Regional Power: The Justice and Development Party and Cyprus, 2002-2017. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 50(1), 1-18.
  • Cyprus Mail (2016, 6 February). Uproar over Turkish Cypriot Side’s ‘Virgin Birth’ Implication. Retrieved from
  • Cyprus News Agency (2008, 14 November). Cypriot FM: No Derogations from Acquis during a Solution.
  • Çelenk, A. A. (2007). The Restructuring of Turkey’s Policy towards Cyprus: The Justice and Development Party’s Struggle for Power. Turkish Studies, 8(3), 349-363.
  • Daily Sabah (2017, 16 January). TRNC Says Türkiye’s Guarantee in Cyprus is not Negotiable. Retrieved fromürkiyes-guarantee-in-cyprus-is-not-negotiable.
  • Daily Sabah (2022, 22 July). Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Pakistan Sign Istanbul Declaration. Retrieved fromürkiye-azerbaijan-pakistan-sign-istanbul-declaration.
  • Defence Türkiye (2019, May). Turkish Naval Forces Sail on Territorial Waters with Blue Homeland Drill. No. 91. Retrieved from https://www.defenceTü
  • Demirci, M. (2018, 5 April). Cyprus Talks Hit ‘Snag over Rotating Presidency Issue.’ Anadolu Ajansı, Retrieved from
  • Denizeau, A. (2021, April). Mavi Vatan, the ‘Blue Homeland’: The Origins, Influences and Limits of an Ambitious Doctrine (IFRI). Retrieved fromürkiye_2021.pdf.
  • Erciyes, Ç. (2019, 27 May). Türkiye’s Off-Shore Activities in the Eastern Mediterranean. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye, Retrieved from
  • European Union External Action (2022, 12 November). Cyprus: Statement of the Spokesperson on the Observer Status for Turkish Cypriot Secessionist Entity in Organisation of Turkic States. Retrieved from
  • Gafarlı, T. (2019, December). Against All Odds: Türkiye’s position in the eastern mediterranean (TRT World Research Centre Discussion Paper). Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/Mehmet/Downloads/Against_All_Odds_Türkiye_s_Position_in_th%20(1).pdf.
  • Güler, G. (2020, 10 December). Federasyon görünümlü otonomi/üniter devlet. Türksam, Retrieved from
  • Hadjicostis, M. (2017, 26 June). Back to Switzerland for Cyprus Peace Deal Talks. AP News, Retrieved from
  • Jabbour, J. (2021, May). France vs. Turkey in the EastMed: A geopolitical rivalry between a ‘keeper’ of the old order and a challenging emergent power (Briefings de l’Ifri). Retrieved from
  • Karabat, A. (2019, 28 January). ‘Gunboat Diplomacy will Continue’: Turkish-Cypriot Gas Battle Set to Boil in 2019. Middle East Eye, Retrieved from
  • Karbuz, S. (2019, July). Doğu Akdeniz’de ne kadar doğal gaz var (Bilkent Enerji Notları, No. 12), Retrieved from
  • Karbuz, S. (2021). Key challenges facing the eastern mediterranean: The future of regional energy development. Insight Turkey, 23(1), 115-138.
  • Kasapoğlu, C. (2020, 2 November). The Turkish Navy in Context: Military modernization and geopolitical transformation (Al Sharque Strategic Research). Retrieved from
  • Kirişçi, K. & Toygür, İ. (2019, January). Türkiye’s New Presidential System and a Changing West: Implications for Turkish Foreign Policy and Türkiye-West Relations (Brookings Türkiye Project Policy Paper, No. 15). Fromürkiye_presidential_system.pdf.
  • Kostidis, M. (2022, 20 October). Türkiye Pours Money into Defense Industry., Retrieved fromürkiye-pours-money-into-defense-industry/.
  • Köprülü, N. (2020, December). The Island of Cyprus in a Fluctuating Regional Environment: A Turkish Cypriot Perspective. Paper Presented at Antalya Diplomacy Forum, Antalya, Türkiye. Retrieved from
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye (2017, 25 October). Greek Cypriot’s Unilateral Activities in The Eastern Mediterranean. Retrieved from
  • NTV (2022, 1 July). KKTC’den Rum kesimine dört başlıkta yeni işbirliği önerisi. Retrieved from,dg4PGuk-Dka3-Ot6lRZm-w.
  • Özdemir, Ç. (2020). The United States-Backed Containment of Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean. Insight Turkey, 22(2), 111-126.
  • Özertem, H. (2021, July). Back to ‘the Tradition’: Türkiye’s Changing Position from a Federal to a Two State Solution to the Cyprus Conflict (IFRI). Retrieved from
  • Panayiotides, C. (2020, 20 September). Federation: Who supports it and why. Cyprus Mail, Retrieved from
  • Sonan, S., Küçükşener, E. & Porat, E. (2020). Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta siyaset ve toplum: Bir anket çalışması (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung). Retrieved from
  • Straw, J. (2017, 1 October). Only a Partitioned Island Will Bring the Dispute between Turkish and Greek Cypriots to An End. Independent, Retrieved from
  • Temizer, M. (2021, 16 July). East Med Energy Could be Key to Improving Turkey-Israel Relations. Anadolu Ajansı, Retrieved from
  • The World Bank. (n.d.) GDP Per Capita (Current US$) – Türkiye. Retrieved from
  • Townley, D. (2022, 22 December). ‘America is Back’: How Joe Biden Repaired US Relationships with the Rest of the World in 2002. The Conversation, Retrieved from
  • TRT WORLD (2019, 10 December). Why did Turkey Sign a Maritime Deal with Libya? Retrieved from
  • 20 Minutes (2022, 24 March). Vente D’armes : Athènes Finalise L’achat à La France de Trois Frégates et de Six Rafale. Retrieved from
  • Uzgel, İ. (2020, November). Türkiye and the Mediterranean Imbroglio: The Story of an aspiring regional power. (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung). Retrieved from
  • Yılmaz, M. E. (2005). The Cyprus conflict and the Annan Plan: Why one more failure. Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 5(1), 29-39.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English

Mehmet Bardakçı 0000-0002-8116-0545

Publication Date April 27, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 76


APA Bardakçı, M. (2023). Türkiye’s Shifting Policies Toward the Cyprus Issue and the Eastern Mediterranean Dispute. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(76), 238-253.
AMA Bardakçı M. Türkiye’s Shifting Policies Toward the Cyprus Issue and the Eastern Mediterranean Dispute. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. April 2023;(76):238-253. doi:10.51290/dpusbe.1249762
Chicago Bardakçı, Mehmet. “Türkiye’s Shifting Policies Toward the Cyprus Issue and the Eastern Mediterranean Dispute”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 76 (April 2023): 238-53.
EndNote Bardakçı M (April 1, 2023) Türkiye’s Shifting Policies Toward the Cyprus Issue and the Eastern Mediterranean Dispute. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 76 238–253.
IEEE M. Bardakçı, “Türkiye’s Shifting Policies Toward the Cyprus Issue and the Eastern Mediterranean Dispute”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 76, pp. 238–253, April 2023, doi: 10.51290/dpusbe.1249762.
ISNAD Bardakçı, Mehmet. “Türkiye’s Shifting Policies Toward the Cyprus Issue and the Eastern Mediterranean Dispute”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 76 (April 2023), 238-253.
JAMA Bardakçı M. Türkiye’s Shifting Policies Toward the Cyprus Issue and the Eastern Mediterranean Dispute. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2023;:238–253.
MLA Bardakçı, Mehmet. “Türkiye’s Shifting Policies Toward the Cyprus Issue and the Eastern Mediterranean Dispute”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 76, 2023, pp. 238-53, doi:10.51290/dpusbe.1249762.
Vancouver Bardakçı M. Türkiye’s Shifting Policies Toward the Cyprus Issue and the Eastern Mediterranean Dispute. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2023(76):238-53.

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