Polytechnic University of Valencia Congress, Fourth International Conference on Higher Education Advances

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Analysis of two Leveling Courses in Chemistry: objectives, methodology, assessments and future prospects
Elena M Arroyo-de Dompablo, María José Ibáñez-González

Last modified: 07-05-2018


The purpose of this report is to analyze different aspects of two levelling courses in Chemistry, offered to entry-levels students in the Degree in Geology (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and in the degree in Agricultural Engineering (Universidad de Almería). We comparatively analyze the motivations for offering the course, its aims and objectives, the course design and finally the methodology ans assessments of the course in both universities. The assessment of the learning process is done through quizzes at the beginning and at the end of the courses. Voluntary and anonymous surveys show that the students are very satisfied with the courses. In the future, the aim is to improve the learning methodology in order to achieve greater student motivation

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