Re-envisioning the School Day: Integrating Mathematics, Science, and Reading through Students’ Engagement with Practices

By Temple A. Walkowiak, James Minogue
Ann D. Harrington and Cynthia P. Edgington
NC State University


In this article, we propose an alternative to traditional content integration that has resulted in our preservice elementary teacher candidates designing lessons centered on developing focused practices throughout a re-envisioned school day.  We first present connections among the practices outlined in mathematics, science, and reading standards; the complementary nature of the practices creates a conceptual thread that weaves through and helps unite content across disciplines.  Then, we outline the project that our teacher candidates complete and describe resulting examples of their work.  We conclude by presenting suggestions for educators and other leaders who are interested in utilizing this lesson planning approach in their own settings.  If the targeted set of related practices are selected and leveraged thoughtfully, they lend much-needed coherence to the work that students do in a given school day.


standards-based practices; elementary school; lesson planning

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