This chapter presents the most active and well-known squat that remained open after the wave of police attacks in 2012. Through the ethnography of the few remaining squats in Athens presented in the chapter, demonstrated the significance of space and materialities for the creation of potential resistance, and therefore exposed the spatial aspects of the new repressive strategy of the neoliberal state. A public space that on the one hand will increasingly be privatized and whose non-commercial dimension will be characterized as 'anomie', and on the other will turn into a field of control and formation of subjectivities. The Foucauldian notion of heterotopias can provide an interesting perspective on the ethnographic findings of this research in terms of revealing prevalent political strategies and interpreting contemporary socio-spatial phenomena. In contrast to 'utopias', Foucault developed the idea of 'hetero-topias'. However, utopia cannot exist in any pure form, and it can justifiably be said that the prison is 'effectively an enacted utopia'.