Many sport for development and peace (SDP) organizations include girls and women in their programs. However, their inclusion often comes as an “add on” to existing programs for boys and men and organizations struggle to address the specific needs of girls in relation to their participation in sport. Three pioneering organizations, Naz in India, Moving the Goalposts (MTG) in Kenya, and Women Win, which has a global remit, purposefully set out to develop and support SDP programs that were specifically for girls and women. This approach was innovative in itself, driven by the needs of girls and women in different settings around the world. In this chapter, leaders of Naz, MTG, and Women Win share the innovations they developed in their programs. These include how they addressed barriers to participation for girls, female leadership, voice and agency among girls, safe guarding, and community involvement in programming. Collaboration, sharing, co-creation, and learning have been central to their innovations alongside a commitment to building the inclusion of voices from the global South in conversations, decisions, and directions around programming and funding.