The work on the Upar Bansberh sech bundh has been progressing quite well; the until recently congested, the weed overrun bed of the tank is now about 6 ft deeper. Due to the re-excavation of Upar Bansberh bundh, and the creation of the check dam just inspected, the conservation of water in the upper reaches will certainly receive a boost. The field channel that they are digging at the Upar Bansberh bundh will also carry water almost over 1 km down to the fields adjacent to it, and the excess water will again drain out into the stream at the bottom of the slope. Although the quantum varies from one season to the next, throughout the year water seeps from Upar Bansberh bundh and flows down this channel. Fearing a scarcity of water for their fields, the people of Tesabundh further down the slope were objecting to the re-excavation of this bundh.