International and Nordic studies indicate that women still receive less than 10% of routine newspaper coverage. Lack of gender diversity in sport media coverage seems therefore to be as persistent in the Nordic welfare states, ranked among the most gender equalized in the world, as in other countries. This article will firstly explore how gender diversity in Nordic sport media corresponds to the global picture. Secondly, it presents a study of Norwegian online newspapers, examining whether – and eventually in which ways – the gendering of online newspaper discourses differs substantially from discourses in traditional newspapers and, gendered differences between commercial and state-owned online newspapers. The methodology is based on Fairclough’s framework of critical discourse analyses. Bourdieu’s theory of male dominance and symbolic power in social fields are used as an analytic tool. The results indicate that online newspapers mostly reproduce the gendering found in former newspaper studies. Men’s football dominates the coverage and female athletes are still exposed as the ‘other’ gender through stereotyping and trivialization. Alternative discourses indicated, however, more fluid and less hierarchical gender constructions, which may trace future changes.