13th World Congress for Laser Dentistry

26-28, April 2012

Barcelona, Spain

Meeting Abstract

Sponsors: World Federation for Laser Dentistry



Oral Presentation 123

TITLE: Vascular lesions of the oral cavity: Treatment approach with different lasers.

AUTHORS: Trelles M, Trelles K.                        

Vilafortuny Laser Centre, Dubai

SOURCE:  Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2012 May 1;17(Supplement1):S123.


* doi:10.4317/medoral.17643622






Vascular oral lesions represent a treatment challenge in odontostomatology. Range of lesions vary in importance from small malformations to notable differences in magnitude, that can lead to dental and oral arcade deformity. Small capillary disorders such as “venous lake” can also represent a setback for patients. The treatment approach with traditional surgical methods is tedious and risky due to the possibility of heavy bleeding. Lasers offer a prime alternative because energy can be very well controlled and thermal effects can be kept within the boundaries of the vascular lesion with limited lateral damage, which helps tissue to recover rapidly. Depending on the extent of the lesion, more than one treatment may be necessary to achieve an optimal result with good cosmetic outcome. Due to a thermal effect, energy absorption by the hemoglobin chromophore of blood is produced but without selectivity because of repeated pulses or prolonged exposure to laser irradiation. Therefore, devices of different wavelengths can be used and in this case coagulation during energy absorption looses selectivity, although preferential absorption is still maintained by hemoglobin and water because of the relation which exists with the laser wavelength used. In our experience, several laser wavelength emissions for treatment of vascular lesions of the oral cavity are effective, safe and are practically complication free. Outcome obtained is satisfactory as evalua-ted objectively and subjectively.