Study of NO <sub>x</sub> Reduction Efficiency in NSR and NSR-SCR Combined Systems



International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility
Authors Abstract
The present study was carried out to analyze the catalytic action of K2O-Al2O3 in NOx Storage and Reduction (NSR) monolith catalyst and Fe2O3-TiO2 in Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) monolith catalyst. The core objective of this investigation is to determine the maximum percentage of Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) reduction in NSR and NSR-SCR combined system with respect to engine exhaust gas temperature and compares the results with the results of the conventional mode of operation. To accomplish this task monolith ceramic bricks were coated with K2O-Al2O3 (NSR) and Fe2O3-TiO2 (SCR) catalyst and were placed in different configurations inside the catalytic chamber. Several trials were attempted to get the optimal operating temperature that has a maximum NOx removal efficiency when successively connecting a single NSR catalyst and the combined NSR-SCR double bed catalyst. Single NSR monolith at 320 °C, showed the best NOx conversion rate of 74%. The double NSR-SCR configuration permitted the SCR catalyst storing ammonia to respond with NOx leaving from the NSR. The SCR reaction between ammonia which leaves from NSR, later adsorbed by SCR and the NO that is not reacted in NSR which enters SCR bring about a total NOx reduction efficiency of 93%. Double bed NSR - SCR is better than single stage NSR by 20%. The study also revealed that the given system is not applicable for engines having exhaust temperature range less than 250 °C as they are unable to provide sufficient activation energy.
Meta TagsDetails
Supramani, S., and Chidambaram, R., "Study of NO x Reduction Efficiency in NSR and NSR-SCR Combined Systems," SAE Technical Paper 2019-28-0087, 2019,
Additional Details
Oct 11, 2019
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Technical Paper