Adolescents’ happiness-increasing strategies, temperament, and character: Mediation models on subjective well-being


In order to predict Subjective Well-Being (SWB) or happiness two of the major determinants may be 1) A genetic set point (which reflects personality) and 2) Current intentional activities (behavioral, cognitive, and motivational). In this context, personality can be considered as psycho-biological—composed of temperament (i.e., what grabs our attention and how intensely we react) and character (i.e., a reflection of personal goals and values). The present study examined how adolescents’ personality and intentional happiness-increasing strategies, measured at one point in time, are related to SWB measured one year later. Results show that temperament (Harm Avoidance) and character dimensions (Self-directedness) predicted SWB. Moreover, strategies such as active leisure (e.g., engaging in sports) and instrumental goal pursuit (e.g., study) also predicted SWB at the end of the school year. The strategy of Mental Control (i.e., an ambivalent effort to both avoid and contemplate negative thoughts and feelings), which was related to Harm Avoidance and Self-Directedness, mediated the relationship between these two personality dimensions and SWB.

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Nima, A. , Archer, T. and Garcia, D. (2012) Adolescents’ happiness-increasing strategies, temperament, and character: Mediation models on subjective well-being. Health, 4, 802-810. doi: 10.4236/health.2012.410124.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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