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Pilot study of submucosal radiofrequency for epistaxis in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia

Volume: 51 - Issue: 4

First page: 355 - Last page: 360

G. Mortuaire - O. Boute - P.Y. Hatron - D. Chevalier

OBJECTIVE: To assess the safety and efficacy of submucosal radiofrequency (RF) treatment for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) with mild or moderate epistaxis.
METHODOLOGY: We carried out a prospective pilot study of 16 consecutive patients with HHT-related epistaxis from June 2010 to April 2012. Under local anesthesia, RF was applied to one or both sides of the nose from the columella beneath the septal mucosal (50 joules per puncture). Patients were sent a questionnaire at least six months after the procedure.
RESULTS: RF under local anesthesia was well tolerated, according to visual analog scale scores. Neither crusting nor pain was reported one week after the intervention. The frequency of epistaxis per day and per month was significantly lower after RF. The duration of bleeding also decreased from more than 10 minutes to less than 5 minutes in two thirds of patients. Thirteen of the 16 patients were satisfied with the technique and would request it for subsequent procedures to treat repeated bleeding.
CONCLUSION: Submucosal RF treatment for HHT is a safe, well tolerated procedure with significant efficacy in the short term. It should be considered as an alternative technique for managing HHT-related epistaxis, although long-term results remain to be evaluated.

Rhinology 51-4: 355-360, 2013

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