Original Research

Not yet 90-90-90: A quality improvement approach to human immunodeficiency virus viral suppression in paediatric patients in the rural Eastern Cape, South Africa

James D. Porter, Mireille N.M. Porter, Maresa du Plessis
South African Family Practice | Vol 62, No 1 : Part 4| a5169 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/safp.v62i1.5169 | © 2020 James D. Porter, Mireille N.M. Porter, Maresa du Plessis | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 26 June 2020 | Published: 15 October 2020

About the author(s)

James D. Porter, Department of Family Medicine and Rural Health, Walter Sisulu University, Mthatha, South Africa; and, Madwaleni Hospital, Elliotdale, South Africa
Mireille N.M. Porter, Madwaleni Hospital, Elliotdale, South Africa
Maresa du Plessis, Madwaleni Hospital, Elliotdale, South Africa


Background: A strategy implemented by the South African Department of Health to manage the high burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been to task-shift services to primary health care clinics. Outcomes of paediatric patients with HIV are poorer than those of adults, particularly in rural areas. Viral suppression in paediatric patients at the feeder clinics of a rural South African hospital was anecdotally far below the aim of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) of 90%.

Methods: A quality improvement approach was used to conduct a baseline assessment of HIV viral suppression in paediatric patients and other process measures, implement a clinical mentorship intervention and evaluate its effectiveness.

Results: An initial audit of 235 clinical folders of paediatric patients with HIV revealed a viral suppression of 55.3%. Other poor measures included prescription accuracy, viral loads performed within schedule and response to successive high viral loads. A clinical mentorship intervention using dedicated doctor outreach was implemented and the audit repeated after 12 months (263 folders). Viral suppression improved to 67.4%, as did most other process measures.

Conclusion: The quality improvement approach regarding the aim to significantly improve viral suppression in paediatric patients through the implementation of clinical mentorship was successful.


quality improvement; task-shifting; paediatric HIV outcomes; clinical mentorship; viral suppression


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