Design and Development of Insole Monitoring System for Runner

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Nowadays, running is said to be one of the common activities that be practiced by various people especially athletes. Back then, there were some researchers report that most of the injuries among athletes involves lower hip bodies. It is due to some factors such as body and foot posture during running activity, selection shoe and style of running. Hence, this research is about to design and develop an insole monitoring system using ESP 32 development board and FSR sensor for the purpose of force distribution detection on runner’s foot. The development of smart insole is to countermeasure the risk of injury to the athletes. This system includes (ESP 32) development board which act as a microcontroller that interfaced with a Wi-Fi module and force sensing resistance (FSR) sensor to detect the force distribution of runner’s foot in (kg) unit. The system able to detect the foot force distribution acts by the runner and transmits the output data of the FSR sensor through the application which called Blynk. The experiments had done through two methods which are jogging and running. The force monitoring data was obtained through the Blynk Application via Wi-Fi. The design and development of insole monitoring system has successfully done and implemented on the runner.

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