Air Quality Improvement by Reduction of Gas Turbines Emissions

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The most serious sources of the air pollution are the studied company compressor stations of the transit system equipped with the number of gas turbine. [1] Pipeline parts have smaller degree of importance and gas boiler and emergency resources of thermal and electric energy have minimum influence. These sources emit into atmosphere mainly nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, paraffine with the exception of the methane and unburned rest of the fuel. In comparison with these emissions are emissions of sulfur dioxide and the solid contaminations substances minimal, insignificant. Along with reduction of transit performance deploys the company in recent time significantly more energy effective power units for transit of natural gas. These drive units are mainly gas turbines burning part of transported natural gas. [2] Russian natural gas is used as a fuel which in comparison with the others kinds of fuels contains only little amount of sulfur and contain almost no As, Na and heavy metals. The main parts of combustions are CO2, CO, NOx which are products of burning and N2, O2, untouched atmosphere elements. CO and NOx are considered to be harmful substances.

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