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Some a priori estimates for the homogeneous Landau equation with soft potentials

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  • This paper is devoted to some a priori estimates for the homogeneous Landau equation with soft potentials. Using coercivity properties of the Landau operator for soft potentials, we prove that the global in time a priori estimates of weak solutions in $L^2$ space hold true for moderately soft potential cases $ \gamma \in[-2, 0) $ without any smallness assumption on the initial data. For very soft potential cases $ \gamma \in[-3, -2) $, which cover in particular the Coulomb case $\gamma=-3$, we get local in time estimates of weak solutions in $L^{2}$.
        In the proofs of these estimates, global ones for the special case $\gamma=-2$ and local ones for very soft potential cases $ \gamma \in[-3, -2) $, the control on time integral of some weighted Fisher information is required, which is an additional a priori estimate given by the entropy dissipation inequality.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35B45, 35D30; Secondary: 82C40.


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