Heroes and their beards

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Heroes and their beards
Coxon, Sebastian

From the journal ZfdA Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur, Volume 147, March 2018, issue 1

Published by S. Hirzel Verlag

article, 17434 Words
Original language: English
ZfdA 2018, pp 21-50


This article explores the narrative functions and literary effects of references to beards in medieval German heroic epic, beards being perhaps the most perfect of metonyms for heroic masculinity. In doing so it seeks to shed light on the ways in which poets of heroic epic address the issue of the appearance or rather the physiognomy of their (many) male characters. The ‘Nibelungenlied’ represents something of a literary archetype which remains largely unparalleled in the subsequent tradition of German epic poetry; later texts deal with heroes and their beards quite differently.

Author information

Sebastian Coxon