Application of Cow Manure Waste and Calcium Oxide Lime (CaO) on Growth and Yield of Cowpea Plant (Vigna sinensis L.)

  • Rezki Fauzi Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan, Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien, Medan 20123, Indonesia
  • Tengku Boumedine Hamid Zulkifli Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan, Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien, Medan 20123, Indonesia
  • Koko Tampubolon Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan, Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien, Medan 20123, Indonesia
  • Irwan Agusnu Putra Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan, Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien, Medan 20123, Indonesia
  • Yunida Berliana Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan, Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien, Medan 20123, Indonesia
  • Dedi Kurniawan Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan, Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien, Medan 20123, Indonesia
  • Razali Razali Program Studi Budidaya Perkebunan, Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan, Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien, Medan 20123, Indonesia
  • Octanina Sari Sijabat Program Studi Budidaya Perkebunan, Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan, Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien, Medan 20123, Indonesia
Keywords: dosage, calcium oxide lime, cow manure waste, cowpea


  • Introduction: The research was aimed to obtain an appropriate dose of cow manure waste, calcium oxide lime, and interactions in increasing the growth and yield of cowpea.
  • Material and Methods: The research was conducted in Secanggang Village, Secanggang Subdistrict, Langkat District in June until September 2017. The research was conducted using the Randomized Block Design Factorial, the first factor (cow manure waste) dose of L0= 0 ton ha-1; L1= 10 ton ha-1; L2= 20 ton ha-1. The second factor (calcium oxide lime) dose of K0= 0 ton ha-1; K1= 3 ton ha-1; K2= 6 ton ha-1; and K3= 9 ton ha-1. Data were analyzed using the F and followed by DMRT at level 5% using IBM SPSS Statistics v.20 software.
  • Results: The cow manure waste dosages of 10 until 20 ton.ha-1 significantly increased the plant height at 4 Weeks After Planting (WAP) and yield.plot-1 of cowpea ranged from 2.14 to 2.50% and 13.00 to 15.98%, respectively and the dose of 20 ton.ha-1 significantly increased the yield.sample-1 of 17.44% compared to untreated. The application of calcium oxide lime at the dose of 9 ton.ha-1 significantly increased the plant height of cowpea at 4 WAP of 2.46%, and the dose of 6 until 9 ton.ha-1 significantly increased the yield.sample-1 and yield.plot-1. However the highest was found in the dosage 6 ton.ha-1 of 13.51% and 20.16% compared to untreated. The interaction of cow manure waste with calcium oxide lime were not significant effect on growth and yield of cowpea.


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How to Cite
Fauzi, R., Zulkifli, T. B. H., Tampubolon, K., Putra, I. A., Berliana, Y., Kurniawan, D., Razali, R., & Sijabat, O. S. (2020). Application of Cow Manure Waste and Calcium Oxide Lime (CaO) on Growth and Yield of Cowpea Plant (Vigna sinensis L.). Agrinula : Jurnal Agroteknologi Dan Perkebunan, 3(1), 37-48.