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Geçiş İklimi Koşulları Altında Farklı Akarsu Yataklarında Yer Alan Toprakların Verimlilik Özellikleri

Year 2023, Volume: 20 Issue: 4, 898 - 917, 25.12.2023


Bu çalışma, Türkiye’nin Giresun ilinde, yarı kurak iklim ile nemli iklim arasında bir geçiş ikliminin görüldüğü Şebinkarahisar ilçesinde yer alan akarsu yataklarındaki toprakların bazı verimlilik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla çeşitli akarsu yataklarının bulunduğu 24 farklı örnekleme noktasından yüzey (0-30 cm) ve yüzey altı (30-60/61/62/65 cm) olmak üzere toplamda 48 adet toprak örneği alınmıştır. Alınan yüzey ve yüzey altı toprakların bünyeleri CL, SL, SCL, L, C, ve LS olarak belirlenmiştir. Yüzey topraklarının pH değerleri 5.84 - 7.98 aralığında değişirken; yüzey altı topraklarının da pH değerleri 6.06 - 8.05 aralığında değişmektedir. Tuzluluk problemi bulunmayan toprakların kireç kapsamları yüzey topraklarında 0.00 ile %38.30 arasında; yüzey altı topraklarında ise 0.00 ile %37.90 arasında değişmektedir. Organik madde içerikleri yüzey topraklarında %0.32 - %4.16 arasında; yüzey altı topraklarında ise %0.14 - %2.16 arasında değişmektedir. Topraklar toplam azot, fosfor, çinko ve manganca fakir iken, kalsiyum ve bakır içeriklerinin yeterli düzeylerde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Potasyum, magnezyum ve demir için bazı topraklarda noksanlıklar saptanmasına rağmen, genellikle yeterli düzeylerde oldukları belirlenmiştir. Organik madde eksikliği de dâhil olacak şekilde belirlenen makro ve mikro besin elementleri eksiklikleri için ahır gübresi, kanatlı hayvan gübreleri, yeşil gübre, kompost, solucan gübresi ve çeşitli makro ve mikro elementli organik gübreleri içeren bir gübreleme planlaması yapılmasının verimlilik için gerekli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Araştırma kapsamında Şebinkarahisar ilçesinin 48 yıllık (1965-2012) iklim verilerinden faydalanılarak, Thornthwaite, De Martonne-Gottman ve Erinç yöntemlerine göre iklim sınıflandırmaları da yapılmıştır. Çalışma alanında yetiştirilebilecek bitki tür ve çeşitleri yörede etkili olan geçiş iklimi koşullarına uygun olanlar arasından seçilmelidir. Toprak örneklemesi yapılan alanlardaki akarsu sularının da analiz edilmesi faydalı olacaktır.

Project Number



  • Akbaş, B. (1991). Digital Geological Map with 1/25.000 Scale, Giresun H40 b-3 Sheet. Geological Database of Turkey, Department of Geological Etudes, General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration-MTA, Ankara.
  • Altan, Z. (2010). GIS-based erosion risk assessment of the Şebinkarahisar (Giresun) and surroundings. (Master Thesis) Karadeniz Technical University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Trabzon, Türkiye.
  • Anonymous (1990). Micronutrient Assessment at the Country Level: An International Study. FAO Soils Bulletin (FAO) by Mikko Sillanpää, No: 63, Rome.
  • Anonymous (1993). Soil Survey Manual. Soil Survey Division Staff, Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook No: 18, Washington D.C., USA.
  • Anonymous (2019). Sheets of Standard Topographical Maps with 1: 25 000 Scale for Şebinkarahisar District of the Province of Giresun. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of National Defence General Directorate of Mapping, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Anonymous (2020). Datas of Meteorology Station Directorate of Giresun. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, General Directorate of Meteorology, Giresun / Türkiye.
  • Anonymous (2021). National Application of Web Mapping of General Directorate of Mapping (HGM ATLAS:, (Accessed date: 21.03.2021), Republic of Türkiye Ministry of National Defence General Directorate of Mapping, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Atalay, İ. (2014). Atlas of Soil, Plant and Desertification. İnkılâp Kitabevi, Yayıncı ve Matbaa Sertifika No: 10614, İstanbul, p. 124.
  • Atmaca, B. and Boyraz Erdem, D. (2016). Properties of soils in some streambeds in Tekirdag Central district. Soil Water Journal, 5 (1): 1-7.
  • Atmaca, B. and Nalbant, H. (2018). Soil properties of some fruit gardens in the western parts of Avutmuş Creek located in the Şebinkarahisar district of the Giresun province. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 6 (2): 111-121.
  • Aydemir, D. (2010). The plant cover in and around Hanoglu Hill (Giresun Mountains). (Master Thesis) T.R. İstanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Bahrami, S. and Ghahraman, K. (2019). Geomorphological controls on soil fertility of semi-arid alluvial fans: A case study of the Joghatay Mountains, Northeast Iran. Catena, 176: 145-158.
  • Baltas, E. (2007). Spatial distribution of climatic indices in Northern Greece. Meteorological Applications, 14: 69-78.
  • Başgelen, N. (2010). Historical Geography of Turkey, Streams. Illustrated Index of Ancient Stream Names. (Revised 3rd Edition). Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul, p. 81.
  • Bellitürk, K. (2011). Determination of nutrient status of agricultural soils in Uzunkopru county of Edirne province. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 8 (3): 8-15.
  • Bouyoucos, G. J. (1951). A recalibration of the hydrometer method for making mechanical analysis of soils. Agronomy Journal, 43: 434-438.
  • Bölük, E. (2016a). Climate of Turkey According to Thornthwaite Climate Classification. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, General Directorate of Meteorology, Research Department Directorate Climatology Branch Directorate, p. 25.
  • Bölük, E. (2016b). Climate of Turkey According to De Martonne Aridity Index. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, General Directorate of Meteorology, Research Department Directorate Climatology Branch Directorate, p. 21.
  • Bölük, E. (2016c). Climate of Turkey According to Erinç Climate Classification. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, General Directorate of Meteorology, Research Department Directorate Climatology Branch Directorate, p. 11.
  • Cangir, C. and Boyraz, D. (2008). Climate change and impact of desertification or soil/ land degradation in Turkey, combating desertification. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 5 (2): 169-186.
  • Chidozie, E. I., Ifeanyi, I. F., Johnbosco, O. M., Onyekachi, I. A., Anthony, C. C., Obinna, O. M., Gift, N. U., George, D., Emeka, A. S., Raza, T. and Glory, M. O. (2019). Assessment of hydraulic conductivity and soil quality of similar lithology under contrasting landuse and land cover in humid tropical Nigeria. Soil & Environment, 38 (1): 75-80.
  • Çelik, A. and Akça, E. (2017). Suggestions for sustainable management of sloping river terrace soils of Adıyaman. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 27 (1): 139-150.
  • Çiçek, İ. (1995). Türkiye’de kurak dönemin yayılışı ve süresi (Thornthwaite metoduna göre). Ankara University Research Center of Turkish Geography, 4: 77-101.
  • Çolak, H. E. and Memişoğlu, T. (2021). Production climate border maps with GIS of Black Sea Region of Turkey according to Thornthwaite climate classification method. Journal of Geomatics, 6 (1): 31-43.
  • De Martonne, E. (1942). Nouvelle carte mondial de l'indice d'aridité. Annales de Géographie, t. 51, n° 288: 241-250.
  • Erinç, S. (1965). An Essay on Precipitation Effectiveness and a New Index. İstanbul: İstanbul University, Geographical Institute Publications: 41.
  • Erinç, S. (1984). Climatology and Methods. İstanbul: İstanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Geography Publications.
  • Erinç, S. (2012a). Geomorphology I (Updaters: Ertek A., Güneysu C.). Updated New Edition. Der Yayınları: 284, İstanbul, p. 614.
  • Erinç, S. (2012b). Geomorphology II (Updaters: Ertek A., Güneysu C.). Updated New Edition. Der Yayınları: 294, İstanbul, p. 484.
  • Follett, R. H. (1969). Zn, Fe, Mn, and Cu in Colorado soils. (Ph.D. Thesis) Colorado State University, USA. Güçdemir, İ. H. (2008). Agriculture Handbook (Fertilizers, Fertilization Based on Soil Analysis). (Editor: İ. H. Güçdemir), Ankara, p. 102.
  • Jackson, M. L. (1958). Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA, p. 498. Kacar, B. (2016). Soil Analyzes of Physical and Chemical: Analyzes of Plant, Soil and Fertilizer 3. Nobel Yayın No: 1524, Ankara, p. 632.
  • Karaçal, İ. (2008). Soil Fertility (1st Edition). Nobel Yayın No: 1335, Ankara, p. 222.
  • Kellogg, C. E. (1952). Our Garden Soils. New York: The Macmillan Company, p. 232.
  • Ketin, İ. (1966). Tectonic units of Anatolia (Asia Minor). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 66: 23-34.
  • Korkut, H. (1983). Soil (Definition, Formation, Properties). Köyişleri ve Kooperatifler Bakanlığı, Topraksu Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları Yayın No: 728, Ankara, p. 88.
  • Kurdoğlu, O., Karabıyık, E. and Kalem, S. (2017). Towards Sustainable Hazelnut Production in Giresun. WWF-Türkiye (World Wide Fund for Nature), İstanbul, Türkiye, p. 126.
  • Lindsay, W. L. and Norvell, W. A. (1978). Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese and copper. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 42 (3): 421-428.
  • Lutgens, F. K., Tarbuck, E. J. and Tasa, D. (2017). Genel Jeoloji Temel İlkeleri (On Birinci Basımdan Çeviri), Essentials of Geology (Eleventh Edition), (Çeviri Editörü: Prof. Dr. Cahit Helvacı). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Şti., Yayın No: 531, Teknik Mühendislik No: 43, Ankara, p. 547.
  • Mehdi, S. M., Ranjha, A. M., Sarfraz, M., Hassan, G. and Sadiq, M. (2002). Effect of time on soil formation in selected alluvial soil series of Pakistan. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 1 (3): 271-274.
  • Müftüoğlu, N. M., Türkmen, C. and Çıkılı, Y. (2014). Fertility Analyzes in Soil and Plant (2nd Edition). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Şti., Yayın No: 994, Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık No: 009, Ankara, p. 218.
  • Olsen, S. R., Cole, C. V., Watanabe, F. S. and Dean, L. A. (1954). Estimation of Available Phosphorus in Soils by Extraction with Sodium Bicarbonate. U.S. Department of Agriculture Circular No. 939, Washington, D.C., p. 19.
  • Richards, L. A. (1954). Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils. United States Department of Agriculture Handbook No: 60, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., p. 160.
  • Sağlam, M. T. (2008). Methods of Chemical Analysis of Soil and Water (Fourth Edition). Namık Kemal University Faculty of Agriculture Publication No: 2, Textbook No: 2, Tekirdağ, p. 154.
  • Sağlam, M. T., Bahtiyar, M., Cangir, C. and Tok, H.H. (1993). Soil Science. Trakya University Tekirdag Agriculture Faculty Publications, Tekirdağ.
  • Sarı, B. (2013). Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the upper cretaceous volkano-sedimentary successions in the İnler Yaylası (Şebinkarahisar-eastern pontides). Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Engineering Journal of Science and Engineering, 15 (43): 1-14.
  • Saya, Ö. and Güney, E. (2014). Plant Geography of Türkiye. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Şti., Yayın No: 964, Çevre ve Yer Bilimi: 004, Ankara, p. 353.
  • Sevin, M. (1991). Digital Geological Map with 1/25.000 Scale, Giresun H40 b-4 Sheet. Geological Database of Turkey, Department of Geological Etudes, General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration-MTA, Ankara.
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Fertility Characteristics of Soils in Different Stream Beds under Transitional Climate Conditions

Year 2023, Volume: 20 Issue: 4, 898 - 917, 25.12.2023


This study was conducted to identify and evaluate some of the fertility characteristics of soils in stream beds in Şebinkarahisar district of the Giresun province of Türkiye, which has a transitional climate between semi-arid and humid climate zones. To this end, a total of 48 soil samples, surface (0-30 cm) and subsurface (30-60/61/62/65 cm), were collected from 24 different sampling points on various stream beds. The textures of the surface and subsurface soils taken were determined as CL, SL, SCL, L, C, and LS. pH values of surface soils ranged from 5.84 to 7.98, and the pH values of subsurface soils ranged from 6.06 to 8.05. Lime contents of the soils without salinity problem ranged from 0.00% to 38.30% for surface soils, and from 0.00% to 37.90% for subsurface soils. Organic matter contents varied between 0.32% and 4.16% for surface soils, and between 0.14% and 2.16% for subsurface soils. While the soils were poor in total nitrogen, phosphorus, zinc and manganese, it was determined that the calcium and copper contents were at sufficient levels. Although deficiencies were detected in some soils for potassium, magnesium and iron, they were generally determined to be at sufficient levels. To deal with deficiencies of macro and micro plant nutrients, including deficiency of organic matter, a fertilization planning is recommended that includes barnyard manure, poultry manure, green manure, compost, vermicompost, and various organic fertilizers containing macro and micro elements. Within the scope of the research, climate classifications were also made according to Thornthwaite, De Martonne-Gottman and Erinç methods by had used 48 years (1965-2012) climate data of Şebinkarahisar district. Plant species and varieties to be grown in the study area should be selected from among those suitable to the transitional climate conditions prevailing in the region. It will also be useful to analyze the stream waters in the areas where soil sampling is done.

Supporting Institution

Giresun University

Project Number



This study drew on data collected by the project FEN-BAP-A-150219-24, which received financial support from Giresun University. I would like to thank Giresun University and administrators and personnel of relevant departments for their valuable contributions throughout the project.


  • Akbaş, B. (1991). Digital Geological Map with 1/25.000 Scale, Giresun H40 b-3 Sheet. Geological Database of Turkey, Department of Geological Etudes, General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration-MTA, Ankara.
  • Altan, Z. (2010). GIS-based erosion risk assessment of the Şebinkarahisar (Giresun) and surroundings. (Master Thesis) Karadeniz Technical University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Trabzon, Türkiye.
  • Anonymous (1990). Micronutrient Assessment at the Country Level: An International Study. FAO Soils Bulletin (FAO) by Mikko Sillanpää, No: 63, Rome.
  • Anonymous (1993). Soil Survey Manual. Soil Survey Division Staff, Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook No: 18, Washington D.C., USA.
  • Anonymous (2019). Sheets of Standard Topographical Maps with 1: 25 000 Scale for Şebinkarahisar District of the Province of Giresun. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of National Defence General Directorate of Mapping, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Anonymous (2020). Datas of Meteorology Station Directorate of Giresun. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, General Directorate of Meteorology, Giresun / Türkiye.
  • Anonymous (2021). National Application of Web Mapping of General Directorate of Mapping (HGM ATLAS:, (Accessed date: 21.03.2021), Republic of Türkiye Ministry of National Defence General Directorate of Mapping, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Atalay, İ. (2014). Atlas of Soil, Plant and Desertification. İnkılâp Kitabevi, Yayıncı ve Matbaa Sertifika No: 10614, İstanbul, p. 124.
  • Atmaca, B. and Boyraz Erdem, D. (2016). Properties of soils in some streambeds in Tekirdag Central district. Soil Water Journal, 5 (1): 1-7.
  • Atmaca, B. and Nalbant, H. (2018). Soil properties of some fruit gardens in the western parts of Avutmuş Creek located in the Şebinkarahisar district of the Giresun province. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 6 (2): 111-121.
  • Aydemir, D. (2010). The plant cover in and around Hanoglu Hill (Giresun Mountains). (Master Thesis) T.R. İstanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Bahrami, S. and Ghahraman, K. (2019). Geomorphological controls on soil fertility of semi-arid alluvial fans: A case study of the Joghatay Mountains, Northeast Iran. Catena, 176: 145-158.
  • Baltas, E. (2007). Spatial distribution of climatic indices in Northern Greece. Meteorological Applications, 14: 69-78.
  • Başgelen, N. (2010). Historical Geography of Turkey, Streams. Illustrated Index of Ancient Stream Names. (Revised 3rd Edition). Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul, p. 81.
  • Bellitürk, K. (2011). Determination of nutrient status of agricultural soils in Uzunkopru county of Edirne province. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 8 (3): 8-15.
  • Bouyoucos, G. J. (1951). A recalibration of the hydrometer method for making mechanical analysis of soils. Agronomy Journal, 43: 434-438.
  • Bölük, E. (2016a). Climate of Turkey According to Thornthwaite Climate Classification. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, General Directorate of Meteorology, Research Department Directorate Climatology Branch Directorate, p. 25.
  • Bölük, E. (2016b). Climate of Turkey According to De Martonne Aridity Index. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, General Directorate of Meteorology, Research Department Directorate Climatology Branch Directorate, p. 21.
  • Bölük, E. (2016c). Climate of Turkey According to Erinç Climate Classification. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, General Directorate of Meteorology, Research Department Directorate Climatology Branch Directorate, p. 11.
  • Cangir, C. and Boyraz, D. (2008). Climate change and impact of desertification or soil/ land degradation in Turkey, combating desertification. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 5 (2): 169-186.
  • Chidozie, E. I., Ifeanyi, I. F., Johnbosco, O. M., Onyekachi, I. A., Anthony, C. C., Obinna, O. M., Gift, N. U., George, D., Emeka, A. S., Raza, T. and Glory, M. O. (2019). Assessment of hydraulic conductivity and soil quality of similar lithology under contrasting landuse and land cover in humid tropical Nigeria. Soil & Environment, 38 (1): 75-80.
  • Çelik, A. and Akça, E. (2017). Suggestions for sustainable management of sloping river terrace soils of Adıyaman. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 27 (1): 139-150.
  • Çiçek, İ. (1995). Türkiye’de kurak dönemin yayılışı ve süresi (Thornthwaite metoduna göre). Ankara University Research Center of Turkish Geography, 4: 77-101.
  • Çolak, H. E. and Memişoğlu, T. (2021). Production climate border maps with GIS of Black Sea Region of Turkey according to Thornthwaite climate classification method. Journal of Geomatics, 6 (1): 31-43.
  • De Martonne, E. (1942). Nouvelle carte mondial de l'indice d'aridité. Annales de Géographie, t. 51, n° 288: 241-250.
  • Erinç, S. (1965). An Essay on Precipitation Effectiveness and a New Index. İstanbul: İstanbul University, Geographical Institute Publications: 41.
  • Erinç, S. (1984). Climatology and Methods. İstanbul: İstanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Geography Publications.
  • Erinç, S. (2012a). Geomorphology I (Updaters: Ertek A., Güneysu C.). Updated New Edition. Der Yayınları: 284, İstanbul, p. 614.
  • Erinç, S. (2012b). Geomorphology II (Updaters: Ertek A., Güneysu C.). Updated New Edition. Der Yayınları: 294, İstanbul, p. 484.
  • Follett, R. H. (1969). Zn, Fe, Mn, and Cu in Colorado soils. (Ph.D. Thesis) Colorado State University, USA. Güçdemir, İ. H. (2008). Agriculture Handbook (Fertilizers, Fertilization Based on Soil Analysis). (Editor: İ. H. Güçdemir), Ankara, p. 102.
  • Jackson, M. L. (1958). Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA, p. 498. Kacar, B. (2016). Soil Analyzes of Physical and Chemical: Analyzes of Plant, Soil and Fertilizer 3. Nobel Yayın No: 1524, Ankara, p. 632.
  • Karaçal, İ. (2008). Soil Fertility (1st Edition). Nobel Yayın No: 1335, Ankara, p. 222.
  • Kellogg, C. E. (1952). Our Garden Soils. New York: The Macmillan Company, p. 232.
  • Ketin, İ. (1966). Tectonic units of Anatolia (Asia Minor). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 66: 23-34.
  • Korkut, H. (1983). Soil (Definition, Formation, Properties). Köyişleri ve Kooperatifler Bakanlığı, Topraksu Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları Yayın No: 728, Ankara, p. 88.
  • Kurdoğlu, O., Karabıyık, E. and Kalem, S. (2017). Towards Sustainable Hazelnut Production in Giresun. WWF-Türkiye (World Wide Fund for Nature), İstanbul, Türkiye, p. 126.
  • Lindsay, W. L. and Norvell, W. A. (1978). Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese and copper. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 42 (3): 421-428.
  • Lutgens, F. K., Tarbuck, E. J. and Tasa, D. (2017). Genel Jeoloji Temel İlkeleri (On Birinci Basımdan Çeviri), Essentials of Geology (Eleventh Edition), (Çeviri Editörü: Prof. Dr. Cahit Helvacı). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Şti., Yayın No: 531, Teknik Mühendislik No: 43, Ankara, p. 547.
  • Mehdi, S. M., Ranjha, A. M., Sarfraz, M., Hassan, G. and Sadiq, M. (2002). Effect of time on soil formation in selected alluvial soil series of Pakistan. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 1 (3): 271-274.
  • Müftüoğlu, N. M., Türkmen, C. and Çıkılı, Y. (2014). Fertility Analyzes in Soil and Plant (2nd Edition). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Şti., Yayın No: 994, Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık No: 009, Ankara, p. 218.
  • Olsen, S. R., Cole, C. V., Watanabe, F. S. and Dean, L. A. (1954). Estimation of Available Phosphorus in Soils by Extraction with Sodium Bicarbonate. U.S. Department of Agriculture Circular No. 939, Washington, D.C., p. 19.
  • Richards, L. A. (1954). Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils. United States Department of Agriculture Handbook No: 60, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., p. 160.
  • Sağlam, M. T. (2008). Methods of Chemical Analysis of Soil and Water (Fourth Edition). Namık Kemal University Faculty of Agriculture Publication No: 2, Textbook No: 2, Tekirdağ, p. 154.
  • Sağlam, M. T., Bahtiyar, M., Cangir, C. and Tok, H.H. (1993). Soil Science. Trakya University Tekirdag Agriculture Faculty Publications, Tekirdağ.
  • Sarı, B. (2013). Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the upper cretaceous volkano-sedimentary successions in the İnler Yaylası (Şebinkarahisar-eastern pontides). Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Engineering Journal of Science and Engineering, 15 (43): 1-14.
  • Saya, Ö. and Güney, E. (2014). Plant Geography of Türkiye. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Şti., Yayın No: 964, Çevre ve Yer Bilimi: 004, Ankara, p. 353.
  • Sevin, M. (1991). Digital Geological Map with 1/25.000 Scale, Giresun H40 b-4 Sheet. Geological Database of Turkey, Department of Geological Etudes, General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration-MTA, Ankara.
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There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility
Journal Section Articles

Bahadır Atmaca 0000-0002-4829-180X

Project Number FEN-BAP-A-150219-24
Early Pub Date December 15, 2023
Publication Date December 25, 2023
Submission Date December 30, 2022
Acceptance Date August 1, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 20 Issue: 4


APA Atmaca, B. (2023). Fertility Characteristics of Soils in Different Stream Beds under Transitional Climate Conditions. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(4), 898-917.
AMA Atmaca B. Fertility Characteristics of Soils in Different Stream Beds under Transitional Climate Conditions. JOTAF. December 2023;20(4):898-917. doi:10.33462/jotaf.1226958
Chicago Atmaca, Bahadır. “Fertility Characteristics of Soils in Different Stream Beds under Transitional Climate Conditions”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 20, no. 4 (December 2023): 898-917.
EndNote Atmaca B (December 1, 2023) Fertility Characteristics of Soils in Different Stream Beds under Transitional Climate Conditions. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 20 4 898–917.
IEEE B. Atmaca, “Fertility Characteristics of Soils in Different Stream Beds under Transitional Climate Conditions”, JOTAF, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 898–917, 2023, doi: 10.33462/jotaf.1226958.
ISNAD Atmaca, Bahadır. “Fertility Characteristics of Soils in Different Stream Beds under Transitional Climate Conditions”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 20/4 (December 2023), 898-917.
JAMA Atmaca B. Fertility Characteristics of Soils in Different Stream Beds under Transitional Climate Conditions. JOTAF. 2023;20:898–917.
MLA Atmaca, Bahadır. “Fertility Characteristics of Soils in Different Stream Beds under Transitional Climate Conditions”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 20, no. 4, 2023, pp. 898-17, doi:10.33462/jotaf.1226958.
Vancouver Atmaca B. Fertility Characteristics of Soils in Different Stream Beds under Transitional Climate Conditions. JOTAF. 2023;20(4):898-917.