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Flört Tecavüzü: Bir Gözden Geçirme

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 225 - 243, 30.01.2022


Son zamanlardaki araştırmalar, tecavüz vakalarının dünya çapında arttığını göstermektedir. Bu tür olayları önlemek için birçok akademik ve toplumsal çalışma yapılmış olmasına rağmen, belirli bir tecavüz türü, yani flört tecavüzü hakkında bir bilgi boşluğunun olduğu dikkat çekmektedir. Flört tecavüzü, romantik bir ilişkide iki taraftan birinin diğerine yönelik gerçekleştirilen cinsel saldırı olarak kabul edilmiştir. Flört tecavüz vakaları gittikçe artmaktadır. Flört tecavüzünün bir suç olarak görüldüğüne dair az sayıda rapor olmasına rağmen, araştırmalar evlilik içi ve tanıdık tecavüz kadar yaygın olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu nedenle bir derleme olarak tasarlanan bu çalışmada flört tecavüzü, yaygınlığı, mağdur üzerindeki etkisi tartışılmıştır. Madde veya alkol kullanımının rolü, toplumun flört tecavüzüne yönelik algısı ve suç olarak tanımlanmasındaki zorluklar literatür ışığında ele alınmış araştırmacılara, uygulayıcılara ve politika yapıcılara önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • Abbey, A., Wegner, R., Woerner, J., Pegram, S., & Pierce, J. (2014). Review of survey and experimental research that examine the relationship between alcohol consumption and men’s sexual aggression perpetration. Trauma, Vıolence, & Abuse,15(4) 265-282. doi:10.1177/1524838014521031
  • Ackard, D. M., & Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2002). Date violence and date rape among adolescents: Associations with disordered eating behaviors and psychological health. Child Abuse & Neglect, 26(5), 455-473.
  • Altunay, H. (2019). Flört döneminde Kızların karşılaştıkları şiddet olgusu-Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi örneğinde (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi).Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Anderson, I. (2007). What is a typical rape? Effects of victim and participant gender in female and male rape perception. British Journal Of Social Psychology, 46(1), 225-245.
  • Anderson, K. B., Cooper, H., & Okamura, L. (1997). Individual differences and attitudes toward rape: A meta-analytic review. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23, 295-315.
  • Bechhofer, L. and Parrot, A. (1991). What is acquaintance rape?New York: John Wiley and Sons. Beres, M. (2010). Sexual miscommunication? Untangling assumptions about sexual communication between casual sex partners. Culture, Health, & Sexuality, 12(1), 1–14. doi:10.1080/13691050903075226
  • Bitton, M. S. & Ben-David, S. (2014). Elaborations on sexual assault on dates among Israeli students: Risk, detrimental effect, and resilience factors. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 58, 1500 –1519.
  • Brownmiller, Susan. (1975). Against our will: men, women, and rape. New York: Fawcett Columbine
  • Burnett, A., Mattern, J. L., Herakova, L. L., Kahl Jr, D. H., Tobola, C., & Bornsen, S. E. (2009). Communicating/muting date rape: A co-cultural theoretical analysis of communication factors related to rape culture on a college campus. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 37(4), 465-485.
  • Carr, J. L., & VanDeusen, K. M. (2004). Risk factors for male sexual aggression on college campuses. Journal of Family Violence, 19(5), 279–289.
  • Clay-Warner, J., & McMahon-Howard, J. (2009). Rape reporting: ‘Classic rape’ and the behavior of law. Violence and Victims, 24, 723-743.
  • Colb S. F. (2001, November 7). The problem wıth maınstream attıtudes toward date rape. Retrieved from at 23.01.2020
  • Daws, L., Brannock, J., Brooker, R., Patton, W., Smeal, G., & Warren, S. (1995). Young people’s perceptions and attitudes to sexual violence, report to the national youth affairs research scheme. Hobart: National Clearing House for Youth Studies.
  • Connell, R. W. (2005 [1995]). Masculinities. Berkeley: University of California Press
  • Dinos, S., Burrowes, N., Hammond, K., & Cunliffe, C. (2015). A systematic review of juries' assessment of rape victims: Do rape myths impact on juror decision-making?. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 43(1), 36-49.
  • Dragiewicz, M. (2000). Women’s voices, women’s words: Reading acquaintance rape discourse. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.
  • Doğan, T., ve Sakızcıoğlu, S. (2020). Evli bireylerin evlilik ıçi tecavüz olgusu hakkındaki görüşleri: Nitel bir çalışma. İstanbul Üniversitesi Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi, (20), 19-49.
  • Easteal, P. (1998). Balancing the scales: Rape law reform and Australian culture. Sydney: The Federation Press. Efeoğlu, P., Dağlıoğlu, N., Hilal, A., & Gülmen, M. K. (2013). Cinsel saldırılarda kullanılan ilaçlar: özellikleri ve toksikolojik incelemeleri. Arşiv Kaynak Tarama Dergisi, 22(3), 418-425.
  • Fırat, S., ve Erk, M. A. (2019). Sinsice işlenen bir suç: Madde ile kolaylaştırılmış cinsel saldırılar ve fail tipolojisi. Adli Tıp Bülteni, 24(2), 141-147.
  • Finkelson, L., & Oswalt, R. (1995). College date rape: Incidence and reporting. Psychological Reports, 77(2), 526-526.
  • Fisher, B. S., Cullen, F. T., & Turner, M. G. (2000). The sexual victimization of college women (Research Report). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice.
  • Gölge, Z. B., Yavuz, M. F., Müderrisoglu, S., & Yavuz, M. S. (2003). Turkish university students' attitudes toward rape. Sex Roles, 49(11-12), 653-661.
  • Hall, J., Goodall, E. A., & Moore, T. (2008). Alleged drug facilitated sexual assault (DFSA) in Northern Ireland from 1999 to 2005. A study of blood alcohol levels. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 15(8), 497-504.
  • Harned, M. S. (2005). Understanding women’s labeling of unwanted sexual experiences with dating partners: A qualitative analysis. Violence Against Women, 11, 374-413.
  • Hayes, R. M., Lorenz, K., & Bell, K. A. (2013). Victim blaming others: Rape myth acceptance and the just world belief. Feminist Criminology, 15, 484-788.
  • Hazelwood, R. R., & Burgess, A. W. (2016). Practical aspects of rape investigation: A multidisciplinary approach. CRC Press.
  • Hockett, J. M., Smith, S. J., Klausing, C. D., & Saucier, D. A. (2016). Rape myth consistency and gender differences in perceiving rape victims: A meta-analysis. Violence Against Women, 22(2), 139-167.
  • Jackson, D. L. (2019). Date Rape: The Intractability of Hermeneutical Injustice. In Analyzing Violence Against Women (pp. 39-50). Springer, Cham.
  • Jacques-Tiura, A. J., Abbey, A., Parkhill, M. R., & Zawacki, T. (2007). Why do some men misperceive women’s sexual intentions more frequently than others do? An application of the confluence model. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 1467–1480.
  • Jenkins, M. J., & Dambrot, F. H. (1987). The Attribution of Date Rape: Observer’s Attitudes and Sexual Experiences and The Dating Situation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 17(10), 875–895. doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.1987.tb00296.x
  • Kadı, G., Erbaş, M., Balcı, Y., & Göçeoğlu, Ü. Ü. (2019). Muğla'da gençlik yaş grubunda flört/partner şiddeti. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences, 16(2), 81-87.
  • Kanin, E. J. (1985). Date rapists: Differential sexual socialization and relative deprivation. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 14(3), 219-231.
  • Katz, J. & Myhr, L. (2008). Perceived conflict patterns and relationship quality associated with verbal sexual coercion by male dating partners. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23, 798-814.
  • Kayı, Z., Yavuz, M. F., & Arıcan, N. (2000). Kadın üniversite gençliği ve mezunlarına yönelik cinsel saldırı mağdur araştırması.Adli Tıp Bülteni, 5(3), 157-163.
  • Kilpatrick, D. G., Best, C. L., Saunders, B. E., & Veronen, L. J. (1988). Rape in marriage and in dating relationships: How bad is it for mental health?. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 84, 335-344.
  • Koçak, Y. Ç., ve Can, H. Ö. (2019). Flört şiddeti: Tanımı, sınıflaması ve değerlendirmesi. Turkiye Klinikleri Obstetric-Women's Health and Diseases Nursing-Special Topics, 5(3), 43-53.
  • Koss, M. P. (1985). The hidden rape victim: Personality, attitudinal, and situational characteristics. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 9(2), 193-212.
  • Lee, P., Kaiwen, H., & Jiayi, D. (2018). A study of gender differences of attitudes toward date rape among Chinese university students. Universal Journal of Psychology, 6(1), 29-34.
  • Lee, P., Kaiwen, H., & Jiayi, D. (2018). A study of gender differences of attitudes toward date rape among Chinese university students. Universal Journal of Psychology, 6(1), 29-34.
  • Lindquist, S. (2000). The date rape prevention book: The essential guide for girls & women. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks
  • Loy, B. (2002). Men must fight date rape. Retrieved from /spoudastirio/E-NOTES/D/Date_Rape_Viewpoints.pdf
  • Lynch, K. R., Jewell, J. A., Wasarhaley, N. E., Golding, J. M., & Renzetti, C. M. (2020). Great sexpectations: The impact of participant gender, defendant desirability, and date cost on attributions of a date rape victim and defendant. Journal of İnterpersonal Violence, 35(17-18), 3437-3461.
  • McQuiller Williams, L., Porter, J. L., & Smith, T. R. (2016). Understanding date rape attitudes and behaviors: Exploring the influence of race, gender, and prior sexual victimization. Victims & Offenders, 11(2), 173-198.
  • Millett, K.(1987): Cinsel Politika. (Çev. Seçkin Selvi). İstanbul: Payel Yayınları.
  • Mutlu, E. ve Aşıcıoğlu, F. (2019) .Uyuşturucu madde etkisi altındaki mağdurların uğradığı cinsel saldırılar: Olgu serisi. Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi, 41(1), 95 –101 .
  • Müdürlüğü, B. K. S. G. (2009). Türkiye'de Kadına Yönelik Aile İçi Şiddet Araştırması (2009).
  • Ogunwale, A. O., & Oshiname, F. O. (2017). A qualitative exploration of date rape survivors’ physical and psycho-social experiences in a Nigerian university. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 32(2), 227-248.
  • Olamide, O. A., Olore, O. F., & Johnson, A. A. (2012). Date rape experiences and help-seeking behaviour among female university students in Ibadan, Nigeria. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health, 4(8), 15-45.
  • Olszewski, D. (2009). Sexual assaults facilitated by drugs or alcohol. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 16(1), 39-52.
  • Özdemir, O. (2010). Tecavüzü, hegemonik erkeklik zemininden kavramak…, Fe Dergi2(2), 75-90.
  • Pineau, L. (1989). Date rape: A feminist analysis. Law and Philosophy, 8(2), 217-243.
  • Poe, L. G. (2010). Students perceptions of marital rape laws (Masters Dissertation). Tennessee State University Reynolds, A. (2016). The effects of rape myth acceptance and gender role beliefs on perceptions of date rape. Liverpool John Moores University, 1-22. retrived from https://e
  • Richardson, D. R., & Hammock, G. S. (1991). Alcohol and acquaintance rape. In A. Parrot & L. Bechofer (Eds.), Acquaintance rape: The hidden crime. New York, NY: Wiley.
  • Rickert, V. I., & Wiemann, C. M. (1998). Date rape among adolescents and young adults. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 11(4), 167-175.
  • Russell, D. (1990). Rape in marriage. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Sakızcıoğlu, S. (2019). Evlilik içi tecavüzün incelenmesi (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Eğitim bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Shapiro, B. L., & Schwarz, J. C. (1997). Date rape: Its relationship to trauma symptoms and sexual self-esteem. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 12(3), 407-419.
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Date Rape: A Review

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 225 - 243, 30.01.2022


Recent studies show that rape cases are on the rise around the globe. Although many leading academic and communal studies has been carried out to prevent such incidents, it is noteworthy that there is an information gap about a specific type of rape, namely, date rape. Date rape has been considered as a sexual assault by one of the two parties in a romantic relationship. Unfortunately, the rate of date rape cases has been increasing. Although there are few reports of dating rape as a crime, studies show that it is as common as marital rape and acquaintance rape. Therefore, in this study designed as a review, we discussed the date rape, its prevalence, its effect on victim, the role of substance or alcohol usage, the society's perception on it, and the difficulties to define it as a crime in the light of literature and suggestions we are made to researchers, practitioners and policymakers.


  • Abbey, A., Wegner, R., Woerner, J., Pegram, S., & Pierce, J. (2014). Review of survey and experimental research that examine the relationship between alcohol consumption and men’s sexual aggression perpetration. Trauma, Vıolence, & Abuse,15(4) 265-282. doi:10.1177/1524838014521031
  • Ackard, D. M., & Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2002). Date violence and date rape among adolescents: Associations with disordered eating behaviors and psychological health. Child Abuse & Neglect, 26(5), 455-473.
  • Altunay, H. (2019). Flört döneminde Kızların karşılaştıkları şiddet olgusu-Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi örneğinde (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi).Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Anderson, I. (2007). What is a typical rape? Effects of victim and participant gender in female and male rape perception. British Journal Of Social Psychology, 46(1), 225-245.
  • Anderson, K. B., Cooper, H., & Okamura, L. (1997). Individual differences and attitudes toward rape: A meta-analytic review. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23, 295-315.
  • Bechhofer, L. and Parrot, A. (1991). What is acquaintance rape?New York: John Wiley and Sons. Beres, M. (2010). Sexual miscommunication? Untangling assumptions about sexual communication between casual sex partners. Culture, Health, & Sexuality, 12(1), 1–14. doi:10.1080/13691050903075226
  • Bitton, M. S. & Ben-David, S. (2014). Elaborations on sexual assault on dates among Israeli students: Risk, detrimental effect, and resilience factors. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 58, 1500 –1519.
  • Brownmiller, Susan. (1975). Against our will: men, women, and rape. New York: Fawcett Columbine
  • Burnett, A., Mattern, J. L., Herakova, L. L., Kahl Jr, D. H., Tobola, C., & Bornsen, S. E. (2009). Communicating/muting date rape: A co-cultural theoretical analysis of communication factors related to rape culture on a college campus. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 37(4), 465-485.
  • Carr, J. L., & VanDeusen, K. M. (2004). Risk factors for male sexual aggression on college campuses. Journal of Family Violence, 19(5), 279–289.
  • Clay-Warner, J., & McMahon-Howard, J. (2009). Rape reporting: ‘Classic rape’ and the behavior of law. Violence and Victims, 24, 723-743.
  • Colb S. F. (2001, November 7). The problem wıth maınstream attıtudes toward date rape. Retrieved from at 23.01.2020
  • Daws, L., Brannock, J., Brooker, R., Patton, W., Smeal, G., & Warren, S. (1995). Young people’s perceptions and attitudes to sexual violence, report to the national youth affairs research scheme. Hobart: National Clearing House for Youth Studies.
  • Connell, R. W. (2005 [1995]). Masculinities. Berkeley: University of California Press
  • Dinos, S., Burrowes, N., Hammond, K., & Cunliffe, C. (2015). A systematic review of juries' assessment of rape victims: Do rape myths impact on juror decision-making?. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 43(1), 36-49.
  • Dragiewicz, M. (2000). Women’s voices, women’s words: Reading acquaintance rape discourse. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.
  • Doğan, T., ve Sakızcıoğlu, S. (2020). Evli bireylerin evlilik ıçi tecavüz olgusu hakkındaki görüşleri: Nitel bir çalışma. İstanbul Üniversitesi Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi, (20), 19-49.
  • Easteal, P. (1998). Balancing the scales: Rape law reform and Australian culture. Sydney: The Federation Press. Efeoğlu, P., Dağlıoğlu, N., Hilal, A., & Gülmen, M. K. (2013). Cinsel saldırılarda kullanılan ilaçlar: özellikleri ve toksikolojik incelemeleri. Arşiv Kaynak Tarama Dergisi, 22(3), 418-425.
  • Fırat, S., ve Erk, M. A. (2019). Sinsice işlenen bir suç: Madde ile kolaylaştırılmış cinsel saldırılar ve fail tipolojisi. Adli Tıp Bülteni, 24(2), 141-147.
  • Finkelson, L., & Oswalt, R. (1995). College date rape: Incidence and reporting. Psychological Reports, 77(2), 526-526.
  • Fisher, B. S., Cullen, F. T., & Turner, M. G. (2000). The sexual victimization of college women (Research Report). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice.
  • Gölge, Z. B., Yavuz, M. F., Müderrisoglu, S., & Yavuz, M. S. (2003). Turkish university students' attitudes toward rape. Sex Roles, 49(11-12), 653-661.
  • Hall, J., Goodall, E. A., & Moore, T. (2008). Alleged drug facilitated sexual assault (DFSA) in Northern Ireland from 1999 to 2005. A study of blood alcohol levels. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 15(8), 497-504.
  • Harned, M. S. (2005). Understanding women’s labeling of unwanted sexual experiences with dating partners: A qualitative analysis. Violence Against Women, 11, 374-413.
  • Hayes, R. M., Lorenz, K., & Bell, K. A. (2013). Victim blaming others: Rape myth acceptance and the just world belief. Feminist Criminology, 15, 484-788.
  • Hazelwood, R. R., & Burgess, A. W. (2016). Practical aspects of rape investigation: A multidisciplinary approach. CRC Press.
  • Hockett, J. M., Smith, S. J., Klausing, C. D., & Saucier, D. A. (2016). Rape myth consistency and gender differences in perceiving rape victims: A meta-analysis. Violence Against Women, 22(2), 139-167.
  • Jackson, D. L. (2019). Date Rape: The Intractability of Hermeneutical Injustice. In Analyzing Violence Against Women (pp. 39-50). Springer, Cham.
  • Jacques-Tiura, A. J., Abbey, A., Parkhill, M. R., & Zawacki, T. (2007). Why do some men misperceive women’s sexual intentions more frequently than others do? An application of the confluence model. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 1467–1480.
  • Jenkins, M. J., & Dambrot, F. H. (1987). The Attribution of Date Rape: Observer’s Attitudes and Sexual Experiences and The Dating Situation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 17(10), 875–895. doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.1987.tb00296.x
  • Kadı, G., Erbaş, M., Balcı, Y., & Göçeoğlu, Ü. Ü. (2019). Muğla'da gençlik yaş grubunda flört/partner şiddeti. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences, 16(2), 81-87.
  • Kanin, E. J. (1985). Date rapists: Differential sexual socialization and relative deprivation. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 14(3), 219-231.
  • Katz, J. & Myhr, L. (2008). Perceived conflict patterns and relationship quality associated with verbal sexual coercion by male dating partners. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23, 798-814.
  • Kayı, Z., Yavuz, M. F., & Arıcan, N. (2000). Kadın üniversite gençliği ve mezunlarına yönelik cinsel saldırı mağdur araştırması.Adli Tıp Bülteni, 5(3), 157-163.
  • Kilpatrick, D. G., Best, C. L., Saunders, B. E., & Veronen, L. J. (1988). Rape in marriage and in dating relationships: How bad is it for mental health?. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 84, 335-344.
  • Koçak, Y. Ç., ve Can, H. Ö. (2019). Flört şiddeti: Tanımı, sınıflaması ve değerlendirmesi. Turkiye Klinikleri Obstetric-Women's Health and Diseases Nursing-Special Topics, 5(3), 43-53.
  • Koss, M. P. (1985). The hidden rape victim: Personality, attitudinal, and situational characteristics. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 9(2), 193-212.
  • Lee, P., Kaiwen, H., & Jiayi, D. (2018). A study of gender differences of attitudes toward date rape among Chinese university students. Universal Journal of Psychology, 6(1), 29-34.
  • Lee, P., Kaiwen, H., & Jiayi, D. (2018). A study of gender differences of attitudes toward date rape among Chinese university students. Universal Journal of Psychology, 6(1), 29-34.
  • Lindquist, S. (2000). The date rape prevention book: The essential guide for girls & women. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks
  • Loy, B. (2002). Men must fight date rape. Retrieved from /spoudastirio/E-NOTES/D/Date_Rape_Viewpoints.pdf
  • Lynch, K. R., Jewell, J. A., Wasarhaley, N. E., Golding, J. M., & Renzetti, C. M. (2020). Great sexpectations: The impact of participant gender, defendant desirability, and date cost on attributions of a date rape victim and defendant. Journal of İnterpersonal Violence, 35(17-18), 3437-3461.
  • McQuiller Williams, L., Porter, J. L., & Smith, T. R. (2016). Understanding date rape attitudes and behaviors: Exploring the influence of race, gender, and prior sexual victimization. Victims & Offenders, 11(2), 173-198.
  • Millett, K.(1987): Cinsel Politika. (Çev. Seçkin Selvi). İstanbul: Payel Yayınları.
  • Mutlu, E. ve Aşıcıoğlu, F. (2019) .Uyuşturucu madde etkisi altındaki mağdurların uğradığı cinsel saldırılar: Olgu serisi. Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi, 41(1), 95 –101 .
  • Müdürlüğü, B. K. S. G. (2009). Türkiye'de Kadına Yönelik Aile İçi Şiddet Araştırması (2009).
  • Ogunwale, A. O., & Oshiname, F. O. (2017). A qualitative exploration of date rape survivors’ physical and psycho-social experiences in a Nigerian university. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 32(2), 227-248.
  • Olamide, O. A., Olore, O. F., & Johnson, A. A. (2012). Date rape experiences and help-seeking behaviour among female university students in Ibadan, Nigeria. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health, 4(8), 15-45.
  • Olszewski, D. (2009). Sexual assaults facilitated by drugs or alcohol. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 16(1), 39-52.
  • Özdemir, O. (2010). Tecavüzü, hegemonik erkeklik zemininden kavramak…, Fe Dergi2(2), 75-90.
  • Pineau, L. (1989). Date rape: A feminist analysis. Law and Philosophy, 8(2), 217-243.
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Toplam 74 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Alper Karababa 0000-0002-4771-2000

Arca Adıgüzel 0000-0002-3105-9502

Aslı Taylı 0000-0002-8004-3494

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ocak 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Ekim 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Karababa, A., Adıgüzel, A., & Taylı, A. (2022). Flört Tecavüzü: Bir Gözden Geçirme. Toplum Ve Sosyal Hizmet, 33(1), 225-243.