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In terms of sanad and matan, or based on the strengths and weaknesses, the Hadith is divided into two groups, namely: the hadith maqbūl and the hadith mardūd. One way to find out a hadith whether the hadith is accepted or mardūd can be seen from the Ṣīgāt. Ṣīgāt Hadith is divided into two groups, namely Ṣīgāt Jazm and Ṣīgāt Tamrῑḍ. An assessment of a Hadith is incomplete if we have not discussed  ṣīgāt al-Jazm and  ṣīgāt at-Tamrῑḍ. This needs to be done to understand how the Hadith is classified. In determining the laws of  ṣīgāt al-Jazm and  ṣīgāt at-Tamrῑḍ the Ulama of Hadith have explained that if the Hadith is a hadith ḍa’īf, then it is not allowed to exchange it with active sentences ( ṣīgāt al-jazm) such as: said the Messenger of Allah. mention the narration of the hadith ḍa’īf from the tabiin circles by using  ṣīgāt al-jazm, but by using  ṣīgāt at-tamrῑḍ as the words qῑla, ruwiya, ḥukiya and so forth. This article provides knowledge to the reader, namely how to recognize the traditions through the  ṣīgāt expressed in a hadith and give insight to the traditions that are ambiguous and mardūd through  ṣīgāt in a hadith, and express how the opinion of the hadith scholars about the  ṣīgāt.


Ṣigat al-Jazm Ṣigat at-Tamrῑḍ Hadith Maqbūl Hadith Mardūd

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How to Cite
Mulizar. (2019). MENGENAL ṢIGAT-ṢIGAT DALAM MEREPRESENTASIKAN HADIS:. Al-Bukhari : Jurnal Ilmu Hadis, 2(2), 175-189.


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