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Introducing the “Clinical Trials Corner”

Dear Readers,

The Editors-in Chief of the Journal of Huntington’s Disease would like to introduce Clinical Trials Corner; a new recurring editorial feature, with the first instalment published in the current issue. Drs. Edward Wild and Filipe Rodrigues have agreed to act as the editors for this exciting new section of the Journal and will be providing additional updates in upcoming issues.

The Clinical Trials Corner of the Journal of Huntington’s Disease will focus on highlighting ongoing trials or recently completed trials for Huntington’s disease and related disorders. Our hope is to encourage increased trial participation, foster greater interest in current and actively recruiting trials, and to educate readers on the results of completed trials.

If you feel that you would like to draw attention to a specific clinical trial in our area, please feel free to email the editors in charge of the Journal of Huntington’s Disease: Clinical Trials Corner at: [email protected] and/or [email protected].

We hope that you will find this new feature useful and informative.
