einstein (São Paulo). 01/Mar/2024;22(spe1):eCE0752.

ChatGPT: immutable insertion in health research and researchers’ lives

Aléxia Gabriela da Silva Vieira ORCID logo , Humberto Saconato ORCID logo , Raquel Afonso Caserta Eid ORCID logo , Ricardo Kenji Nawa ORCID logo

DOI: 10.31744/einstein_journal/2024CE0752

Dear Editor,

Scientific advancements driven by an increased understanding of big data, patient preferences, and high-quality research have revealed the need for rapid responses.() In this scenario, the use of artificial intelligence (AI), which enables the possibility of obtaining full texts, which mimic human language patterns, from a short sentence, with the adoption of AI tools such as Chat generative Pre-trained Transformer-ChatGPT (Open AI, San Francisco, CA, USA), is attractive.() A growing number of researchers are evaluating the potential of ChatGPT to aid in diagnostic decisions, report generation, and patient education through prompts; however, other important facets of AI use need to be explored.(,)


ChatGPT: immutable insertion in health research and researchers’ lives