New Wenlock retiolitid (Graptolithina) Virgellograptus from the East European Platform, Poland


Authors: Kozłowska A

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 90, issue 2; pages: 453 - 459; Received 13 November 2014; Accepted in revised form 18 February 2015; Online 12 March 2015

Keywords: Graptolithina, retiolitids, Virgellograptus, Sokolovograptus, proximal end, virgella, Silurian,

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A new retiolitid genus Virgellograptus, with a single species V. perrarus from the upper Wenlock, Cyrtograptus ellesi Biozone from Poland is described. Unlike all other retiolitids, the new form has the virgella, an axis of the sicula, connected into lateral wall of the ancora sleeve. Virgella attaches the mid-lateral list of the ancora sleeve, from which the horizontal lists are going to pleural lists and lateral apertural rods. The connection is on the obverse side of tubarium. Virgellograptus gen. nov. has a free nema, which is not preserved, at the same time it has well developed genicular lists of thecae, regarded as advanced feature. The new form is the most similar to Sokolovograptus; the key difference is a development of the proximal end - the connection of the sicula to the lateral wall of the ancora sleeve.


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