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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter February 23, 2021

Solution of Full-Core VVER-440 PK-3+ calculation benchmark by Serpent / Aktualisierte Referenzlösung des Berechnungsbenchmarks ,,PK-3+ Vollkern eines WWER-440" mit dem Programm Serpent

  • J. Závorka , M. Svobodová , P. Mikoláš , J. Vimpel , D. Sprinzl and M. Lovecky
From the journal Kerntechnik


This work deals with the updated reference solution of the Full-Core VVER-440 PK-3+ benchmark which is based on the extended calculation benchmark from 2018. [1] The modification consists of a new type of fuel assembly with PK-3 design in the loading pattern. The main aim of this calculation is to create a reference solution to test the power distribution predicted by macro-code. The solution has been calculated by the transport code Serpent, code using Monte Carlo method and including all possible levels of power distribution in a 2-D problem. The results consist of the effective multiplication factor (Keff) and the power distribution on fuel assembly (Kq) and the pin-by-pin (Kq) level. The paper also includes a detailed evaluation of the precision of Monte Carlo solution and a study of the influence of nuclear data library suitable for comparison and validation.

Online erschienen: 2021-02-23
Erschienen im Druck: 2020-05-01

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