Aliiev R. B.


About the author:

Aliiev R. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Metabolism is under the powerful regulatory influence of hormonal products of adipose tissue – adipokines. The most famous adipokine is leptin, which was discovered in 1994. Despite the well-characterized central action of leptin, its peripheral effects and the function of peripheral leptin receptors have only been partially investigated.. Aim. To conduct an analysis and generalization of literary sources with the study of modern information about leptin-dependent regulation of metabolism, leptin receptors in tissues and their possible function. Results and discussion. Leptin has many endocrine and neuroendocrine functions, which are carried out at the central and peripheral levels through the effect on specific receptors. Leptin is the only product of one gene, and its receptor (LEPR) as a result of the splicing of different transcripts is represented by several different isoforms that differ in the length of the cytoplasmic domain necessary for signal transmission. All 6 leptin receptor isoforms expressed in the CNS and other peripheral tissues share a common leptin binding domain but differ in their intracellular domains. Leptin regulates eating behavior, energy metabolism, blood glucose level, the function of the cardiovascular system, liver, pancreas, reproductive system, etc., and is also involved in the processes of oncogenesis, inflammation, and autoimmune pathology. Conclusions. Summarizing the above analysis of literature data regarding the study of modern information about leptin receptors in tissues and their possible function, we can conclude that leptin is a universal adipocytokine, which is involved in the regulation of appetite, the level of insulin production, the pathogenesis of systemic inflammation syndrome and in many other processes. However, there are many controversial and not fully studied issues regarding the mechanisms of leptin-dependent regulation of metabolism.


leptin,leptin receptors,metabolic regulation mechanisms.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (167), 2022 year, 9-15 pages, index UDK 577.171: 612.015.39