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In the Western area of Europe, AIDS incidence decreased by 12% in 2000 compared to 1999 (22 cases per million population). In the Eastern area, the incidence of notified cases remained low, but newly diagnosed cases are still rising. In the Centre, the rates of AIDS cases and HIV infections remain low. EuroHIV (European Centre for the Epidemiological of AIDS) coordinates the surveillance of AIDS in the WHO European Region since 1984 and of newly diagnosed HIV infection since 1999. The main findings of the latest update at end 2000 are presented here (1). To take into account the diversity of the epidemiological situation in the region, countries have been grouped into three geographic areas: the West (the 15 countries of the European Union plus Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Israel, Malta) the East (the 15 Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union) and the Centre (the remaining countries of the region).


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