Document Type : Original Article


M.Sc. Graduated, Borujerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujerd, Iran



This study was aimed to the examination of the effect of tillage row spacing and bush spacing on the performance and components of Phaseou vulgaris var. (line: cos16). The investigation was conducted as cut terraces and in terms of complete random blocks in three replicates at Brujerd Agricultural Research and Natural Resources in the agricultural year 2009-2010. Here, the main terraces with three row spacing treatments (25, 50, & 75cm) and three density treatments of secondary terraces (30, 40, & 50 bushes/m2) were respectively shown with symbols A1, A2, A3 and B1, B2, B3. Each experimental terrace included 7 lines with 6m length and one between 2 terraces was considered as non-tillage line. After soil test, the land under study was sowed and, after disk, loader and Farozni operation, the tillage was done on 10th of May. The amount of fertilizer was applied based on soil test. To control weed, Terflan herbicide was used (2l/hec). In growth period, controlling peps was done again. At the time of harvest, the following qualities were considered: bush height, the number of secondary branches in a bush, husk length, number of husks in a bush, number of seeds in husk, biological performance, seed performance, and yield index. Test results showed that the difference between seed performance in hectare in row spacing and different bushes spacing was at %5 level of significance. And, maximum production in square area was gained at maximum spacing and the highest density (B3)


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