Research Article

DOI :10.26650/anar.2019.22.633114   IUP :10.26650/anar.2019.22.633114    Full Text (PDF)

Çanakkale Province: Unmanned Air Vehicle Assisted Surface Survey

Mehmet Ali YücelDerya Yılmaz

Archeology aims to reveal all sorts of details of the ruins of different periods. A survey conducted on a known archaeological settlement aims to determine the characteristics of this settlement (various architectural details etc.). Accurate measurements of the archaeological survey and excavation area are important for the continuity and sustainability of the surveys. Precise measurements of the archaeological survey sites and excavation areas are important for the sustainability of the surveys. In recent years, UAVs have been used extensively in archaeological research as well as in many disciplines. In this study, the Iron Age archaeological sites in Çanakkale were firstly identified by surface surveys. Then, aerial videos and aerial photography were taken using UAV to identify the walls and the boundaries of the residential areas in the archaeological sites where the ruins had been identified. UAV images were processed in Agisoft Photoscan software and orthophotos with high spatial resolution were produced. Residue plans of Asarlık Settlement in Ortaca Village, Asarlıkkaya Fortress in Osmanlar Village, Damyeri Fortress in Damyeri Village, Madenkaya Fortress in Serçeler Village, and Sivricetepe Fortress in Ortaca Village plans were drawn. 

DOI :10.26650/anar.2019.22.633114   IUP :10.26650/anar.2019.22.633114    Full Text (PDF)

Çanakkale İli İnsansız Hava Aracı Destekli Yüzey Araştırması

Mehmet Ali YücelDerya Yılmaz

Arkeoloji farklı dönem kalıntılarına ait her türlü ayrıntıyı aramayı ortaya çıkarmayı hedeflemektedir. Bilinen bir arkeolojik yerleşim üzerinde gerçekleştirilen yüzey araştırması ise bu yerleşime ait özelliklerin (çeşitli mimari öğeler vb.) saptanmasına yöneliktir. Arkeolojik yüzey araştırma ve kazı alanının doğru ve hassas olarak ölçülmesi araştırmaların devamlılığı ve sürdürülebilirliği açısından önemlidir. Son yıllarda birçok disiplin tarafından kullanılan İHA'lar arkeolojik araştırmalarda da yoğun olarak kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada öncelikle Çanakkale ilinde bulunan Demir Çağı’na tarihlenen arkeolojik sahalar yüzey araştırması ile araştırılmıştır. Sonra yapı tespit edilen sahalarda duvarların ve yerleşim alanı sınırlarının belirlenmesi için İHA kullanılarak havadan video ve hava fotoğrafı çekimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. İHA görüntüleri Agisoft Photoscan yazılımında işlenerek yüksek mekansal çözünürlüklü ortofotolar üretilmiştir. Ortofotolar kullanılarak Ortaca Köyü- Asarlık Yerleşmesi, Osmanlar Köyü-Asarlıkkaya Kalesi, Damyeri Köyü-Damyeri Kalesi, Serçeler Köyü- Madenkaya Kalesi ve Ortaca Köyü- Sivricetepe Kalesi kalıntı planları çizilmiştir.


Archeology aims to reveal all sorts of details of the ruins of different periods. These ruins help us understand the daily life of extinct communities such as life, housing, technical skills and nutrition. Movable and immovable historical ruins found as a result of archaeological research and the soil properties of the excavated area are recorded as textual and graphic documents. Archaeological researches begin with surveys. Regional surveys aim to systematically determine the unknown archaeological settlements of a region and the distribution of one or more cultures in the region. A survey conducted on a known archaeological settlement aims to identify the characteristics of this settlement (various architectural details etc.). Geomatics techniques are used extensively in the measurement and spatial referencing of the remains found in archaeological surveys and excavations. Accurate measurements of the archaeological survey and excavation area are important for the continuity and sustainability of the surveys. Precise measurements of the archaeological survey sites and excavation areas are important for the sustainability of the surveys. 

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are equipped with a pilotless aircraft equipped with sensors, providing high-resolution temporal and spatial images at low cost, unlike traditional remote sensing methods. In recent years, UAVs have been used extensively in archaeological research as well as in many disciplines. In field work, Foif A30 model Geodetic GPS was used to determine the coordinates of the ground control points and to measure the residues on the surface (Resim 1). DJI Mavic Pro UAV was also used for aerial photography and video capturing (Resim 2). The UAV is a quadcopter with a weight of 734 grams, including batteries and a camera. The system has a flight time of up to 27 minutes with 3830 mAh batteries. The pictures were taken in a visible band and jpeg format with a 12 Megapixel DJI camera at a height range of 30-40m.

The flight plan was prepared with Pix4D software smartphone application before the image acquisition (Resim 3). In the flight plan, the coordinates of the home point are recorded by the UAV and it also records when it is returned in case of emergency. Flight routes include the home point, turning points, landing point and flight heights. The coordinates of the home point and the photographs taken are determined by the GPS on the UAV and the coordinate precision is increased using the ground control points. Geographical coordinates were used to determine the location. UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) Projection 3 degree and ED50 (European Datum 1950) Datum coordinates were transformed and integration of image with terrestrial measurements. Agisoft PhotoScan image processing software was used to model UAV images. As a result of image processing, orthophoto (orthomosaic), three dimensional point cloud and three dimensional terrain model were created. The image modeling work flow chart is presented in Resim 4.

In this study, the Iron Age archaeological sites in Çanakkale were first identified by surface surveys. Residue plans of Asarlık Settlement in Ortaca Village, Asarlıkkaya Fortress in Osmanlar Village, Damyeri Fortress in Damyeri Village, Madenkaya Fortress in Serçeler Village, and Sivricetepe Fortress in Ortaca Village plans were drawn.

Saving time and cost was possible using UAV-supported works in an extremely effective manner in the archeological sites. For example, on a high hill such as Sivricetepe Fortress and almost completely covered with vegetation, the UAV images provided the identification of the wall line which was partially under vegetation and gave effective results. Thus, the architectural plan of the city walls and the remains of the structures within the settlements was drawn. In addition, by combining the data obtained from each settlement, it facilitated the obtaining of effective results particularly in interpreting the geographical location characteristics and distances of each Iron Age settlement. 

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Yücel, M., & Yılmaz, D. (2019). Çanakkale Province: Unmanned Air Vehicle Assisted Surface Survey. Anatolian Research, 0(22), 107-128.


Yücel M, Yılmaz D. Çanakkale Province: Unmanned Air Vehicle Assisted Surface Survey. Anatolian Research. 2019;0(22):107-128.


Yücel, M.; Yılmaz, D. Çanakkale Province: Unmanned Air Vehicle Assisted Surface Survey. Anatolian Research, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 22, p. 107-128, 2019.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Yücel, Mehmet Ali, and Derya Yılmaz. 2019. “Çanakkale Province: Unmanned Air Vehicle Assisted Surface Survey.” Anatolian Research 0, no. 22: 107-128.

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Yücel, Mehmet Ali, and Derya Yılmaz. Çanakkale Province: Unmanned Air Vehicle Assisted Surface Survey.” Anatolian Research 0, no. 22 (Jun. 2024): 107-128.

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Yücel, M & Yılmaz, D 2019, 'Çanakkale Province: Unmanned Air Vehicle Assisted Surface Survey', Anatolian Research, vol. 0, no. 22, pp. 107-128, viewed 8 Jun. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Yücel, M. and Yılmaz, D. (2019) ‘Çanakkale Province: Unmanned Air Vehicle Assisted Surface Survey’, Anatolian Research, 0(22), pp. 107-128. (8 Jun. 2024).


Yücel, Mehmet Ali, and Derya Yılmaz. Çanakkale Province: Unmanned Air Vehicle Assisted Surface Survey.” Anatolian Research, vol. 0, no. 22, 2019, pp. 107-128. [Database Container],


Yücel M, Yılmaz D. Çanakkale Province: Unmanned Air Vehicle Assisted Surface Survey. Anatolian Research [Internet]. 8 Jun. 2024 [cited 8 Jun. 2024];0(22):107-128. Available from: doi: 10.26650/anar.2019.22.633114


Yücel, Mehmet Ali - Yılmaz, Derya. Çanakkale Province: Unmanned Air Vehicle Assisted Surface Survey”. Anatolian Research 0/22 (Jun. 2024): 107-128.




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