Research Article

DOI :10.26650/MED.2019515939   IUP :10.26650/MED.2019515939    Full Text (PDF)

From the Pioneer of Modern Business Administration to the Unknown: Ord. Prof. Dr. Alfred Isaac

Burcu AdiloğluGöksel Yücel

The Istanbul University reform of 1933 fulfilled the demand for academics - largely with German academics who had left their country for political reasons. These highly skilled academicians have contributed to their universities in various disciplines and have created an environment that is unique for fifteen years. 

For fourteen years, Ord. Prof. Dr. Isaac achieved high levels of academic performance and left great marks that still exist today. He is considered an impressionist by many researchers who initiated the modern business education in Turkey. 

DOI :10.26650/MED.2019515939   IUP :10.26650/MED.2019515939    Full Text (PDF)

Çağdaş İşletme Biliminin Öncülüğünden Bilinmeyene: Ord. Prof. Dr. Alfred Isaac

Burcu AdiloğluGöksel Yücel

1933 yılındaki İstanbul Üniversitesi Reformu akademisyen ihtiyacını, büyük ölçüde, aynı dönemde politik nedenlerle ülkelerin iterk eden Alman akademisyenlerle karşılamıştır. Yüksek vasıflı bu bilim adamları değişik bilim dallarında, üniversitelerine katkıda bulunmuşlar, onbeş yıl boyunca, belki de Dünya tarihinde karşılaşılamayacak bir ortamı yaratmışlardır.

Türkiye’de işletmecilik eğitimini başlatan da bu öğretim üyelerinden biri olan Ord. Prof. Dr Alfred Isaac’tır. Isaac ondört yıl boyunca akademik olarak üst düzeyde bir performans göstermiş ve günümüze büyük izler bırakmıştır. Bu izlerin en büyüğü onun bir çok araştırmacı tarafından Türkiye’de çağdaş işletmecilik eğitimini başlatan kişi olarak kabul edilmesidir. 

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Adiloğlu, B., & Yücel, G. (2019). From the Pioneer of Modern Business Administration to the Unknown: Ord. Prof. Dr. Alfred Isaac. Journal of Accounting Institute, 17(60), 47-57.


Adiloğlu B, Yücel G. From the Pioneer of Modern Business Administration to the Unknown: Ord. Prof. Dr. Alfred Isaac. Journal of Accounting Institute. 2019;17(60):47-57.


Adiloğlu, B.; Yücel, G. From the Pioneer of Modern Business Administration to the Unknown: Ord. Prof. Dr. Alfred Isaac. Journal of Accounting Institute, [Publisher Location], v. 17, n. 60, p. 47-57, 2019.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Adiloğlu, Burcu, and Göksel Yücel. 2019. “From the Pioneer of Modern Business Administration to the Unknown: Ord. Prof. Dr. Alfred Isaac.” Journal of Accounting Institute 17, no. 60: 47-57.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Adiloğlu, Burcu, and Göksel Yücel. From the Pioneer of Modern Business Administration to the Unknown: Ord. Prof. Dr. Alfred Isaac.” Journal of Accounting Institute 17, no. 60 (Jun. 2024): 47-57.

Harvard: Australian Style

Adiloğlu, B & Yücel, G 2019, 'From the Pioneer of Modern Business Administration to the Unknown: Ord. Prof. Dr. Alfred Isaac', Journal of Accounting Institute, vol. 17, no. 60, pp. 47-57, viewed 9 Jun. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Adiloğlu, B. and Yücel, G. (2019) ‘From the Pioneer of Modern Business Administration to the Unknown: Ord. Prof. Dr. Alfred Isaac’, Journal of Accounting Institute, 17(60), pp. 47-57. (9 Jun. 2024).


Adiloğlu, Burcu, and Göksel Yücel. From the Pioneer of Modern Business Administration to the Unknown: Ord. Prof. Dr. Alfred Isaac.” Journal of Accounting Institute, vol. 17, no. 60, 2019, pp. 47-57. [Database Container],


Adiloğlu B, Yücel G. From the Pioneer of Modern Business Administration to the Unknown: Ord. Prof. Dr. Alfred Isaac. Journal of Accounting Institute [Internet]. 9 Jun. 2024 [cited 9 Jun. 2024];17(60):47-57. Available from: doi: 10.26650/MED.2019515939


Adiloğlu, Burcu - Yücel, Göksel. From the Pioneer of Modern Business Administration to the Unknown: Ord. Prof. Dr. Alfred Isaac”. Journal of Accounting Institute 17/60 (Jun. 2024): 47-57.




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