Research Article

DOI :10.26650/JGEOG2020-0024   IUP :10.26650/JGEOG2020-0024    Full Text (PDF)

Potential Ways to Promote the Collection of Waste Cooking Oil and Investigation about Environmental Awareness of Local Residents in Niğde City

Suk Kyeong KangDerya Ağbaba

Recently, the development of eco-friendly energy resources has been actively sought following the regulations forced by global warming on the use of various fossil fuels. Among the possible sources, biodiesel can be considered an excellent alternative to fossil energy. Many developed countries, including the European Union (EU), are constantly researching to make the best use of this alternative energy. To use biodiesel as an alternative to fossil fuels, a sustainable supply of raw materials must be provided, and for this purpose, it is necessary to collect waste cooking oil discharged from the homes. This study examines the amount and collection methods of waste cooking oil generated in the households of Niğde city, and evaluates the level of consciousness of residents about waste cooking oil in relation to education level and gender. In addition, we propose the establishment of a resource cycle system that would allow waste oil generated in Niğde city to be used for the community by presenting a successful model in South Korea. In this study, the data were collected by face-to-face interviews, resulting in a total of 500 households fully completing the questionnaire in Niğde. The study indicated that waste oil collected from Niğde is not circulated in the community, and residents’ awareness of waste oil collection is very low. In particular, respondents with lower levels of education and women showed lower levels of participation.

DOI :10.26650/JGEOG2020-0024   IUP :10.26650/JGEOG2020-0024    Full Text (PDF)

Niğde Şehrinde Yaşayanların Atık Yemeklik Yağ Toplama Konusunda Bilinç Düzeyi ve Farkındalığını Artırma Önerileri

Suk Kyeong KangDerya Ağbaba

Son zamanlarda, çeşitli fosil yakıtların kullanımı küresel ısınmayı artırdığından, çevre dostu enerji kaynaklarının geliştirilmesi konusunda çalışmalar yürütülmektedir. Bunlardan biyodizel, fosil enerji kaynaklarına alternatif olarak atık yemeklik yağdan elde edilebilecek mükemmel bir seçenektir. Avrupa Birliği (AB) ülkeleri dâhil birçok gelişmiş ülkede bunu teşvik eden uygulamalar bulunmaktır. Biyodizel üretimi için sürekli ham madde temin edilmelidir. Bu sebeple atık yemeklik yağın evler ve gıda işletmeleri gibi mümkün olan tüm kaynaklardan toplanması gerekir. Bu çalışmada, Niğde şehrinde atık yemeklik yağ toplama sorunları ele alınmıştır. Ayrıca ikamet eden 500 katılımcının evlerinde tükettikleri yağ miktarı ve atık yemeklik yağ toplama yöntemi öğrenilerek, bilinç düzeyleri eğitim ve cinsiyet değişkenlerine göre analiz edilmiştir. Daha sonra ise Güney Kore’de atık yağın toplanmasında başarılı örneklerden biri ele alınarak Niğde örnekleminde uygulanması önerilmiştir. Araştırmada, nicel analiz yöntemi benimsenmiş ve bu kapsamda yüz yüze görüşme ile anket uygulanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda ise Niğde şehrinde toplanan atık yağın bu bölgeye fayda sağlayacak şekilde geri dönüşüme girmediği ve dolayısıyla burada ikamet eden katılımcıların atık yağ toplama konusunda farkındalıklarının çok düşük olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Özellikle de kadın ve eğitim düzeyi düşük katılımcıların, atık yağ toplama konusunda daha düşük düzeyde gönüllü oldukları gözlenmiştir. 


Discharging cooking oil to sewer systems has detrimental environmental consequences. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), it is estimated that one liter of waste cooking oil can contaminate up to one million liters of water. In addition, the separation and purification of discharged oil from water is about 700 times more expensive than the purification of non-oil contaminated water.

Recently, as the use of various fossil fuels has been regulated due to global warming, the development of eco-friendly energy resources has been actively sought out. Among various solutions, biodiesel is an excellent alternative to fossil energy sources that can be made from waste cooking oil. Many countries around the world focus on the development of sustainable systems to establish ecofriendly energy resources. Nevertheless, the major sources of waste cooking oil are from food-related industries, businesses and shops. The collection rate for waste cooking oil remains low from private houses. To use biodiesel as a sustainable alternative source, a stable supply must be established. To achieve this purpose, it is necessary to collect waste cooking oil discharged from households. To successfully collect the waste cooking oil discharged from the households, a rational and efficient environmental policy should be established, and basic environmental education should be provided for the residents to recognize the waste cooking oil as a major source of renewable energy resources. Therefore, the active participation of the residents is very important.

In Turkey, research related to waste cooking oil has been mainly focused on basic scientific research to use as an alternative energy source, environmental policies, and collection of waste cooking oil in food-related businesses such as restaurants (Canakci 2007; Boluk and Koç, 2013; Arslan and Ulusoy, 2018). However, the waste cooking oil discharged from households is also a renewable energy source, and the environmental awareness of local residents is of paramount importance. In order to plan and implement a smooth environmental policy, research on the environmental awareness of local residents is essential, but research on it is hard to find.

This study examines the amount and collection methods of waste cooking oil generated in the households of Niğde City, and diagnosed the level of consciousness of residents about waste cooking oil by education level and gender. In addition, it proposes the establishment of a resource cycle system that would allow waste oil generated in the city to be used for the community by presenting a successful case in South Korea. This study collected data by face-to-face interviews, resulting in a total of 500 households fully completing the questionnaire in Niğde City in June, 2017. 

Based on our findings, there are three major issues to be addressed to facilitate the collection of waste cooking oil in the study area. First, residents in the study area showed that their awareness of the need for the collection of waste cooking oil was very low. In particular, women rather than men, and respondents with lower education levels were more passive in collecting waste cooking oil. Therefore, basic environmental education should be provided to them the first, and environmental education for local residents should be carried out continuously and systematically.

Second, the waste oil collected in the region should be used for the local community, and the resource circulation system should be developed so that the benefits can come to local residents. In addition, if the schools are designated as waste oil collection areas, environmental education for students should be preceded.

Finally, in order for these environmental projects to be successful in the local community, it is necessary to develop a project that is coordinated and cooperatively pursued by local governments and local industries, universities and research institutes.

There is a need for a collaborative project initiative that takes into account the economies and the environment of the community, not projects for each organization’s individual performance.

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Kang, S.K., & Ağbaba, D. (2020). Potential Ways to Promote the Collection of Waste Cooking Oil and Investigation about Environmental Awareness of Local Residents in Niğde City. Journal of Geography, 0(40), 1-12.


Kang S K, Ağbaba D. Potential Ways to Promote the Collection of Waste Cooking Oil and Investigation about Environmental Awareness of Local Residents in Niğde City. Journal of Geography. 2020;0(40):1-12.


Kang, S.K.; Ağbaba, D. Potential Ways to Promote the Collection of Waste Cooking Oil and Investigation about Environmental Awareness of Local Residents in Niğde City. Journal of Geography, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 40, p. 1-12, 2020.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Kang, Suk Kyeong, and Derya Ağbaba. 2020. “Potential Ways to Promote the Collection of Waste Cooking Oil and Investigation about Environmental Awareness of Local Residents in Niğde City.” Journal of Geography 0, no. 40: 1-12.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Kang, Suk Kyeong, and Derya Ağbaba. Potential Ways to Promote the Collection of Waste Cooking Oil and Investigation about Environmental Awareness of Local Residents in Niğde City.” Journal of Geography 0, no. 40 (Jun. 2024): 1-12.

Harvard: Australian Style

Kang, SK & Ağbaba, D 2020, 'Potential Ways to Promote the Collection of Waste Cooking Oil and Investigation about Environmental Awareness of Local Residents in Niğde City', Journal of Geography, vol. 0, no. 40, pp. 1-12, viewed 9 Jun. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Kang, S.K. and Ağbaba, D. (2020) ‘Potential Ways to Promote the Collection of Waste Cooking Oil and Investigation about Environmental Awareness of Local Residents in Niğde City’, Journal of Geography, 0(40), pp. 1-12. (9 Jun. 2024).


Kang, Suk Kyeong, and Derya Ağbaba. Potential Ways to Promote the Collection of Waste Cooking Oil and Investigation about Environmental Awareness of Local Residents in Niğde City.” Journal of Geography, vol. 0, no. 40, 2020, pp. 1-12. [Database Container],


Kang SK, Ağbaba D. Potential Ways to Promote the Collection of Waste Cooking Oil and Investigation about Environmental Awareness of Local Residents in Niğde City. Journal of Geography [Internet]. 9 Jun. 2024 [cited 9 Jun. 2024];0(40):1-12. Available from: doi: 10.26650/JGEOG2020-0024


Kang, SukKyeong - Ağbaba, Derya. Potential Ways to Promote the Collection of Waste Cooking Oil and Investigation about Environmental Awareness of Local Residents in Niğde City”. Journal of Geography 0/40 (Jun. 2024): 1-12.


Published Online30.06.2020


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