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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Analysis of New Media Empowerment --a Case Study of "EPB Swimming in the Water"

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DOI: 10.25236/icallh.2018.22


Mengyu Li

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Mengyu Li


At a crucial period of social transformation, China’s social system has been further improved and citizen awareness has been continuously raised. The phenomenon of new media empowerment in the form of Internet politics and online rights protections continues to emerge. The theory of media empiricism originated from the West and the research on the empowerment of new media also continued to heat up in the industry. With the invitation of the netizen "Environmental Protection Bureau launching" incident, this paper analyzes the new breakthrough of media empowerment in the context of new media: the fight for discourse right and the network virtual society. After the dissemination of new media, social events have changed the public's perception of society, and the formation of topics, discussions and collective protests will be the development trend of new media empowerment.


New media, Empowerment, Network politics, Discourse power.