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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter September 20, 2014

History of echinostomes (Trematoda)

  • Rafael Toledo EMAIL logo , Valentin Radev , Ivan Kanev , Scott Gardner and Bernard Fried
From the journal Acta Parasitologica


Echinostomatidae (Trematoda) is the largest family within the class Trematoda. Members of this family have been studied for many years in relation to their utility as basic research models in biodiversity and systematics and also as experimental models in parasitology since they offer many advantages. Echinostomes have contributed significantly to numerous developments in many areas studied by parasitologists and experimental biologists. In this review, we examine the history of the echinostomebased studies from the beginnings to the present. For this purpose, we have divided the history of echinostomes into four periods (i.e. 18th and 19th centuries, first half of the 20th century, second half of the 20th century and the late 20th and 21th century) according to the types of studies performed in each of them. Moreover, we also briefly review the history of echinostome infections in humans.

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Published Online: 2014-9-20
Published in Print: 2014-10-1

© 2014 W. Stefański Institute of Parasitology, PAS

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