Online ISSN : 2432-0838
Print ISSN : 1341-1306
ISSN-L : 1341-1306
■特集 情報技術の進展とメディア秩序の変容
デジタル情報化と東アジアのメディア文化 : 韓国社会、華人社会におけるメディア実践と文化形成(<特集>情報技術の進展とメディア秩序の変容)
水越 伸金 亮都劉 雪雁
ジャーナル フリー

2001 年 58 巻 p. 51-77,224


This Paper explores the development processes of new media practice and new media culture in East Asian region.First, KIM chooses and describes Korean "PC Bang(PC room)"phenomenon emerged from grass-root youth popular culture.Putting a framework of the negotiation process among policy maker, media industry, media professionals, and media audience, he analyzes the muti-dimentional dynamics of the formation of "PC Bang"sphere.Second, LIU reviews online activities among over-seas Chinese in Australia.She studies 4 websites in detail at the Chinese communities of Sydney and points out the emerging process of new online ethnic communities.In conclusion, MIZUKOSHI considers Japanese new media culture referring to above two examples and points out the importance cultural diversity and of "peripheral imagination"in the process of media practice and its cultural development.

© 2001 日本マス・コミュニケーション学会
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