THE MEANING OF SELF-DETERMINATION AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL: RUSSIAN VIEW Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Self Concept / Self Determination / International Education / Scientific Concepts / social revolutions / passionarity / social contract / linguistic component of fact / rational choice theories.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Eremicheva T.

The article is recommended for publication in educational, philosophical and legal journals as a manual for the education of the youth and young scientists. In understanding the goals of self-determination of an individual, one cannot be limited by the tasks of "whom to be" and "what to be." It is more important to "how to live," how to build your lifestyle, which mode of intellectual, physical and emotional loads to choose, how to overcome adversity. In this regard, it was necessary to describe the peculiarities of the Russian view of this important task in terms of identifying special interest for an international audience. The author attempted to present the view on factors that might affect the self-determination of the nation and to consider other related scientific theories, and also to consider the use of some new instruments, such as internationalization and diplomacy, with regard to contemporary issues of society and education. As the basic method of research, a coordinate system in three-dimensional socio-psycho-physical space is presented. The main conclusion was the identification of the essential component of social revolutions through the influence of the linguistic component-fact on the self-determination of the nation, as well as close attention to the educational process in the country.

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11. Пастер Луи. Очерк жизни и деятельности одного ученого. / Луи Пастер. Под ред. Н. Ф. Гамалея. Б.М. и г. 192 с.

12. Мельник М. Луи Пастер. Жизнь. Труды. Харьков: Госизд-во Украина. 1923. 64 с.

13. Мечников И. Биография Пастера. М.: Госиздат. 1923. 70 с.

14. Билай В. И. Микроорганизмы - друзья и враги человека / Вера Иосифовна Билай. К.: «Нау-кова думка», 1982. 150 с.

15. Пастер и современый мир. https://www.historymed.ru/local/templates/historymed _main/assets/img_content/train/referat_paster.pdf

16. Леенсон И. Вино глазами химика. Химия и жизнь. №7, 2017. https://elementy.ru/nauchno-populyarnaya_biblioteka/433700/Vino_glazami_khim ika

17. Леонтьев Д. В., Акулов О.Ю. Загальна мь колопя: Шдручник для вищих навч. заклащв. Х. : Вид. група «Основа», 2007. 375 с.


Eremicheva T.

Department of World Economy Diplomatic Academy of Foreign Ministry of Russian Federation, Moscow


The article is recommended for publication in educational, philosophical and legal journals as a manual for the education of the youth and young scientists. In understanding the goals of self-determination of an individual, one cannot be limited by the tasks of "whom to be" and "what to be." It is more important to "how to live," how to build your lifestyle, which mode of intellectual, physical and emotional loads to choose, how to overcome adversity. In this regard, it was necessary to describe the peculiarities of the Russian view of this important task in terms of identifying special interest for an international audience. The author attempted to present the view on factors that might affect the self-determination of the nation and to consider other related scientific theories, and also to consider the use of some new instruments, such as internationalization and diplomacy, with regard to contemporary issues of society and education. As the basic method of research, a coordinate system in three-dimensional socio-psycho-physical space is presented. The main conclusion was the identification of the essential component of social revolutions through the influence of the linguistic component-fact on the self-determination of the nation, as well as close attention to the educational process in the country.

Keywords: Self Concept, Self Determination, International Education, Scientific Concepts, social revolutions, passionarity, social contract, linguistic component of fact, rational choice theories.

Thus, passionarians are always a minority in the


Passionary is a pronounced feature of the Russian people - these are people endowed with excessive energy, the impulse of which exceeds the impulse of the instinct of self-preservation, as a result of which passionary is able to sacrifice their life for the sake of the idea.1

Karen Shakhnazarov, a well-known film director and public and political figure, in his speech on the TV channel Russia24 regarding the amendment of the Constitution, expressed his point of view about the "passionarity of Russians".

Lev Gumilyov wrote: "Passionarity is an unbroken internal desire (more often unconscious) for activities aimed at realizing any goal. This goal seems to be a passionary individual more valuable than even his own life, and even more so the lives of fellow tribesmen and contemporaries." He also said that "passionaries are individuals who have the innate ability to absorb more energy from the environment than is required for personal and species self-preservation, and deliver this energy in the form of purposeful work to change the environment. Moreover, mental and intellectual activity requires energy consumption in the same way as physical energy, only this energy is in a different form and it is more difficult to record and measure it. "

ethnic group, but they make up the core on which the entire ethnic system rests. "This is the motor that drives everything." According to Lev Gumilyov, passionarity is a deviation from the species norm, it is probably a mutation, but the mutation is small, not leading to pathology. Although normal and ordinary people (who believe that if you risk your life, then for a lot of money) often call passionarians fanatics and crazy.

Passionarity is manifested in various character traits such as pride, vanity, greed, thirst for power, jealousy. "The passionarity of an individual person can be combined with any abilities: high, medium, small, it does not depend on external influences, being a feature of the psyche of a given person; it is not related to ethics, equally easily generating feats and crimes, creativity and destruction, good and evil, excluding only inaction and indifference, "wrote Lev Gumilyov.2

For a more in-depth understanding of the picture of the application of such a concept, professor Alexey Kharlanov considers the possibility of contrasting the passionary explosion of Lev Gumilev with the still active, but extinct civilizationally propagated concept of the "social contract" of Thomas Hobbs (1588-1679). According to this philosophical doctrine, the life of society passes discretely and flutually, emphasizes the process of evolution, in which in the natural process of life people are in a "state of constant war of all against

1 http://iamruss.ru/chto-takoe-passionarnost-i-kto-takoy-pas- 2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lev_Gumilyov


all," and in the state state - a maximum is fair that "man is a wolf to man." Thomas Hobbes considered the state as human in the form of a "mortal" god created by humans and established to achieve peace and security of people; and at the same time, as an "artificial body," the origin of which is determined not by divine will, but by natural causes. He also has "the natural right to have the freedom of every human being to use his own strength at his discretion to preserve his own nature. Thus, not "own life," but "natural law is a prescription or general rule found by the mind, according to which a person is forbidden to do what is harmful to his life or that deprives him of the means to preserve it, and to allow what he considers the best means to preserve life" becomes the meaning of his evolutionary development. [9] Religion performs regulatory functions in society, religious fanaticism impedes the functioning of the state machine, and the best form of government - an absolute monarchy, as the embodiment of unlimited state power. But it does not deny the divine beginning that laid the foundation for human freedom, since people are created by the Creator equal in physical and intellectual terms, they have equal opportunities and the same, not limited to "rights to everything," there is also "freedom of will." Defending the need to subjugate the church to the state, he considered it necessary to preserve religion as a tool of state power to curb the people. In this sense, Napoleon Bonaparte brought this idea of the people and their place in society to the absolute, pointing out that "religion was invented by the rich so that they would not be torn apart by the poor," not forgetting about his inspirer: "Hobbes was a kind of Newton in politics, his teaching is worth a lot in this regard."3

Research questions.

Russian-Soviet scientist Gennady Nikredin gave an understandable description of the meaning of self-determination: "Life self-determination: the concept is broader than professional, moral or even civil, since it characterizes a person as a subject of his own life and happiness, developing his forces and abilities through self-determination. The objectives of self-determination should not be limited to "who to be" and "what to be." It is more important to "how to live," how to build your lifestyle, which mode to choose intellectual, physical and emotional loads, how to overcome adversity. A person from childhood must understand that he is mortal, based on this, to think about the meaning of a not so long life. In education, a primitive understanding of the meaning of human life as a complete dedication of a person to society should be overcome - with this approach, the question of self-development is removed, the idea of the possibility of ordered programming of a person's internal life is allowed "[1]. I would like to

add that in this way God's fishing is removed and creative initiative and evolutionary mimicization of individuals of various scales of worldviews and their knowledge are leveled. [10]

Therefore, the authors of this article raise the following questions about the purpose of this study:

- What is the meaning and benefit of Self Determination;

- What is the purpose of national Self Expression and Self Determination;

- Identification of their methods and tools for educational purposes

- Their impact to the public and social life.


Any fact, first of all, is related to some sentence, which is called the linguistic component of fact. And it is obvious that the linguistic component is necessary, since without this - it would be impossible to speak of anything as a fact. [4]

The fact is a kind of "alloy of the sentence with some sensual perception." This is how, in fact, Thomas Kuhn and Paul Feyerabend4 determine the fact: "Anyone who spoke about the nature of the facts of science recognized their connection with sensual perception or language." It is assumed that the sentence "expresses" or "describes" the fact. The use of such proposals implicitly relies on the idea of directly correlating language with the outside world. Thus, the meaning of sentence terms is determined only by the subjects and relationships between them to which these terms relate, and the real state of affairs is isomorphically displayed in the sentences.

This idea is expressed by Ludwig Wittgenstein5 quite clearly in his "Logical and Philosophical Treatise," where the external world is opposed not by the language itself, but by a subject who knows this world not only with the help of language, but also with the help of his senses, as well as in the process of substantive and practical activity. To confine ourselves to opposing language and reality is to abstract from the basis and subject of knowledge - practice and man, as a representative of a certain historical era.

I would like to present graphically the semantic characteristics of the activity, which Alexander Nikifo-rov described in the form of a kind of coordinate system:

- individual meaning

- objective meaning

- social meaning

Thus, the understanding of the activity is clearly presented with indication of its place in the three-dimensional socio-psycho-physical space (Figure 1) [4]

3 http://aforizmo. ru/napoleon-citaty-2. html

4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Feyerabend

5 https://en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_Wittgenstein

Three-dimensional socio-psicho-physical space

M 'c




au O

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Individual Individual Individual

meaning 1 meaning 2 meaning 3

I Social meaning 1 «Social meaning 2 «Social meaning 3

Fig. 1: Three-dimensional socio-psycho-physical space.



The activity itself, there is the physical activity of the individual, prompted and accompanied by some subjective motive - intensity. The hierarchy of increasingly deep individual intentions forms the subjective meaning of activity. As physical activity, activity acts as a reason giving rise to a network of causal relationships. The totality of all elements of this network is an objective meaning of activity. [4]

The correlation of the activity of subjective and objective meaning is its understanding in the space of psychophysical connections. Moreover, activity is carried out in society, one of the members of human society and therefore influences people, social institutions and relations. This influence is temporary. The totality of the social consequences of the action is its social meaning. To attribute social meaning to activity means to understand it in social time, that is, historically.

Events and acts that now appear to be extremely important in the information space may, in their social consequences, be completely invisible and, after a while, forgotten. Conversely, events that do not now attract attention can have a great social meaning and will have a fruitful and lasting impact on the future. This is the approach from the point of view of historical dialectics - to determine the truth of the criteria for assessing the development of society, as well as to establish the laws of a single meaning of evolution for a particular nation within the framework of a national state.

Differences between individual sciences are also manifested in the specific research methods they use. Of course, there are so-called general scientific methods of cognition, that is, methods used not by one, but by several sciences, for example, experiment, observation, induction, etc.

The author believes that in the 21st century, economics, as a science, or rather the world economy, has become an integral part of the methodology of any science in the global world as a whole, combining both the

possibilities of scientific research and the process of accelerated development of scientific knowledge.

According to Alexander Nikiforov, "to see the unity of science in the fact that all specifically scientific disciplines use the same method, say, induction, is apparently incorrect." In his opinion, it is not so important whether there are methods that no science can do without, since they do not at all exhaust the set of cognitive methods of a particular particular science.

This is a set of methods and techniques of both general science and specifically scientific, used by an individual science to display its own subject of knowledge and is what can be called a specific method of a particular science. Since this method is determined by the subject of science, the methods of individual sciences are different to the extent that their subjects are different.

In this regard, the author would like to suggest that risk analysis and definition is one technique that could combine the methodology of each scientific study and scientific activity.

The specifics of the methods of individual sciences find material embodiment and are fixed in the technical equipment of each science - instruments and instruments acting as means of cognition. The author claims that with the transition to the digital age, the concept of a specific method will gradually decrease in connection with the use of a single tool for each science - artificial intelligence.

According to the author Tatiana Eremicheva, this will lead to the disappearance of the problem of incommensurability, in which we are talking about comparing theories within the framework of one science with the inability to be questioned when comparing different sciences. Thus, the incommensurability of theories can no longer be characterized by the absence of a general factual basis or empirical language, the absence of com-

mon concepts in the languages of the conceptual structures being compared, the difference in methods and standards, thanks to digital technologies used equally in the development of all sciences. Instead, the theory of "Commensurability" will find its place.


Some modern researchers believe that Thomas Hobbes's reasoning and statements about the emergence of social protest gave rise to one of the popular theories in the second half of the 20th century - the theory of rational choice, which is based on the consistency of the preferences of the economic agent and his desire for optimization, that is, to maximize benefits and minimize costs. Here, the key is information for decision making, but the collection and processing of which can be costly. A choice that is optimal under conditions of complete information may become suboptimal with its lack, since the cost of searching for information may exceed the benefit of finding the best option.

The author, Tatiana Eremicheva, noted that, according to this theory, the use of paid education can lead to an increase in the number of unskilled personnel and the growth of an ignorant poorly educated population, both, understandably due to the lack of sufficient funds, and because of the optimization of costs that can exceed temporary and financial investments relative to the final result of investments in education, which is very difficult to calculate especially in the long term. Therefore, a State that prioritizes the concept of saving a nation should avoid paid education, otherwise national projects in this area will not lead to the effective results for which they were created. [5, 3 p. 320]

Thus, philosophy through the foundations of scientific knowledge tells us about the essential component of social revolutions through the influence of the linguistic component-fact on the self-determination of the nation. In this regard, the author, Tatiana Er-emicheva, believes that religion can have a levelling effect on possible deviations at the time of social explosions, as an accessible traditional knowledge of the essence of human existence in the absence of sufficient competence in the adoption of philosophical terms that form the basis and reflected therefore in religion. It is necessary to take into account the linguistic component of country-specific fact created by traditional notions in the linguistic reflection of a country or territory in which such notions were spread and originated.

The author, Tatiana Eremicheva, proposes a hypothesis about the emergence of gender revolutions in Europe, and then in the world, for one simple reason of the same meaning of the words "jealousy" and "envy," which are translated mostly as just "jealousy" not only from English, but also from most European languages. It would seem a trifle, but the concept of "envy" in Russian tradition is included in the aspect of personal competition, and "jealousy" in informal interpersonal relations, the beginning that love gives. And they would have to be separated by the concept of "love," but these

concepts in Europe are united in view of the long-disappeared Christian love and the introduction of its more primitive content. Therefore, there is a rejection by Russia of gender revolutions, where "envy" is linguistically clearly separated, as something public from "jealousy," as something personal in which the component of personal attachment has been preserved.

We would like to confirm by Lubov Grishina 's opinion in her work "The Importance of the Translation of the Bible and Shakespeare's Work in the Development of the English Language" on Shakespeare's contribution to the development of English vocabulary: "As you can guess, the main merit of the translation of the Bible is that he gave the language many popular and widely used today expressions. They became particularly common in the twentieth century, when the laws on blasphemy lost force. Today, these expressions are used everywhere, in situations far from religion, by people of different faiths or in general unbelievers. " [6]

The author, Tatiana Eremicheva, would like to draw attention to the fact that the playwright Shakespeare - influenced to the development of the English language, and from the other side the Orthodox saints Kirill and Methodius - influenced to the development of the Russian language, in which states a different perception of the self-determination of the Russian people as a native speaker of the Russian language.

An important addition to the above arguments is the unexpected conclusion about another understanding of the terminology of "self-determination" in the Eric keyword system6, which has about four thousand references to this subject, but most of them reproduce it in another context - in the light of the "lack of physical disorientation". In this regard, the relevance of the study on all the above-mentioned issues, methods and results is confirmed.


In the expression of the will of citizens regarding amendments to the current fundamental law of the country, everyone can see the overdue exit of Russians from spiritual lethargy and a new request to the authorities for the revival of the national state, lost after the collapse of the USSR.

In his address, Valentin Lebedev, chairman of the Union of Orthodox Citizens (UOC), regarding the amendments in the Constitution of the Russian Federation 7, said: "Without any exaggeration, it can be argued that the fate of our country and the world will be decided. Having voted in favor of the proposed amendments to the Constitution, the people of Russia will declare their readiness to follow the unique path determined by them from Above and to fulfill their historical vocation. "

UOC believes that the mention of God and the traditional understanding of the family (when husband, father is a man and wife, mother is a woman, are not numbered parents) in the new version of the Constitution means recognition of Christian values by the core and state-forming ones, confirms our civilizatively accepted orientation towards the high moral ideals taught

6 https://eric.ed.gov/?q=self+determination&ff1=sub-


7 https://broujinternational .com/vid-na-zhitelstvo/ty-



by the Orthodox Church and embodied, in particular, in its doctrine of the Orthodox state - Katechon8, which prevents the spread of evil in the world.

According to Valentin Lebedev, "until a fundamental amendment on the priority of national legislation over international legislation is adopted, Russia must follow orders and international acts of anti-Christian elites, according to which even the National Bank of Russia cannot be nationalized. Before making this amendment, Russia is obliged to introduce those globalist standards of "chipization" and depersonalization -the replacement of a person by numbered biological objects with very conditional rights. In the future, we are talking about the inaccessibility of not only higher, but also elementary - school education, for the destruction of which it will be enough to transfer to the "distance learning mode" (Nikita Mikhalkov have been spoken about this intelligibly and competently in the recent issues of "Besogon" TV program)". The processes of drowning of the masses should allow those who fail to evolve in a timely manner to turn the peoples' they represent to more decent standards of quality and standard of living of the developed individual and lead to new medieval obscurantist digital restrictions and to the loss of the meaning of the further survival of mankind with the baggage of historically lost philosophical views.

It should be noted here that the plan for the development of national priorities in science and education, in health care or the so-called "Concept of Saving the Nation" is in the process of being implemented despite any current global changes. [5, 3 p. 320]

Several major projects were launched by the Ministry of Education and Science, now the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation: "Project to increase the competitiveness of leading Russian universities among the world's leading scientific and educational centers," which was launched in 2013, and the priority project "Development of the export potential of the Russian education system." [8]


Improving the position of Russian leading universities in world rankings, increasing the attractiveness of Russian educational programs for foreign citizens, improving the conditions of their stay during their studies in Russia, as well as increasing the recognition and status of the brand of Russian education on the international educational market is impossible without the internationalization of universities, which is considered as an important tool to increase the competitiveness of universities.

The instruments of internationalization and diplomacy are increasingly becoming the modern driving force of national higher education. For example, from the point of view of the Hungarian government, the SH program (Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship program) is expected to strengthen Hungary's soft power outside the EU through cooperation in education. The program considers foreign students as "future ambassadors" who can represent the interests of Hungary in their countries. The emphasis on the "soft power" of cooperation in the field of education is felt and applied

even among Hungarian universities, although diplomacy is not their main task.

The promotion of national culture and language is another important component of the diplomatic mission of the SH program, especially with the provision of Hungarian-language teaching programs for foreign students. Representatives of the Tempus Community Foundation and the Vietnamese Embassy in Hungary stressed the importance of increasing the number of Vietnamese students enrolled in Hungarian language programs, which are expected to serve as diplomatic ties between Vietnam and Hungary in the future. They noted that Hungary is proud of the presence of the Vietnamese community, which does not have Hungarian citizenship, but still can speak Hungarian and understand Hungarian culture, which becomes the basis for long-standing diplomatic relations.

Internationalization is called the key goal of the SH program for both the Hungarian government and Hungarian universities. One of the indicators of the success of the internationalization tool in this program was the impressive increase in the number of sending partners and available places for international candidates. The stated goal of the program is to increase the competitiveness of Hungarian higher education in the international arena by: 1) improving the quality of Hungarian higher education services; 2) strengthening the international cooperation of the Hungarian scientific community and the global visibility of Hungarian higher education by attracting the best talents to expand the Hungarian scientific network; and (3) diversifying teaching, learning and working conditions in universities to adapt to the growing presence of foreign students. [7]


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I would like to express my deepest gratitude posthumously towards Dr. of Social Sience Gennediy Nikredin for his long term ideas giving me during his kind support and insightful guidance throughout the conduct of the diploma work during the study in my first university. I also would like to extend my special thanks to my research supervisor professor of World Economy department of the Diplomatic Academy of Foreign Ministry of Russian Federation, Moscow, Alexey Kharlanov for his kind encouragement and recommendations so that I can complete the research paper.

About the Author.

Tatiana Eremicheva is looking to receive her postgraduate candidate honor in World Economy at the Diplomatic Academy of Foreign Ministry of Russian Federation. Previously, she was pursuing speciality in Economy and management at the Volgograd State University. Tatiana deeply cares for education and wants to advocate for productive education reforms in her country. Tatiana few years ago started working on her own initiative project "You can become a Russian!".9 She is currently undertaking a study on risk management in the investment mechanism of world economy.

8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katechon

9 https://broujinternational .com/vid-na-zhitelstvo/ty-



1. Nikredin, G. D.; Galiev, G. T.; Bushin, N. I.; Kabirov, R. R.; Kubitsky, S. I. under the scientific editorship of G. D. Nikredin. Technological management of social processes. Tutorial. Volume 1. The search model of the reference dictionary. - Ufa. Publishing house "Ay". - 1997.- 296p.

2. Brief philosophical dictionary / Alekseev, A. P; Vasiliev G.G [and others]; ed. A.P. Alekseeva. - 2nd ed., Rev. And add. - Moscow: Original layout, 2017.— 496 p.

3. Language. The culture. Society. Actual problems, research methods and teaching problems: Collection of articles / Ed. I. E. Koptelova; Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry. - 2nd ed. - M.: Publishing and trade corporation "Dashkov and K", 2019.-184p.

4. Malyshev readings - 2020. Science and education: the future and the goals of sustainable development: materials of the XVI international scientific conference, in 4 parts / ed. A.V. Semenov. - M: ed. CHOUVO "MU im. S. Yu. Witte ", 2020 Part 3 - 661s. https://www.muiv.ru/up-

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5. Nikiforov A. L. Philosophy of Science: History and Theory (textbook). - M.: Idea-Press, 2010.-- 264p.

6. Eremicheva, T. V.; Harlanov, A. S.;Giovanni De Duonni - M. M. Novikov. Russia's Digital Future in the Light of 2020 Challenges. Digest of articles. - LAP

LAMBERT academic publishing. -2020 International Book Market Service Ltd. - 53 p.

7. Tong L. Higher education internationalization and diplomacy: Successes mixed with challenges. A case study of Hungary's Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship program / Hungarian Educational Research Journal: Volume 10: Issue 4. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1556/063.2020.00036

8. Eremicheva T.V., Harlanov A.S. The philosophical meaning of self-determination at the national level. / Journal of the Eurasian Union Scientists (ESU) №8 (77) / 2020, part 4, p. 25

9. Electronic internationalization: English-language Internet resources of Russian universities (2019): RIAC report No. 47/2019 / [I. N. Timofeev, E.O. Karpinskaya, DO Yarkova]; Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC). - M .: NP RSMD, 2019 .-- 63 p.

10. Makarov V. I., Eremicheva T. V., Kharlanov A. S. National Self-determination in the philosophical aspect of the historical connection of generations (From the memoirs and stories of V. I. Makarov) LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2020-07-29). -2020, - 165 p. https://more-books.de/store/ru/book/%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%86 %D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BB% D1%8C % D0% BD% D0% BE% D0% B5-% D1% 81% D0% B0% D0% BC% D0% BE% D0% BE% D0% BF% D1% 80% D0% B5% D0% B4% D0% B5% D0% BB% D0% B5% D0% BD% D0% B8% D0% B5 / isbn / 978-620-2-68491-0 (date of access 04.01.2021)



Янь Лi

Луганський нацюнальний унгверситет 1мет Тараса Шевченка,

Астрант кафедри педагогжи навчально-наукового тституту педагогжи i психологИ


Yan Li

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Post-graduate student of the department ofpedagogy of the educational and research institute ofpedagogy and psychology


У статп проаналiзовано можливосп мiждисциплшарноi штеграцп освгтнього процесу ЗВО Украши та Китаю у контексп професiйноi тдготовки майбутшх B4rn^iB музичного мистецтва.

Автор доводить, що представлена у дослвдженш методика сприяла формуванню вмшь критично ми-слити, використовувати теоретичш знання в професiйних цшях, виробляти рiзнi види комунiкацiй, у тому чи^ й художнiх, що формувало здатностi до мiжнацiонального спiлкування - усього того, що становить полшультурну компетентнiсть майбутнього вчителя музики.


The article deals with the analysis of the possibilities of interdisciplinary integration of educational process of higher educational establishments of Ukraine and China in context of the professional training of future teachers of musical art.

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