TLC Profile and Activity Test of Secondary Metabolites Aspergillus flavus “In-Habiting” Queen Termite’s Nest Macrotermes gilvus on Enriched Media

Yohannes Alen, Rezki Amelia, Akmal Djamaan


Antibiotic are secondary metabolites yielded by microbe especially fungus. Previous research succesfull screened four kinds of fungus that live in termites queen’s nest, one of them was Aspergillus flavus. Furthermore, Alen et al (2016g) states that this fungus last to produce metabolite compounds on SDA media which only exist in first and second  subculture extract, omit gradually for the next culture. It was presumed happen caused a different habitat to grow. So it is necessary to enrich the media with queen termite nest to get back the initial metabolites. The enrichment was done using four different media concentrations (0.25; 0,50; 0.75 and 1 grams of nest/mL media). The results show that enrichment of 1 gram of nest/mL media provides the most optimum fungus growht. The third subculture of Aspergillus flavus is cultured on enriched media which will become the fourth subculture, this fungus cultured until tenth subculture, do extraction and   fracination to each culture. Based on TLC profile analysis, the initial metabolite not yet formed until tenth subculture, but forms six new stain terpenoid compounds.  The result of  columns chromatography obtained 10 sub-faction. Activity test was done by diffusion method to 12  test bacteria and 3 test fungus. Spot 2,5,6 (Rf 0.84; 0,36; 0,26) inhibit the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, spot 3,4 (Rf 0.74; 0,52) inhibit the growth of Micrococcus luteus ATCC 10240. The use of enriched media affect formation of  secondary metabolites Aspergillus flavus


Keyword : Secondary metabolites, Aspergillus flavus, Macrotermes gilvus Hagen., Enriched media, TLC Profiles, Activity Assay

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