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Gazzetta Medica Italiana - Archivio per le Scienze Mediche 2019 June;178(6):396-402

DOI: 10.23736/S0393-3660.18.03872-X


language: Italian

The use of high technical profile sanitary napkins in the management of postpartum genital losses: assessment of adequacy and satisfaction by women after vaginal delivery. Multicenter randomized study conducted on 800 patients

Silvio TARTAGLIA 1 , Daniela ANGELO 2, Anna NATALI 3, Caterina PIZZICAROLI 2, Valerio P. PISCITELLI 1, Alessandro GIORDANI 4, Maria G. PELLEGRINI 2, Marco BONITO 3, Mario F. SEGATORE 2, Paolo FUSCO 2, Giovanni LARCIPRETE 2

1 Scuola Medica Ospedaliera Regione Lazio SMORRL, San Giovanni Calibita Fatebenefratelli Hospital, Rome, Italy; 2 Unit of Gynecology and Obstetrics, San Giovanni Calibita Fatebenefratelli Hospital, Rome, Italy; 3 Operative Unit of Gynecology and Obstetrics, San Pietro Fatebenefratelli Hospital, Rome, Italy; 4 Fondazione FBF per la Ricerca e la Formazione Sanitaria e Sociale, San Giovanni Calibita Fatebenefratelli Hospital, Rome, Italy

BACKGROUND: The evaluation of post-partum vaginal discharge, in terms of quality and quantity, is very important in order to discover potentially pathological conditions, like secondary post-partum hemorrhage and puerperal infections. Lochia represent a physiological event immediately after delivery and they last in the first weeks, showing gradual modifications. They are composed of blood, cloths, tissues, leucocytes. Due to this condition, the use of post-partum pads is necessary for the assessment the nature of the secretions, for keeping hygiene in vaginal environment and for allowing women freedom of movement and discretion.
METHODS: In this multicenter randomized study, carried out in 2016 at “San Giovanni Calibita, Isola Tiberina - Fatebenefratelli” Hospital and “San Pietro - Fatebenefratelli” Hospital in Rome, we provided to 800 women after vaginal delivery, randomly divided in 4 groups, different adsorbent pads of high technical profile belonging to “LINES Specialist®” series for urinary incontinence (LINES Specialist® Super, LINES Specialist® Maxi, LINES Specialist® Pants Discreet, LINES Specialist® Pants Plus). We analyzed the results in terms of personal satisfaction, number of daily changes and compliance to the usage by a questionnaire at the hospital discharge.
RESULTS: The model LINES Specialist® Pants Discreet is resulted the most satisfying, showing the less number of daily changes and it is strongly recommended by the women who used it.
CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest the possible introduction and utilization of this model of peri-pad in maternity unit, and a strong recommendation of its usage even after hospitalization, together with a correct vaginal hygiene, for the management of vaginal discharges in puerperium.

KEY WORDS: Vaginal discharge; Postpartum hemorrhage; Puerperal infection

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